The Baby Announcement

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Everyone was finally arriving and with the more people arriving, more nervous I got because I didn't knew how it would be there reaction and I was afraid of something go wrong.

"Calm down, love. I'm sure everything is going to be okay." Nik said right behind me and I gave him a nervous smile.

"How are you so sure? What if something happens? What if people won't want our baby to be born? What if...?"

"Let me worry with the ifs and just try to enjoy this party as much as you can." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you for being here for me, even when I'm acting like a crazy control freak." I thanked him.

"Always & Forever, love." He said and I kissed him.

When I saw my friends from Mystic Falls, I walked over to them and Nik went with me, because he still didn't trust them, specially Damon because we all know why.

"It's just me or our Vampire Barbie is getting weight?" Damon asked.

"Damon, that's crazy. You know vampires can't get weight." Elena said.

"Actually I'm now a hybrid. I make a specie of bonding spell with Nik." I said and they looked at me surprised.

"You did what?" They all asked at the same time.

"You heard it. I'm a hybrid and I would like if you wouldn't make a big deal about it."

"And you had to turn?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, Nik helped me." I said holding his hand.

"Love, everyone is here. Are you ready to make the announcement or not?"

"Now is a good time as any." I said and we both went to a specie of stage that his minions built and Klaus made everyone look at him and the music stopped so everyone could hear him.

"Good evening, everyone! You all must be wondering what is the big announcement that Caroline and I have to make and what's the reason to this party. Well, this party is a celebration to the begging of a new chapter in our lives that will change our lives forever. Caroline Mikaelson, my wife, for the ones who don't know, it's a hybrid thanks a bonding spell that Davina made and Nature has this things that can change our plans, because we are both part werewolf, we can procreate. With this, what I'm trying to say is that Caroline and I are going to be parents... My beautiful Caroline is 18 weeks pregnant and we found out a few days ago that we are going to have a baby girl. And with that, I ask you to raise your glasses and we all cheer to my beautiful wife and my unborn child." Niklaus said and they all raised their glass. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone said and drink then Nik kissed me passionately and I only broke the kiss to catch my breath and everyone clapped, making me realized I wasn't alone with Nik and blush.

I walked over to my friends and they congratulate me and celebrate the fact that I was pregnant, I could see they weren't very happy for Nik being the father but they were making an effort to not show it because they knew how much I love him and how much I wanted to be a mother.

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