Meeting the little boy

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I went to the kitchen with Caroline and saw the little blonde boy seating in the balcony, eating the chocolate ice cream with a smile but his smile faded away when saw us, he quickly got up from the balcony and look down like if he had done something horrible.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to be disrespectful." He said.

"We talked about this, we won't hurt you." Caroline told him, he nodded looking shyly to us and Caroline smiled to him "Well, I like you to met my husband Niklaus."

"Hello! I'm Niklaus but you can call me Klaus."

"Hey! I'm Luke." He said with a weak smile and then with a sad face asked with a weak voice "Are you going to call my father?"

"No, I wouldn't do that." I told him then looked at Caroline and asked. "Do you mind to give us a few minutes?"

"Of course. If any of you need something, I'm in the living room." Caroline said and left the kitchen.

"Are you mad? If you don't want me here, I get it." He said looking down.

"I'm not mad and I want you to be here, a place safe for you." I said and then continued. "Almost no one knows this about me but when I had 5 years, my father started to beat me, insulting me and make me feel like a coward. This happen for quite a time, until I was 25 years old and my mother turn me to a hybrid, and since then I have been on the run but awhile ago my father died and now I have peace but that's not how is going to end for you. You will grown in this place, safe and sound and without fear. You no longer need to feel afraid of doing something wrong, in here you will have our support and our love."

"How do you know my father won't come back and try to take me back home?"

"Hey, from now on, this is your home. And even if your father try to take you from us, we won't let it." I said.

"Thank you." He thanked me and hugged me tightly.

"No need to thank me. Now, what do you think about go talk to Caroline?" I asked him with a smile and he smiled to me.

"Let's go!" He said with a big smile and his eyes sparkling, making me smile too.

We went to the living room and Luke run over to the couch where was Caroline and seat next to her, and I seat next to him.

"So... How was that boy conversation?" She asked mocking us.

"It was good. Klaus told me a little about his past and told me that from now on, my home would be this big mansion and that you all will support me and love me." Luke said and Caroline's face lit up and hugged him, looked at me while hugging the little boy and smiled to me with tears wanting to get out.

"Why are you crying?" Luke asked concerned with Caroline when they broke the hug and she quickly clean her tears and gave him a smile.

"I'm just really happy to have you here." She said with a smile and then added "I didn't told you this but this mansion has so many rooms that you can pick whatever room you want and then we can change it as much as you want to make you feel your room..."

"Really? Awesome! Thanks. I'm going see the rooms." Luke said and run upstairs, leaving me and Caroline alone.

"Are you okay, love?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just... It's so sad and..." she said while crying.

"It's okay, love. He's now with us. He is going to be okay." I said while hugging her and she stayed in my embrace, crying on my shoulder.

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