Seeing Klaus's Drawing

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

When Klaus gave me the drawing he had been doing while we were talking, I got speechless. It was a drawing of me and I looked beautiful, even more beautiful then I am. Does he sees me like this?

"Alright. Now you have one of my drawings."

"You draw me..." I said stupidly because I didn't know what to say.

"I did. I know what you are thinking..."

"It's so beautiful!" I complemented him.

"It's creepy that I draw you but in my defense..." He was saying but then stop, looked at me for a few seconds and asked "What did you said?"

"I said: It's beautiful! I'm actually perplexed that you decided to draw me. I look so beautiful in your drawing." I said while admiring again the drawing he did and feeling him getting right next to me.

"That's because you are beautiful, love." He said with his finger in my chin, making me look at him and I couldn't help blush a little.

I shouldn't blush. He is just the man I married with the intention of saving my people from war. How in such a short time I was starting to feel drawn to him? Why did I wanted to get to know the real Niklaus Mikaelson? Why did he had so much effect on me with just some simple words?

"I give you the drawing if you give me one dance." He said when noticed that I stopped looking at him.

Before I could say no or yes, I start to hear a song playing and Klaus was in front of me with his hand in my direction waiting for me to dance with him.

I decided to accept dancing with him the slow song it was playing, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I never met someone like you, love." He whispered to my ear and I just kept dancing, then he continued to whisper to my ear "You are beautiful, intelligent, strong, kind and full of light. I enjoy you."

"Is that what you tell to all the girls you tried to sleep with?" I asked because I couldn't fall to the temptation.

He might be handsome, smart and charming but I can't be fooled by his charms. I married with just one porpoise and I'm not going to ruin that with feelings.

"Ouch. You wound me, love." He said when stopped dancing but then danced again.

"Actually, my pick up line is: Are you new in town? I'm sure you are because I wouldn't forget a face as pretty as yours." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"And they fall for that?" I asked and he nodded "So you just go to bed with dumb random girls? That's really classy..."

"Is my wife jealous?" He asked with his cute smirk but didn't stop him from being a jerk, for how cute or sexy he was.

"Do not fool yourself." I said while dancing.

"I really enjoy when you go all feisty on me, love." He said and I just rolled my eyes.

He pulled me closer to him after awhile and now I was dancing with him in silence (not an awkward silence, a nice silence) and I was with my head resting on his shoulder, with my forehead rested in the crook of his neck, I was with my eyes closed and just enjoyed the moment and felt his scent.

It didn't took long until we stop dancing and just stay there, I couldn't say nothing because I was too busy enjoying the moment to think, I just enjoyed feeling his strong and protective arms around me and feeling his scent.

Suddenly his hands start to rubbing slowly my waist, making me feel shivers down my spine... But I knew it was wrong how I enjoy so much his touch so before something more happened, I told him that I was tired and I should go to bed.

No one spoke since I left to the bed, after 37 minutes (not that I had been counting...) of being in the bed, Klaus come to bed without saying a word and lay down close to me.

"Goodnight, Klaus..." I said in almost a whisper.

"Goodnight, love." He said and I felt his hand on my waist.

It was crazy, but I could sense him battling himself about what he should or shouldn't do. I decided to hold his hand and bring it to my waist, so we could cuddle.

"I like being like this." I admitted.

"I like being close to you." He said and I knew that he was smirking.

I start to feel his hand that was in my waist, going down and he slowly rest his hand on my waist, under my top. When I start to feel him slowly moving his hand from my belly to my waist and back to my belly, I had to bite my lip to not moan.

"We should go to sleep." I said because I was about to lose control of myself.

"Sweet dreams, love." He whispered in my ear after giving me a peck in the cheek and then just fell asleep.

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