After Dinner & First Morning in Paris

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

After dancing, we realized we were both exhausted from the trip and we decided to go back to the presidential suite to sleep.

Caroline walked over to the bathroom to take her clothes and I took my suit and put some pants, when I was about to go to bed, Caroline appears with a top and some shorts, but somehow, she looked incredible with such simple clothes.

"I know that in young couples, the girl uses a more provocative kind of clothing to bed but we are not really together and I kind of prefer comfy clothes when I'm going to sleep." She said when noticed me staring at her.

"It's understandable." I simply said because I couldn't complement her or else she would start to think that I wanted her more then a business partner, and that couldn't happen.

"Thank you for tonight. It was really nice." She whispered after laying down next to me, facing me.

"I'm glad you like it." I told her and caress her cheek, making her smile.

"Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Klaus." She said with her smile.


I woke up with Caroline in my arms and I couldn't help but smile.

What was wrong with me? Since when did I like to cuddle? Why do I like so much of being around this woman?

I decided to get out of the bed and take a cold shower to put my ideas in order, because there's no way that I'm going to start to act different just because of a woman. Doesn't matter how beautiful or how kind or how comprehensive or how mysterious or how challenging she is. She is not going to make me weak, not her nor any other woman.

I completely forgot about clothes so I put only a towel around my waist and when I get out, I saw Caroline.

"Good morning! It was just to tell you that the maid come with the breakfast. She said that it was part of the honeymoon pack..." Caroline said and I nodded.

"Alright. I won't take long. I just need to go to the closet to put some clothes on." I told her.

"Thank God because I need to take a shower." She said and run over to the bathroom, making me smirk.

After getting ready, I walked over to the living room that also was a dinning room and saw the table filled with French cuisine like I ordered and with some flowers in the middle of the table.

"I'm ready! Let's eat!" Caroline said while appearing and seating in the table. "This all looks so good!"

"I know as a fact that these strawberries are fresh." I said while feeding her a strawberry and admiring her.

"This is delicious!" She said while picking the strawberry that I was holding so she could eat.

"Everything for my wife."

"Wow! My husband is such a gentleman..." She said making both of us chuckle.

"Today we are going to the Louvre." I informed her after a few minutes of silence, but wasn't a awkward silence, was a nice silence.

"Seriously? Do not joke about this." She said and I nodded, in the next second she goes to my lap so she could hug me. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You're the best!" Then she broke the hug, smiled to me and added "It means a lot to me that you are being this nice to me and show me around."

"I am just doing what a husband should." I said to not seem really caring about this trip.

"But you didn't had to... You could just leave me alone to see all this because you already saw it and... Thank you for being so good to me." She said with a smile and her eyes sparkling.

"No need to thank me. I enjoy spending time with you." I found myself saying.

"I enjoy spending time with you too." She said and I smirk to her, then she got back to her chair, getting back to the breakfast, making me go back to reality.

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