Klaus's Idea & Caroline's Safety

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

It's been a week since Klaus killed his father Mikael but he was still strange. He didn't seemed sad or guilty but nervous and worried about something but of course he denied it to me because he has this stupid habit of not telling me everything to not worry me or to protect me or to not seem weak, which I still think it's stupid because when you are in a relationship you should be able to tell everyone what you feel or what you think.

Anyways... my friends are now all back to Mystic Falls, now I only have the Mikaelson family and it sucks. Back in Mystic Falls, everyone knew everyone and we were all like a big family but I am now living in New Orleans, where you only see people walking around without even looking to where they pass because they are to focus on where they have to go. Is weird to get out of a small town to a city like this...

I was in the living room reading a magazine, when Klaus appeared with a big smirk.

"What is wrong with your face? Are you...smiling?" I asked mocking him and he just kissed me.

"Love, I got it."

"Awesome!" I said super excited but then looked at him confused and asked. "Wait. What did you get it?" And added mocking him "Oh God! Please tell me that you didn't get STD's."

"Very funny." He said sarcastically and o shrugged with a smile then he continued "This last weak I was working on something and I finally get it. I finally find a way to make sure you will always be safe and I already arranged everything."

"What? Wait a minute. The thing that you make a big secret was that? How many times do I have to say that I can take care of myself?"

"Caroline you are going to do this." He said like if he was the boss of me, and I hated it.

"No, I am not. I never liked to be dependent of others and is not going to start now." I snapped at him.

"Do not talk back to me." He yelled at me angry.

"Or what?" I yelled back then said "I really love you but I am not going to be dependent of you just to be safe. I can take care of myself, Niklaus."

"Really? You didn't seem to take good care of yourself when you got into a coma for 3 months or when you got compelled to kill me." He snapped at me.

"I don't care."

"You might not care but I do." He snapped at me making me look at him confused and then he continued but now with a calm voice. "I care if you get hurt or not. I understand that you don't think about you getting hurt or dying but do you ever think about how I would be if something happens to you like it did before or worse? I can't handle if something happens to you again."

"Fine, let me hear about what is your plan and then I say something about it."

"The plan is, we ask Davina to make a spell on us, bonding our lives together and you only die if I kill you and I will only die if you kill me, but it has to be with ripping the heart out. But there's an upside."

"What's that?"

"If we do it, you will be turn into a hybrid, like me."

"How will I turn into a hybrid? I have no werewolf side..." I said confused.

"Yes, but with the bonding process, we will see each other's life and the one who's weaker gets the powers of the stronger and in this case I am stronger then you." He explained me.

"Are you sure that all is going to work? I'm not doubting of you, it's just I never heard about that kind of spell." I said.

"Believe me, it's going to work or I wouldn't get through that."

"Wait. I'm going to be sired to you like your other hybrids?"

"No. That was my first concern and I checked out and you won't get sired, you'll be as much independent as you are now."

"I guess I can do this spell that you found out." I said and he kissed me passionately.

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