After the Party

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Caroline's POV

We were finally at the Quarter, where I could go to bed and sleep for hours. Right now being in bed seemed like paradise in this last few days.

I married a stranger that is known by the Hybrid who doesn't give a shit about anyone else and has no feelings, I had to left my home town because of this marriage, I went against what I believed (marriage is only for people who truly love each other) in order to bring peace to my city and to my loved ones and aside of all that, I can't talk to my friends about what I am feeling because they would make me get out of this fake marriage.

I was about to go to my room when Klaus appeared in front of me from nowhere with his hybrid speed.

"God! You scared me... Is everything alright?" I asked trying to be polite because sometimes I get a little way over the line because I kind of forget that I barely know him.

"Yes. I just wanted to know if you had a good time at the party." He said.

"Yes, it was great..." I said.

Maybe he is mad because of what I said to Marcel about his party, I mean Marcel is Klaus's protégé...

"Good..." He said and then installed an awkward silence. "In fact, I want to know if you are upset with me... About the kiss."

"No. It's fine. People might get suspicious if we wouldn't kiss... We are married." I said with a nervous smile.

"Speaking about people getting suspicious. Just the people I trust the most know about the true reason of this marriage, and my maids are not one of them, so... I think they are getting a little suspicious about us sleeping in different rooms." He said awkwardly.

"Are you suggesting that we have to sleep in the same room for the rest of our lives? What about when we want some privacy? Or being with someone? I might have no one right now but who knows the future? This isn't a real marriage, Klaus." I tried to reason.

The real reason I didn't want him in my room wasn't because of the privacy or something like that. All that I told him was full of bullshit, I just didn't want to share a room with him because of what happened in Marcel's party. I really liked our kiss and I don't want my brain to start imagine things, because the truth is that this marriage is only and will always be only about business.

"It's just to sleep. I won't do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. Actually, I decided to make a specie of a contract that makes everything in this marriage crystal clear to not have no misunderstandings or somethings like that." He said and I nodded.

"So... We are going to sleep just because you are worried about what people think. My friends were right, you can be really paranoiac..." I said and he looked at me with a angry face. "What? It's true... But I guess you have a point so... Where are we going? To yours or...?"

"Mine. The staff already prepared everything."

"How did you...?"

"Know that you were going to say yes? I know that you are smart and can see that it's important to not make people suspicious of this. If people would know that this marriage was a way of avoiding war, my reputation would get ruined." He said making me rolling my eyes, then I followed him to his, that was now our room.

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