Me? Jealous?

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I woke up with Caroline in my arms but for how much I enjoy having her in my arms, I had to get out of the bed, she couldn't see how much effect she had on me... No one could. I'm Niklaus Mikaelson for the love of God!

I decided to go to the living room where was Elijah reading a book, like always.

"Morning, brother."

"Good morning, Niklaus." He said while closing his book and putting him in the center table.

"Elijah, I need your opinion about something." I said and he just looked at me to make me know that he was paying attention. "What do you think about those, so called friends of Caroline?"

"Is my brother jealous?" Elijah asked amused.

"Me? Jealous? I thought you knew better, Elijah. I'm just concerned about the safety of my home." I lied.

"I don't think you have something to worry about. They are pretty protective of Caroline, actually. Specially Stefan Salvatore and Lorenzo." He said and all I wanted right now was breaking things because I knew that it was more then being a protective friend.

For how much Caroline would deny it, I could see that the British Vampire and the Vampire with funny hair felt something towards Caroline and I hated.

"Good morning!" Caroline said, making us look at her.

"Good morning, love." I said with a smirk and she smiled to me.

"Good morning, Caroline!" Elijah said and she gave him a nod.

"Great! You are finally awake, now we can go eat breakfast." Rebekah said appearing from the dinning room.

"Rebekah!" Elijah scold her.

Caroline's POV

"You guys know that you don't have to wait for me to eat the breakfast." I said a little embarrassed because I didn't want to be a bothered.

"Crazy talk, love. You're the Queen which means they will wait for you no matter how long that would be." Klaus said making me blush a little then we went to the dinning room so we could eat the breakfast.

After the breakfast, Klaus took me to his office to talk in private with me because apparently he had something important to talk with me.

"What was so important that couldn't wait?" I asked once we get to his office.

"I want every single detail about your relationships and how close you are to which one of your friends. I want to know everything. How and when did you met them. And I want to know if you have a crush, if you do, then I want to know who. In resume I want to know everything." He said with a mad face.

"Why?" I asked while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm your husband."

"But you are not my owner." I said upset at his behavior.

"I didn't intend to offend you, love. However I want to know this friendships of yours because someone can try to hurt me by getting closer to you." He said making me roll my eyes.

"I may not have a bazillion years old like you but I'm not as naive as I seem." I told him and then added "And you have no right to ask me for explications."

"Actually the contract specifically says that you need to tell me all these friendships of yours so I can save myself if you start to be friends with one of my many enemies." He said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Then you also had to explain me about your friendship with the human and you don't see me here making a questionary about that girl." I said because I was actually jealous of how closed she seemed to Klaus.

"That human has a name, her name is Camille."

"Yeah... I kind of presume that because Camille was the name of the woman who called you several time when we were in our honeymoon."

"Is this real? Is Caroline Forbes, the Queen of Mystic Falls and Miss Mystic Falls, jealous of Camille?" He asked amused with a cocky smirk.

"Me? Jealous? No way!" I said while he got closer to me.

"Are you sure, love?" He asked while looking at my eyes.

"Yes..." I tried to seem firm but my voice failed me.

"You know that you don't have to be jealous, right?" He whispered to my ear and when looked me in the eyes, I couldn't take it anymore and kissed him, he kissed me back but then he broke the kiss.

"That shouldn't..."

"You're right. I'm sorry... I got carried away. But won't happen again, we are not in our honeymoon anymore..." I said and he nodded, then I went to the garden, to have some fresh air and think about what happened.

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