Unknown Number

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Niklaus's POV

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Niklaus's POV

I was in my office, painting Caroline and suddenly I received a text, making me get back to reality because I was now in the zone.

Unknown Number: Your happy days are counted. Enjoy while it last.

Me: Who are you?

Unknown Number: If I told you who I was, wouldn't be so fun.

Me: I will find who you are and then kill everyone who you ever cared about and then I'll end you.

Unknown Number: Good luck with that.

"Knock, knock." Caroline said while opening the door, the only thing I manage to do was look at her. "Are you alright? You seem like you saw a gosht or something."

"We have to make a reunion. With my siblings, Marcel and Davina." I told her.

"What happened?"

"Probably nothing that I can't solve."

"You can..."

"But I don't need to." I cut her off

"Niklaus Mikaleson, I am your wife and I have the right to know." She snap at me. God, she looks hot when she snaps at me.

"Just someone that threatened me but it's probably nothing. However it's better play safe." I told her and then showed her the texts.

"Do you have any suspicious of who could be?"

"I have enemies all over the world. Finding him will be like finding a needle in a bloody haystack." I said angry, I look at the floor so she would see that I was also a little afraid of what might happen, then she cupped my cheeks, making me look at her eyes.

"We will find this person and make him or her pay... Together." She said making me smirk, then she kissed me passionately and she break the kiss when she had to catch her breath, making me smirk.

"But... We have to go talk with everyone. I need to call Marcel. Can you call Davina for me?"

"Okay." She said and after I gave her the number of Davina, we called them and then she called Rebekah and I called Elijah.

We all reunited in a room that not many people went, it was a place were I reunited with everyone in case of emergency. I told everyone what happened and warned them to be on alert because I didn't want to risk it.

After the reunion everyone walk away, but I stay there and so did Caroline, she hold my hand without saying a word.

"Do you think I'm being paranoid?"

"No. I think you're just being protective over your family. You are just concern with the people you love and it's okay." She said making me look at her.

"You might be the only one who truly understands me, love." I told her and then kissed her. "Promise me you..."

"I promise that I will stay by your side and help you in whatever I can. You can count on me." She said like if she had read my mind and all I could do now was kissing her.

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