3 months later

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

It's been 3 months and nothing, Caroline was still in coma and stuck on the Other Side, no one knew who was the Occasior and everyone were still trying to find a way of make Caroline get back from the coma but without results, Bonnie tried spells but nothing, Elijah tried to see in books but still no work, Rebekah tried to talk with everyone but was no clue to solve this coma and Klaus was like never was before...

In the first month, Klaus just stayed in the room with Caroline hoping that she would wake, but she didn't. After a month, he started to lose hope which made him go desperate and feel a guilt inside him like he never had before. He felt like if he was the biggest monster alive and the only thing that made him stop thinking was draining strangers in the street. Camille is more then ever with Klaus, trying to help him but without her knowing, he is just talking with her because she reminds him of Caroline, even if Camille isn't as incredible and had as light as Caroline, but they looked alike enough for him and it made him feel closer to Caroline.

Klaus's POV

I was now in the bar drinking some bourbon and when I finish it, Cami appeared.

"Alcohol won't solve your problems, Klaus." Camille said.

"You're a bartender, aren't you supposed to make me drink more instead of stop."

"Well, I care about you." Camille said.

"And we all know how things end when someone cares." I said thinking of Caroline's coma.

"She will wake up. It's not your fault." She said while seating next to me and resting her hand above mine.

"You don't know that."

"I know you and I know how you felt about her. You have nothing to do with what happen. Stop blaming yourself." She said and then shook her head like if it was getting an idea out of her head. "I better get ready to close the bar."

We were alone in the bar and when she was walking over to the kitchen I was getting ready to go back to the Quarter, but then I sense blood and I was a long time without drinking blood, so without controlling myself, I walked over to the kitchen and saw Cami's hand with blood and a bottle broken in the floor.

"I know, I know... I'm a mess." She said while getting the pieces of the floor and without knowing why, I walked over her and made her get up, and then looked at the hand who was filled of blood "Are you okay?"

"Your wound..." I said while trying to control myself, then I took a napkin to cover the wound, I clean it but she was still bleeding when I get the napkin out and I just kissed hand, feeling a little of her blood in my lips.

"What are you doing?" Cami asked and her heart started to beat faster, then I couldn't take it anymore and bite her hand.

"Klaus..." she said making me realize what I was doing, then I kiss her hand again to have just some of her blood in my lips.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's alright. I know you won't hurt me. You're not the monster you make people believe." She said reminding me of what Caroline said once to me, then she kissed me, but then I quickly stopped.

"I'm sorry, but I love Caroline. She's the only woman I want." I told her and then compelled Camille to forget about the kiss and go home.

"I miss you so much Caroline..." I said to myself.

Caroline's POV

"I miss you too Klaus..." I said with tears in my eyes because I couldn't do anything to stop him from suffering.

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