Shopping with Bekah & Little Boy

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Caroline's POV

Rebekah took me quickly to the car before I could say goodbye to Nik how I should, probably because if I stayed a littler longer, I wouldn't be able to leave him.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in years..." Rebekah said making me chuckle, then added "How have you been doing?"

"I've been fine. And you? Any crush that I should be aware?"

"No, nothing. And you...? How has been things with my brother?"

"Now it's better then ever. The spell that Davina put on us, made me feel even closer to him then I already was." I said with a stupid smile.

"Wow! I never saw someone so in love like you are..." she said making me blush.

"But... I promised that today was a day all for us girl and I am not going to bother you with the all thing between me and Nik."

"Thanks but before I need to ask this. Since when do you call my brother Nik?"

"Since the spell. I saw everything he had been through and he saw everything I had been through and I start to call him Nik." I said and she nodded.

When we got to the mall, she practically dragged me to her favorite store and we started to try out some clothes.

We shopped, talked about each other's past, gossip and spend an awesome day together, but of course Nik texted me sometimes and I tried to answer it short because I didn't want Rebekah to felt that I forgot about my promise.

We were now going to the car because we decided to go home and make a marathon of movies, when I saw a guy beating in a little boy and no one doing a thing about it.

"And that is why I don't..." Rebekah was saying.

"Bekah, look!" I said, making her see the boy being beaten by his father.

"We better go. It's nothing to do with us Care."

"Are you kidding? We need to do something? We can't just let that man threat like that a kid, even if it's his son." I said and Rebekah sign, but before she could say something to stop me, I walked over to the man.

"This is for you being such a coward." The man said and slapped the kid with 5 or 6 years.

"Hey! You shouldn't treat him like that." I yelled at the man.

"You think that just because Klaus married you, you have any saying about each other's life? Go away! This is between a father and a son." The man said to me without emotion.

"Violence is public crime and I am not letting you treat this boy like that." I said and put myself in front of the man.

I suddenly felt the boy covering himself behind me and holding my hand tightly.

"What are you going to do? Call the cops? Don't waste my time!"

"Go away!" I tried compelled him but didn't work.

"I'm a witch. Those tricks won't work on me."

"You should go to someplace where you can treat whatever issues you have and when you stop being such a horrible person to a kid you can try to be a father, until then I think you better go away. You don't want to test my patience."

"I'm a horrible person? Did you ever look at the man that sleeps in the same bed with you?" The man asked and I growled at him with my hybrid face because I was pissed.

"Go away!" I yelled again and the boy hold my hand tightly.

"Fine. Let's go boy." He said looking at the boy and the boy wrapped his little arms around me and covered his face in my belly. "Came on! I'm telling you to go."

"I don't want to..." the boy said with a weak voice then looked at his father and said "I don't want to go anywhere with you."

"I'll come back. You can't do this!" The man yelled and I quickly took the boy to Rebekah's car and she followed us.

"Are you crazy?! This boy isn't ours. This can be count as kidnapping."

"Not if it's against his will and you saw how his father was treating him." I said lowly to her so only she could hear, then I looked at the boy and asked him "Do you want to go live with me and my family?"

The boy simply nodded his head with a small smile.

AN: This is the little boy. If you think about a good name for him, say it!

 If you think about a good name for him, say it!

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