Finding Klaus

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I vamp speed to someplace outside from the Quarter and when stop I saw people walking around with hurry and some young vampires looking at me and whispering to each other about how I am alone and questioning if I'm running from Klaus or if the wedding was just fake and about how our love wasn't real. I shook my head and tried to focus, and try to find him from his scent but it was hard because werewolves are the ones who have more sensibility to smells then vampires but I wouldn't give up so quickly.

I searched every single place from New Orleans and nothing, then I went to the woods and heard a noise, then repeated again and I knew that wasn't just some noise, it was a roar. I run to the noise and saw Klaus on his knees, filled with blood and tied to a tree with ropes that had vervain in them making him scream, he was also chained to the tree with strong chains.

He was in so much pain that it hurt me seeing him like that.

"Klaus..." I said making him look at me and he quickly look me at someplace else so I wouldn't see him with his hybrid face.

"Look at me." I said.

"Go away." He growled.

"No way. Now look at me and I'm not going to ask you again." I said with a firm voice and he slowly turn his face, always looking at then ground and when I cupped his cheeks, he looked at me with his hybrid eyes, they were as golden as gold and were sparkling as much if not more as the moon in a dark night, the black veins in his eyes just made his eyes sparkle more and have more energy but I had to focus on what I had to do.

"I'm going to get you out. Tell me if I hurt you." I said.

I start to try take the ropes with vervain but they had to much vervain and in the second I touched them, I burned. I took a deep breath and turn into my vampire mode and with my claws I tried to break the rope, after a few minutes, the rope was no longer a problem, now the next problem was the chain.

I tried to take the chains but I couldn't, they were too strong...

"Go away..." He said in almost a whisper, on his voice I could see that he was sad, tired and disappointed at something.

"No. I'm not going to stop trying to take you out of here." I told him while trying again and again to take the chain and using all my force to do it.

"Love... Come here." He said with a weak voice and I quickly walked over to him and got on my knees.

"Why?" I asked him while trying not crying.

"I had to... When you see Steven's head... And I saw how you were so afraid of losing who was around you." He told me.

"Yes, I was afraid and I am still afraid. But in the moment I found out that you were trying to find this lunatic all by yourself..." I couldn't finished, I just could cry in this moment because I couldn't imagine my life without Klaus.

"Please, love... Please, stop crying. I can't stand seeing you like this." He said and he made a really big effort to get out  of the chains and somehow he manage to get out of the chains, in a blink he hugged me.

"I'm sorry, love." He apologized and I kissed him passionately.

AN: I can't believe I'm already in the 50th chapter

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