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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

He kissed me like I never had been kissed before, it was a hot kiss but also sweet, it was incredible and I didn't want to end it.

We were having a really hot making out scene (that made Klaus have a boner), when a man appeared and turn his back on us when realized he just had caught us making out.

"My apologies. I didn't intend to interrupt but the hotel received many calls about people that were worried about the both of you and I thought was better coming to see if you two were alright. Apparently you are both okay. If you excuse me, I now am going to walk away and let you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon." He said still with his back facing us.

I get out of the bed and walked over to the man, making him facing me.

"Who were this people?" I asked curious.

"Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson and Camille O'Connell called to check on your husband. Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood and Enzo called to know about you. They were all very concerned about the both of you." He said after reading the names of a post-it he had.

"Thank you. We call them later. You can go now." I said and he nodded.

"Once again, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to interrupt your honeymoon." He said embarrassed and walked away.

I had to called them because maybe they were in trouble and they had to contact me but couldn't because I was too busy making out with the guy I just know a few days ago... I was about to walk over to the closet when Klaus appeared in front of me shirtless, so I had to focus my look in his eyes so I wouldn't start to think about things that I shouldn't, like his lips or his perfectly built 6 pack or... I just had to focus.

"Where are you going, love? I thought we agreed on a day in bed..." He said with a smirk.

"I can't be in bed while I don't know if something is wrong or not." I said and when tried to go to the closet he didn't let me.

"If you can't stay in bed, we can always moved to the couch." He said with a smirk.

"Maybe you don't know this but when you have no family left, you just have your friends and you try to protect them as much as you can to not suffer another lost. So no... We can't move to the couch or to any other place. I need to make sure they are alright." I said and his smirk faded away.

"His any of those guys more then a friend to you?" He asked me, and seemed vulnerable.

"Yes. Stefan is my best friend and was the one who helped me when I turned and helped me with the controlling thing. Sometimes I help him when he starts to go all ripper. Matt is my friend since I can remember and he is like family to me. Tyler is a good friend of mine and we helped each other with the supernatural stuff because we turned almost at the same time, he into a werewolf and me into a vampire. Enzo was always there for me when others weren't and we got closed very quickly." I explained him and he nodded but I saw that he didn't care about my explication, he seemed angry that I cared about them, but I fake I didn't saw his reaction and continued. "I need to call them. I can't live with myself if I don't know if they are in danger. They are the closest I have to a family."

He seemed to understand my point but he didn't say anything and just nodded, I gave him a peck in his cheek and a small smile then left to the closet where I called them.

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