Caroline Jealous & Pain

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Klaus's POV

Caroline walked over to her friends and I decided to let her catch-up with her friends, so I walked over to my siblings, but Camille got in the way to congratulate me.

"Hey! It seems forever since we last saw each other." Camille said.

"Yes, I had a lot going on with the baby stuff and Luke."

"Yeah... So, Caroline is pregnant. That's big..." She said, probably to make small-talk.

"Yes, it is. And we couldn't be happier." I said with a really big smile, wondering how it would be my daughter. I hope she gets her mother's genes.

"I'm glad to hear that, but don't you think that this baby come too soon? I mean, you know each other for less then a year and... a baby is a big deal"

"Cami, what are you trying to say?"

"Don't take the wrong way but, you two even are a real married couple and I know that you are dating or whatever you are but... How do you know she's really the woman you want to spend the rest of your life? How do you know she is going to be the woman you always want to be the mother of your children? The truth is that you don't know each other that well and she never saw you in your worst and..."

"And you saw Nik in his worst?" Caroline asked appearing behind me. I don't know how long she has been listening to my conversation with Camille but I just hope she won't get the wrong way. 

"I did." Camille said with a smile but didn't seem honest.

"Well, good for you but you have no idea what we had been through and you don't know anything about our relationship. It's true that I don't know him as long as you but I know him more then you might think and he knows me with the palm of his hand, so one advice that i give you is: Stop trying to ruin my relationship with Klaus or I won't be so nice to you, alright? You should know to never mess with the man of other women, specially when they are pregnant and can't control their anger." Caroline said with a fake smile and gave death looks to Camille.

"Caroline, you might be Klaus's wife but I am his friend and we won't stop hanging out just because your jealous of me." Camille said and I saw Caroline tensed and about to fight Camille, so I wrapped my arm around her.

"Camille, if you excuse us..." I said and took Caroline to the garden. "What was that, love? Why were you acting like that?"

"Because she was... It doesn't matter." She said clearly upset.

"Love, you know you don't have to act like that, right? Camille and I are just friends and i only have eyes for you."

"Yeah..." She said but without believing it.

"Why are you like this? I thought we got over your thing with Cami."

"Are you serious, Nik? The last time I saw her, I was in the Other Side and you two were kissing. I forgave you for that and I understood that you were feeling lonely and had been through a lot but that image won't get out of my head when i see you talking with her. She likes you more then a friend and you know it." She said with tears.

"You told me that you forgave me but apparently you didn't, or else you wouldn't throw that to my face." I said upset and with guilt.

"I can forgive but i can't forget. I trust you, I do. But when I see you with Camille I just... Do you think she is right?"


"Do you think this baby come too soon? Do you wonder if I'm the woman for you? Do you see a future with me?"

"Why are you asking me all that? Are you having doubts?"

"No, but you didn't said a word when Camille said this, so maybe you are the one who is doubting this." She said.

"I didn't said a word because I don't care what she thinks about our relationship or about our baby." I said and then added upset "You should trust me more. I mean, I trust you to be with your friends alone and most of the guys were your exes."

"At least they aren't trying to get me into bed, like your little friend." She snapped at me. 

"I just see her as a friend and..." I was saying but was cut off by a sound that Caroline made with pain and she was holding her belly with a worried look to her belly. "Caroline? Love...?"

"Nik..." She said with a weak voice and I called the doctor to meet us in a place that we could hide, in the middle of the woods, a small cabin with the essentials. I picked Caroline in a bridal style and speed us to the cabin, where the doctor was already there.

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