The Big Ball Part 2

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Caroline's POV

I talk to my friends and made them see that I was still on charge of Mystic Falls and I wouldn't let Klaus make something that would prejudice my home-town.

After talking with my friends and Klaus presented me some of the important people in New Orleans, I was starting to need some air because everyone was around me, trying to figure it out how I would be as a Queen and how I met Klaus.

I went to the entrance of the mansion and saw a beautiful brown horse with white hair and I start to admire but it didn't took long to feel Klaus's presence.

I went to the entrance of the mansion and saw a beautiful brown horse with white hair and I start to admire but it didn't took long to feel Klaus's presence

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"Are you okay, love? What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I'm fine, Klaus. I just needed some air... Everyone was all over me to figuring out what makes me the right choice to be your Queen and I didn't know what to say so I decided to make a break of this Ball." I admitted and just looked at the horse because I didn't want to see him, he was probably with a disapproving look and I couldn't handle that right now.

"Are you doubting about your decision of marrying me?" He asked making me look at him and I saw hurt in his eyes.

"No..." I said while holding his hand and getting closer to me, then added "I'm just concerned that you didn't make the smartest choice to agree marrying me."

"Believe me, love. Marrying you was one of the few things I did right." He said and we stayed there looking at each other's eyes, then he looked at my lips and meet my eyes again, then he kissed me with passion and I kissed him right back.

"I..." He was about to say when Rebekah appeared, interrupting us and he muttered something to himself that not even I was able to hear what was.

"Hey, guys! Caroline, Your friends are looking for you."

"Oh... Thanks." I said, nodded to Klaus and then left to the room where was everyone and walked over to my friends.

Klaus's POV

I didn't know if I should kill Rebekah or thank her because I had no idea how Caroline would react, I felt her kissing me back but she probably doesn't have the same feelings I have towards her.

"What happened back here?" My sister asked.


"Nik, whatever you do and whatever it's going on between you and Caroline... Just don't hurt her. She's the only one aside from your family that gave you a second chance." Rebekah said.

"Nothing is going on." I lied.

I walked over to the room where everyone was gathered and I quickly found Caroline, she lighted the room with her presence and it was impossible not to see her, she was after all, the most beautiful woman in the Ball and the most beautiful woman that I ever met. Caroline was with her British Vampire friend and she was laughing, I loved the way she laughed, the sound of her laugh, but I hated that it wasn't me who was making her laugh...

*a few hours later*

I was in the bedroom with Caroline, and we were finally alone because we already had said our goodbyes to everyone.

"What was that with the British Vampire?" I asked her with this anger and jealousy inside me.

"Who? Enzo?"


"It was 2 friends hanging out? What did you thought?"

"A man flirting with my Queen, and she didn't do anything to stop him." I said with jealous of this Enzo guy.

"He was not flirting with me." She denied.

"He was..."

"Stop it. He wasn't flirting with me. He is just my friend. I have no feelings towards him or anyone." She said then added "Why are you so over this?"

"Because I don't like to see you with other guys!" I found myself admitting it.

"It's your problem. You don't like to see me with Enzo. Well, I don't like to see you with that Camille girl, but you don't see me making you a interrogation about why you don't stop her from flirting with you."

"Camille doesn't flirt with me, she's just a nice girl"

"That wants to have sex with you, if didn't already..." She said upset, but she was even more hot when she was mad and jealous, so I kissed her passionately.

"I have nothing nor had with Camille." I told her, she smirk at me and kissed me again.

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