Wanting to visit Mystic Falls

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Caroline's POV

Now that I was 100% sure that I was pregnant, there was something that I had to do but I also knew that Nik wouldn't like it very much...

After I practice by the mirror what I was going to tell Klaus, I finally went to Klaus's studio, where he was and I knocked on the door.

"Hello, love!" He said and kissed me passionately, then invited me inside and made me seat in the couch.

"Nik, I have something important to say. I'm not going to ask you and I am not wondering if I have your permission to do it or not, alright? I just need you to listen."

"What is it?" He asked seating next to me, now with a serious face.

"I am going to Mystic Falls. It's something that I have to do for myself and I hope you understand." I said.

"What? Why? Your little friends, like you call them, are going to make your head against me or worst, they are going to make you abort." He said pissed off.

"Hey! I can think for myself and my friends won't do that." I snapped at him.

"How can you be so sure? You saw their reaction when they found out about us... I'm not letting you go."

"You're not letting me go? Who do you think you are? My boss?" I yelled mad.

"No. I'm your husband and because of that..."

"And because of that I should do whatever you say and follow you everywhere like a puppy? I'm not your slave." I yelled at him then said calmly. "I can't believe that I actually thought that we could talk about this and you could see my point but I can see now that it was asking too much. I don't care what you say, I'm going to Mystic Falls. Goodbye Klaus."

Klaus's POV

"Goodbye Klaus." She said with venom in my name, then walked away.

I went to the room, where I found her packing her bag and she was crying while putting her stuff in her bag.


"Don't call me that." She said with sadness in her eyes and walked over to the closet to take more of her clothes.

"Please... Let's talk" I tried while putting myself in front of her.

"Talk? About what? Maybe about how my husband is a jerk that thinks that his wife can't think for herself and doesn't believe in her to go to someplace." She said now mad.

"I just... what if I go with you?"

"Because you don't trust me?"

"No. Because I don't trust your friends and because I'm too afraid that something happens and I'm not there for you." I admitted, making her stop being mad and sad.

"I guess you can go with me..." She said and I kissed her.

"I love you." I said and she smiled to me with her eyes sparkling.

"I love you too, Nik." She said and we kissed passionately.

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