Caroline and her Friends Truces

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Once they appeared Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah stand by my side like if they were worried that my friends and specially Damon would hurt me.

"We are here." Bonnie said.

"If it's to talk about the past I'm gonna go Blondie because I'm not going to discuss what happened." Damon said making me angry but I just stayed with a calm face.

"Actually I wanted to talk with you about Klaus and I and about what happened this morning. But I would like to be alone." I said.

"Are you sure, Care?" Rebekah asked me.

"Yes. You can go, if I get hurt you guys can hear so..." I said joking but Klaus just seemed more tense.

"Alright, I'm in the library." Elijah said and walked away.

"I'm going to my room." Rebekah said and also left.

"If you..." Klaus was about to say but I interrupted him.

"I'll be fine." I said with a smile and he gave me a kiss in the forehead.

"If one of you dares to hurt Caroline I will kill everyone that you love and then I will torture you until you beg me for death."

"Klaus." I said with a warning voice.

"I know they are your friends, but I don't trust them completely. If you need me I'll be in my studio." He said and I nodded, kissed him and then he left.

"I can't believe you are dating that guy." Bonnie said.

"But I am. But I don't want to talk about that, at least not now." I said then added "I would like to apologize to all of you but specially to Damon and Elena about what I said this morning." I said then looked at Damon and continued "I know that you are no longer that guy who hurt me, but you need to see that I love Klaus and you are the one who should know what is like to be known as the bad guy even if you are not. Klaus is not that horrible man who everyone says so, he is actually nice and... He treats me well."

"Please tell me that he didn't make you fall for him just for being polite." Tyler said.

"No. He showed me a side of him that he doesn't show to many people. But... I just wanted to ask you to try to be at least civil with him. I love him."

"But what if he...?" Elena started but I didn't let her finished.

"Elena, do you remember the moment you start to see Damon with other eyes but you didn't let yourself admit it because you knew that he was supposed to be the bad guy."

"Yes..." she said to herself.

"That's how I felt but after awhile I decided to give into my feeling because I deserve to be loved and with him I feel loved. Look at you and Damon, if in the day that Damon appeared, someone told you that you would love him, you wouldn't believe it but life is full of surprises and we don't chose who we love. Once you told me that for how much seemed wrong, being with Damon was the thing that felt more right for you... Well, that's how I feel with Klaus. I know it's crazy because he is supposed to be the villain but he"

"You saw the good in him." Elena concluded while looking at Damon with a smile.

"Just like you saw in Damon." I said and she nodded.

"Sorry to judge so soon. I guess I just wasn't expecting you and the Hybrid that everyone fears of being together." She said and I smiled.

"Do you guys forgive me about how I talk...?" I asked Damon and Elena.

"Sure." They said at the same time.

"I know I never apologize about... you know. But I really am sorry about that."

"Wow! I get an apology from Damon." I said with a fake surprised face.

"Don't get over yourself." Damon said making me roll my eyes.

"Well, I have just one question about this thing that you have with this hybrid." Enzo said and I nodded "Are you truly happy with him?"

"I am. I thought that I wasn't capable of being this happy after my mom dying but" I said and he nodded.

"That's good to hear but I will still be alert about this guy. You are still my favorite Blondie." Enzo said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes again.

"I don't like him but I will try to keep my bad comments to myself." Bonnie said.

"I take it." I said and we both laughed and after everyone agree to give a chance to Klaus and not judge me and Klaus, we all hugged and apologize to each other.

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