Caroline Passed Out & Revenge

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I was going back to the bedroom when I felt dizzy while I was walking over the hall and then everything went black.

Klaus's POV

I know that Caroline told me she was fine and maybe she was right and it was just me being concerned over nothing, but I decided to go after her and make sure that she was in fact alright.

I went upstairs and found Caroline passed out in the hall.

"Love... Love... Caroline, wake up! Please wake up! Wake up!" I said multiples times but nothing then I yelled "Help! Someone, please!"

"What happened?" My siblings asked concerned while running over to me and an unconscious Caroline.

"I found her like this and she isn't waking up." I said and then Luke appeared.

"What happened?" He asked and then looked at Caroline scared. "What's wrong? Why is Caroline...?"

"She just felt weak and passed out, she will wake up in a few minutes. What do you say about going with me and showing me your new room?" Rebekah asked while taking Luke to his room.

I picked Caroline in a bridal style, took her to our bedroom and my brother followed me.

"Do you think that it's happening the same thing that...?" Elijah asked me while I lay her down.

"Don't you even dare to think that." I cut him off. "I already went through months without her, I'm not letting her go in a coma again."

"But... we have to see the facts. Caroline put herself in the middle of a family drama, where the father is a witch and he probably didn't like it very much when she took the boy from his father."

"Well, that man should had thought twice before start to beating his own son." I growled.

"I'm just saying that the man probably didn't like what Caroline did and now is looking for ways to make her suffer, like making her weak and making her pass out, or..."

"She's NOT in coma!" I yelled at my brother because I couldn't make myself accept that my beautiful angel would be again in a coma.

"Fine. I am going to call Davina, maybe she will know what happened." Elijah said and I nodded, when Elijah left, I seat down next to the bed holding Caroline's hand.

A couple of minutes after Elijah left, I felt Caroline squeezing my hand, making me look at her.

"Love... you're awake!" I said with relief and kissed her lips, noticing she was cold.

"Do you... have... blood?" She asked with many pauses for being so weak.

I bite my wrist and made her drink from me, she stopped the wound from healing with her nails and after getting satisfied and stop being so pale like she was a few seconds before, she gave me a smile and thanked me for giving her my blood.

"Are you better?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for making you get all worried about me. I guess I was just weak." She said and I nodded, not wanting to make her think that the man she saw beating Luke was now after her.

After a few minutes Elijah appeared with Davina and we told that was just to be precocious.

"It's better safe then sorry, love." I said and then Davina start to make a spell and after awhile we had the confirmation that Luke's father was behind that.

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