Going Back to New Orleans

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

The week in Rome passed really quickly, Klaus took Caroline to see some museums, the Italian cuisine, The Coliseum and other monuments, but they also spend a lot of their time in the Presidential Suite enjoying each other's body and pleasuring one another.

It was now the day to go back to New Orleans and they both felt sad for being already the end of their honeymoon. Although they don't admit to the other, they both know that it stop being just a mere attraction long ago but they didn't said a word about it because they were too afraid of the other's reaction, they were too afraid of being rejected because they know very well the feeling of rejection, they know the hurt of being rejected...

They were now on the couch of the living room, Klaus was drawing Caroline without her noticing and she was trying to pay attention to the tv without any success because all she could think about was Klaus and the amazing 2 weeks she owns with him.

"So... What happened in our honeymoon..." Caroline started with fear of his reaction, making him stop and look at her.

"It was in our honeymoon. Like we agreed, it was just to enjoy ourselves... It was a specie of vacations and now that we are going back to New Orleans, we need to be more responsible and what we had was just some hook up." Klaus said coldly to Caroline but was more to reason himself because he found himself wanting to be with Caroline and wanting to have her in his arms.

"You just read my mind." She lied, making Klaus surprised and hurt because he was kind of hoping to Caroline be disappointed or something that showed that she actually cared about him.

"Good. Then no miss understandings."

"Great." She said with a fake small smile.

"And nobody will know about this." He said. "This will stop and be forgotten in the moment we get to New Orleans."

"Agreed." She said not breaking eye contact.

"You will have to forget about everything. My touch in your skin..." He said while cupping her  cheeks and rubbing his fingers in her cheek.

"We will have to forget how it feels our bodies together... And the feeling of your lips in mine." He whispered with his lips almost touching hers, making her not take anymore and kiss him.

"We..." He tried to reason when broke the kiss because he knew if he had something with her right now would become everything harder.

"Are still outside of New Orleans." She completed making him smirk because he could see that she also wanted him, almost as badly as he wanted her.

"Are you sure?"

"We need to have a goodbye of this honeymoon..." She said and he smirked again and took her to the bed he had in the jet, making her smile while he crash his lips in hers.

*A few rounds later*

"That was incredible." He said.

"Amazing!" She said making him smirk.

"Please seat and fasten your seat belts. Thank you." They heard the voice of the woman that gave us the food in the jet saying in the mic.

"I guess it's time to get ready for real life." She said and Klaus nodded to not show her how disappointed he felt for everything end so quickly.

In the time that the key was about to land there was some turbulence, making Caroline a little scare, making her close her eyes and pray to herself that everything would be alright, when Klaus noticed, he thought it was quite amusing and she seemed really cute, so he hold her hand to gave her support, making her look at him.

"It's just some turbulence, love. It's normal." He told her making her smile, then it ended and they felt the plane stopping.

When they were walking over to the door, before the door open it, he kissed Caroline, at first she was surprised but then kissed him back, enjoying the last kiss... Or so they thought...

"What was that?"

"A goodbye kiss." He said and she nodded, then they get it of the jet.

"Welcome!" They heard once they get to The Quarter. They saw Klaus's siblings and some friends of his and also some of Caroline's friends that planned a Surprise Welcome Home Party.

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