Klaus talks about his past

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Caroline's POV

I was still confused. Why his father talked like the way he did? Why did he kill his father? Why did his father denied when he called him father? What the hell was going on?


"I'm fine." He said and start to walk away.

"No, you're not. I can see that you are still shaken up with everything. You can talk to me." I said, he stopped and turned to see me.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I just want you to let me in. I want to be here for you by you don't let me, you just walk away when something is hard for you because you think that nobody can see you in your bad moments. Please don't push me away." I said and he hugged me.

"I never told you why I am a Hybrid." He said and the truth is that I didn't knew the story. Of course I heard rumors about him being a hybrid but I never occupied my time in thinking about it.

Klaus then start to tell me about the story of the death of his little brother Henrik, then he told me about how that make his mother, Esther, turn her family into vampires and then how he found out that he was fruit of a betrayal and how he is a bastard. I could see how hurt he was for reminding himself of his human life and when he told me about how Mikael used to beat him up for everything, I felt anger and sadness like I never did all in once because this man that I didn't knew from anywhere make Klaus get so hurt, and not just physically...

"I'm so sorry you got through all of that. No one deserved something like that." I said and hugged him.

"Its okay. At least now I don't need to live in fear..." he said when we broke the hug, then look at Mikael's lifeless body.

"Hey... you are safe now." I said and he gave me a small smile then I added "Sorry"

"Sorry? About what?" He asked with a confused face.

"About the all trying to kill you thing." I apologized. "If it wasn't you showing me our love, I don't think I could fight the compulsion. I'm sorry. I was weak..."

"Hey... you were not weak. You had to be really strong to hold on to our past and not kill me."

"I wasn't strong... Our love was." I said and then added "I love you Niklaus Mikaelson."

"I love you too Caroline Mikaelson." He said making me smile and then we kissed passionately.

"I like when you call me Caroline Mikaelson." I said making him smirk and show his cute dimples then kissed him.

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