Preparing to the Big Ball

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No One's POV

Today was a big day, everyone seemed busy and worried about the big event of what would happen. Tonight, Klaus was going to throw a ball with people from New Orleans and from Mystic Falls to being official that he and Caroline would now be the ones who would rule from now on New Orleans and Mystic Falls, the two places with more supernatural creatures.

Caroline was completely nervous, she didn't know how her friends would react with knowing that Klaus would also have a word in ruling Mystic Falls, she told them everything the contract, or better... The first contract stayed, back when was just a verbal contract and she still had no notion of who was Klaus besides of what people told her, however she always omit the part of him also ruling Mystic Falls.

Niklaus was anxious about the party, because for some unknown reason to him, he wanted to tell everyone that Caroline was his Queen, specially to her friends, her male friends.

Caroline and Rebekah were the ones who make the preparations to the ball, Klaus wanted to have a hand in that but Caroline didn't let him, so he would concentrate on his speech and in inviting people, but specially to show him that he could trust her.

*At Night*

Caroline was in her room deciding which dress she would dress but nothing seemed goof enough, then she heard the door closing, making her get out of the closet and go to the bedroom, where was no one but was in the bed a big black box with a blue lace, I open it and saw a magnificent blue dress and on top of it has a note.

'Save me a dance,
Fondly Klaus'

'Save me a dance,Fondly Klaus'

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Caroline's POV

I wanted to have him a speech about how he cannot buy me but the truth was that the dress was too beautiful and I see that it was just a gift with no intentions.

I decided to put the blue-grey dress he gave me, then put my hair pulled back, I put some light makeup but almost nothing because I wanted to seem natural...

I looked at the clock and realize it was time to go to the party. God, I hope I won't be too late...

I took a deep breath and once I arrive the place where it was being the ball, I see many people talking with each other and some were flirting with each other, but I can't help but catch my eye to where was Klaus, next to Camille but he was also looking at me.

Klaus's POV

I was talking with Camille and hearing her complement the party, thinking that I was the one who make the preparations, when I sensed Caroline's presence in the room, making me look at the entrance and see Caroline even more beautiful than I had imagined, she was exquisite.

I was talking with Camille and hearing her complement the party, thinking that I was the one who make the preparations, when I sensed Caroline's presence in the room, making me look at the entrance and see Caroline even more beautiful than I had i...

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I walked over to Caroline and smirked to her.

"Good evening, love!" I said while admiring her, I couldn't help myself.

"Hey" she said with a smile and before I could say something we were interrupted by Elijah who told that the Ball was going to start and to everyone get a partner and go the dance floor.

"Do You give me the honor of a dance with the most beautiful in the room?" I asked her with a smirk.

"I don't think Rebekah wants to dance with her brother." She said, making me gave her a look. "Fine."

"So shall we?" I asked with an arm in the air.

"We shall." She said with her bright smile and wrapped her arm in mine, then I took her to the dance floor and we start dancing.

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