Caroline's Talk With Bekah

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

"Caroline?" I heard a voice, making me turn around to see who it was.

"Oh... Hey Bekah!" I said with a small smile and she gave me a smile too.

"May I know what are you doing here all alone?" Rebekah asked.

"Just taking some fresh air and think about life?"

"About life or about my brother? Because I can see something is going on between the two of you."

"What?! That's crazy! There's nothing between me and your brother. We are just two people who got married for the wellbeing of others."

"Caroline, did something happened in the honeymoon?" Rebekah asked.

"Nothing special. We just saw the monuments, the museums and I tried the local cuisine." I said omitting the most important part of our honeymoon.

"Care, if you need to have a girl talk I'm right here. I know that we barely know each other but I thought that we were becoming friends in the day we went shopping..."

"We ARE friends. It's just... It's weird how your brother can change so much so quickly and I didn't want to bother you with this. Specially because he is your brother." I said and she nodded.

"Well, you're my sister-in-law... So you can come to me whenever you want." Rebekah said making me smile.


"Now... Explain me what happened that make you realize that my brother is not a person that we can predict his reaction." Rebekah said while seating in a bench with me.

"Your brother was so nice to me in the honeymoon and showed me everything around but when we got here, he was all 'I want explanations about your friendships to save my ass', you know? And I hated because we seemed to start had a great civil relationship but now he ruined by acting like if he owned me and I had to give him reasons about why I have certain friends. Why does he care if Stefan or Enzo are my friends? Why does he care that most of my friends that were in the party were guys? Why does he act 'I am such a gentleman' one moment and then all 'I'm the one who makes the rules' in the other?" I asked and she chuckled making me say. "It's not funny!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that's how my brother is... He can be a nice guy but then he does all he can do to ruin everything because he's afraid of getting hurt." Rebekah told me.

Klaus's POV

I decided to go talk with Caroline to not let things get like that... I realized that Caroline was right and even that she was my wife, I didn't want her to feel like she was my proprietary or something like that.

I finally found her in the garden but she was talking with my sister, so I decided to hide and hear a little about their conversation.

"...that's how my brother is... He can be a nice guy but then he does all he can do to ruin everything because he's afraid of getting hurt." Rebekah said to Caroline making me want to roll my eyes.

"Well, that's no excuse Bekah. Everyone's afraid of getting hurt or being rejected but that's life and he can't just push me away after the honeymoon." Caroline said really pissed off.

"Are you sure that you told me everything about that honeymoon?" Rebekah asked Caroline.

"Yes. Your brother and I just visit the monuments, the museums and he made me experiment the local cuisine. He was actually really nice and sweet but now he is acting like a jerk..." Caroline said and I could see she was disappointed.

"My brother just doesn't know how to handle things when someone is getting attached to him. He has this saying that love is a weakness."

"Yeah, I know. He told me once but I think it's a stupidity thinking like that, it will only bringing him sadness and loneliness." Caroline said now with what seemed a concerned voice.

"You care about my brother, don't you?"

"For how much I hate to admitted, I do. He can be a pain in the ass but I can't hide the fact that he also can be a really great guy and he is actually good person." She said.

"You really think so?"

"Yes, what irritates me even more because I know that he can be a gentleman and a nice guy but then he acts like if I owe him explanations about everything I do. I'm his wife in paper but that doesn't mean that I stop being free." My wife said.

Caroline is really meant to be a Queen.

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