Picking the Name

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AN: This is the Klaroline baby

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AN: This is the Klaroline baby

Klaus's POV

I was with my little girl while waiting to the doctor said that I could go see her because, apparently, after the birth she got really exhausted and it was best not waking her up.

"Klaus." The doctor call me when get out of the bedroom, making me look at him.

"Can I see her now? Is she alright? If she is not okay you have to tell me." I said nervous.

"She's fine, just a little tired." He said and I nodded relieved. "She's asking for you and the baby girl."

I walked over to the bedroom and saw her in the bed with a big smile and her eyes sparkling when saw me with our baby girl.

"Hey..." I said with a smile, while giving her our baby and she seemed so natural with the baby that I got scared of doing something wrong.

"Hey... I missed you two so much." She said looking at our baby and then looked at me and said. "We still hadn't decided on her name. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Actually I have one. It wasn't on our list but when I looked at our little girl, the name just come to me."

"What name?" She asked me curious.

"Moira" I said.

"Moira?" She asked confused at my choice of name to our daughter.

"Yes, Moira. Moira was a Goddess that after years they changed to 3 but I still think of her as just one. Moira is the goddess of destiny and she was known for making the fates to everyone, humans and gods... And I wanted to call her Moira because she was our destiny. Our destiny was to have her and finally have a family of our own like we always wanted, specially you." I explained while looking at my beautiful daughter then looked at Caroline and asked her "What do you think?"

"I love it. Moira Mikaelson." She said with a big smile and I kissed Caroline's forehead.

"Look at her... She's just like you, the same smile and everything." I said with a big smile.

"Well, she has your eyes. Blue-grey that sparkle every time she smiles, like you." She said with a smile but then her smile faded away and she looked at me with a worried face. "Oh God! I completely forgot. How is Luke? Did he got home okay? Oh God, I'm a horrible mother. I forgot my own son."

"You're not a horrible mother. It's normal. You just gave birth, you are tired. Rebekah called me and Luke stayed in the Quarter making his homework. Don't worry, he is okay." I calmed her down.

"Sorry for freaking out. I just am not used to not be the one handling every single detail and then I seem to explode for not knowing what is happening around me."

"You don't have to apologize. I will be here for you in everything. I'm yours. Always and Forever." I said and she kissed me.

After awhile of being in the cabin, we decided to go back to the Quarter and Luke run over to us because he wanted to met his new sister.

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