Calling Bonnie & Klaus is Out

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I walked over to the bedroom and decided to call Bonnie first because she's one of the most if not the most powerful witch, she's a Bennett and she might have some spell that will tells us who is this person.

"Hey Care! It seems like forever since we last spoke. How have you been?" She said excited and I was starting to feel bad about calling her because of bad news. I hope she won't think I'm just using her when things get complicated.

"Hey Bon! I know and it's entire my fault but something has been happening and I was trying to not include in this but..." I said a little nervous about... Well, about everything.

"You are starting to freaking me out, Care. What happened? Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Someone who hates Klaus wants to get revenge about something that he did, but we don't have any idea of who might be this person. This morning, when we went to eat breakfast, was a box in the table and when I open it, it was a human heart and a few hours later, some guy appeared saying that he had a package for me and when I opened the package... It was... Steven's head."

"Steven as in..."

"Yes. He's dead!" I told her.

"Why don't you get it of that house? I know that you married this guy just to safe this town but you can't possible think in staying married to this guy that you barely know. Come back. Your home is Mystic Falls. If you stay there you will only suffer more... You're by the side of a man who killed a thousands people. He's a monster and he will only bring you pain." Bonnie said and I couldn't help but let a few tears come out but I didn't make sound, so she wouldn't realize that she hurt me.

"Bonnie... He might have done some mistakes in the past but he isn't that horrible person people think. I know this because... I'm dating him for real."

"What?!" Bonnie asked shocked.

"Don't make this a big deal. Bonnie, I called you because I thought that you would wanted to help us but it's alright... If you don't want to have anything to do with this." I said.

"No way. I'm going over there and make sure you'll be okay. Even if that means work with the guy you married."

"Thanks Bon." I thanked her and after saying our goodbyes, I hung up the phone.

After the phone call, I went looking for Klaus but he was nowhere to be found, then I went to the kitchen, where was Rebekah eating ice-cream.

"Hey! Do you know where is your brother?" I asked.

"He is out."

"What? Out? Where exactly?" I asked worried.

"The only thing he told me was that he was going to find who was the person who's messing with him and that he was going to make him pay for killing someone that was important in your life and make you so sad." Rebekah said.

"What?! And you didn't stop him? What if he gets hurt or worse, what if this person has a freaking white oak stake?"

"I tried but when Nik puts something in his head there's no one who can take it out. He must really likes you. I never saw him like that for any woman." She said and I small a little but quickly faded away because his life could be in risk because of me.

"I have to find him."

"Are you crazy?! One thing is Nik, he is immortal unlike you that with a simple stake..."

"I don't care. Not when your brother might be hurt. I need to find him." I said.

I can't forgive myself if something happens to him...

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