Talking with Drunk Caroline

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

Caroline left the room, and I stayed there thinking about our discussion but I still didn't understand her reaction, so I decided to go find her.

"What the hell did you do, Nik?" Rebekah asked while getting in my way when I was about to get out of the Quarter.

"I didn't do anything, sister. Now if you excuse me, I have to go." I said annoyed.

"What did you do to Caroline? She get out of here upset and something tells me that you have something to do with it. What did you do?"

"Nothing. Caroline is just... I don't know what's going on with Caroline, she flipped out when Camille appeared to talk to me and see if I was alright."

"Oh brother..." Elijah said more to himself.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Caroline likes you. How can you not see it?" My sister said

"She doesn't like me."

"Niklaus, I have to agree with our sister in this one."

"Nik, I know that you are not used to open up to people or let people open up to you but you have to go talk with Caroline and make things right with her. She's the only friend I have at the moment and I'm not letting you ruin it." Rebekah said and I run over to the streets of New Orleans to go talk with Caroline.

After hours of walking around and searching for Caroline, Rebekah sends me a text saying that Caroline appeared drunk in the Quarter and of course I vamp over to the Quarter.

"Hey! The Klausy Mikaelsy is here..." Caroline said when I come to the living room.

"Caroline, what happened?"

"I was feeling sad so I bought some bottles of bourbon like Damon thought me to do when you're sad." She said drunk while picking another bottle of bourbon that we had and I took from her. "Hey!"

"Caroline, I need you to come with me." I said.

"No way! I'm not going anywhere with you." She said and before she could walk away from me, I picked her up over my shoulder.

"I'm not a potato bag." She said while kicking me but she didn't hurt me.

I speed us over to our bedroom and I put her down.

"What do you want, jackass?" She asked me.

"I want to know what happened..."

"What happened was Camille. Why are you with me? I can see that there's something going on between you and her... It's obvious that you would have something with her, I mean... Just look at her, she's beautiful and smart and is in college... She's perfect, unlike me." Caroline said and was now crying.

"There's nothing between me and Cami. Can't you see it? I fancy you, not her. I just see her as a friend... Unlike you. Did you look at yourself, you are strong, intelligent, positive, sexy, beautiful and you're full of light. You are the one that I want to be with." I told her and wiped her tears making her smile and then I kissed her softly.

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