Talking about the Arrangement

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

"Would you continue thinking that, after knowing how many people I killed just for fun?"

"My best friend is Stefan Salvatore, he was known by the Ripper." I informed him.

"How can a person with such moral like you're known by, can be friends with a person who was a Ripper?" I asked with emphasis on the word Ripper.

"Because I do not judge people by their past. He might had been a Ripper but it was just because he couldn't control himself with blood and for quite a time he had his humanity off... I can't judge everyone for every single thing, I'm not God."

"That's curious. You know that a lot of what people done in the past show us what they really are."

"Or what made them be like they are now." I completed and he just nodded.

"So... Before you start disagree with me, we have to talk in public because I won't like to argue with you in front of many people."

"I agree."

"The second thing I have to solve with you is that there is no feelings involved in this marriage, we are just allies. There will be no jealousy and we can have as many lovers as we wish."

"Don't worry. I don't intend to be on your way. You can bring as many women as you wish, you just have to be discreet, so people won't start to suspicious, specially the witches." I told him and he nodded.

"And in every event that it's going to be thrown, we will be each other's date." He said and I nodded.

"Was that all?" I asked and he nodded with a smirk then added "Great! Because I also have something I would like to solve with you. Everything that you want to do to this city and specially to Mystic Falls, I will have to see it and have an opinion about it."

"I think it's reasonable." He said and I gave him a small smile and when was about to walk away, he said "Tonight Marcel is going to throw a party."

"Alright. I'm going to shopping."

"Why? Don't you have enough clothes in your closet."

"They are not my clothes. You buy them and I am not going to use them, I buy my clothes. I don't like to be dependent of someone. Sorry if that ruined your plans." I said and left his office, then went shopping with Rebekah.

Niklaus's POV

After she left the office, I also get out and Elijah walked over to me.

"Is everything alright, brother?"

"No. Caroline is impossible." I said more to myself.

"Niklaus, I never saw you like this over a girl. Is there something you're not telling me?" Elijah asked.

"Nothing. She just decided that she can't use the clothes I bought because she doesn't like when people try to buy her. How did I try to bought her? All I did was decorating her new room with the most expensive things and fill her closet with new and expensive clothes that any woman wished to have. I was just being a nice husband." I said to myself, irritated at Caroline's behavior.

"Is this Caroline getting under your skin, brother?" Elijah asked with a smirk.

"Caroline? Under my skin? Crazy talk." I denied and went to my room to be alone drawing in my sketchbook.

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