Getting Out of Paris

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

The rest of the week passed faster then they expected, they enjoyed so much the week in Paris that they didn't want to go away but they didn't said anything to not show that they also had feelings for each other.

"I can't believe today is already the day that we are going to Rome..." Caroline admitted.

"Don't worry, we'll be back." Niklaus said and gave a peck in her cheek while facing her back because she was admiring the view of the room.

"I'm going to make you keep that promise." She said while turning to face a smirking Niklaus and then kissed him without a reason, making Klaus smirk even more, but they got interrupted by the phone of the suite ringing.

"I can't have a break." He said more to himself.

"Once we get to Rome, I make up for you." Caroline promised, making Klaus smirk.

After Caroline talk with the receptionist on the phone, Caroline informed Klaus that it was time to leave.

They walked over to the Mikaelson's chauffeur, that was waiting for them in front of the hotel with the limo. Caroline wasn't used to limousines, chauffeurs, presidential suites and private jets, it still felt everything a little too weird to Caroline but she didn't said a word about it.

Once they got to the jet, they went to the couch that the jet had. Caroline was still tired for waking up earlier then she was used to, so she decided to rest her head in Klaus's shoulder.

Klaus's POV

I was seating in the couch next to Caroline when felt her resting her head in my shoulder, making me smile and I took advantage of that and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me and her forehead was now resting on the crook of my neck.

I couldn't let her sleep in a place so discomfortable, so I picked her up in a bridal style and took her to the bed that I had in my jet.

"You know that you didn't had to take me, I can walk." She said with a sleepy voice after I laid her down, making her sound really adorable.

"I know, love. But as your husband, I have the duty of take care of you..." I said making her smile with tired eyes that threatened to close.

"So sweet that my husband is..." She said with a smile, then asked me with her eyes closed. "Can you stay here with me?"

"Of course, love." I said and lay down next to her.

Caroline turned to see me and rest her head in my chest, with her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. For how much I hated to admit this to myself, the truth was that this woman wasn't just someone who I felt attracted for and she had the power to make me open to her and let her see what I am and not the person I make others believe to... It scares me how I feel such strong feelings for her.

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