Klaus and Occasior Texting

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

It was already night and both Caroline and I were in the bed, Caroline was already sleeping like an angel but I still wasn't tired, so I just stayed there feeling her next to me and reading a book to distract myself from Caroline's friends, Damon and the 'occisor', which his how we now call the person who's making me have no peace, occisor is Latin for killer.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and I see that I got a text from the occisor.

Occasior: What happen? Can't sleep? Realizing that your so called wife isn't that strong woman you fall in love? Or worst are you feeling useless because you realized that you can't avoid your beloved to get hurt? I have to say that I had some fun seeing how Caroline's friends could see who you really are... It won't take long till you have no one.

Me: Who the bloody hell are you to talk to me like that?! You don't scare me.

Occasior: But I do. I can see your eyes filled with fear every time you get a text or every time the phone rings. And I am just another person who wants revenge from the Niklaus Mikaelson, however I'm also one of the few that has you in the hand.

Me: what do you mean by when you see my eyes?

Occasior: I have eyes everywhere. For example, in the moment I send you the previous text I saw you looking at everywhere to see if I was in your room or not. I also see that you look at Caroline from 3 to 3 minutes to make sure no one is going to take her away.

Me: Don't you even think of hurting her?

Occasior: How did a baby vampire made you be like that? Weren't you the one who was always saying the love is a weakness. This woman is really making you weak...

Is the occasior right? Is Caroline making me weak? Is because of her that I still wasn't able to catch this person?

Me: what do you think in stop with these games and met me? Unless you are too afraid

Occasior: You really believe that works with me? I am not going to stop my advantage.

Me: I'm giving you a change to meet me and fight me. I guess you are too scared and you know that you can do whatever you want that I am the one who's going to win in the end because I always win.

Occasior: there's a first time for everything.

Me: how are you going to do? Are you going to met me or not? You know what, don't even answer. Tomorrow I will wait for you in the Bayou. See you tomorrow unless you are too scare to face me.

I know that I promise Caroline to not leave the Quarter without her knowing to where but tomorrow I would had to break that promise for how must it hurt me... I need to show the occasior and myself that a woman is not enough to make me weak. However, Caroline isn't just any woman... she was the only woman that made me say those 3 words I thought I would never say. No matter what, I have to deal the Occasior first and then I think about the effect that Caroline has on me and if I should be with her or not.

An: anyone has any thoughts or wishes for who is the 'occasior'? Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! ;)

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