Finding Klaus in the Bar

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

"You need to stop seeing the good in me because in the end you will get hurt." He said and just left me all alone in the room.

At first I wanted to follow him but then I realized that he would probably would like to stay alone for awhile. With that 15 minutes become 30 minutes, that turn into a hour.

It was now 3:27pm and he still didn't come back making me get really worried about him, I changed clothes and start to walk around the hotel.

After long minutes of walking around, I decided to go to the bar of the hotel and I saw Klaus drinking, when I was about to go talk to him, I saw a woman walking over to her.

"Let's go to my room?" The slut asked him and I felt like someone rip my heart out of my chest, broke into pieces and repeated again and again with much more intensity then the first time.

"Caroline..." Klaus said when realized I was in front of them.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to see around and I don't know when I'll be back." I managed to say and before he could say something.

I found myself in some garden but I didn't care, the only thing I could think about was Klaus and that slut, my brain was picture them together and I couldn't stop think about it. I was crying without caring who was seeing and what they were thinking, I just cried while my brain start to picture Klaus with a woman who wasn't me and a voice saying that I was foolish to think that he actually cared about me.

Klaus's POV

I was in the bar drinking and a woman decided to try to flirt with me but I didn't flirt back but I also didn't told her to go away, in the moment I was about to leave, she followed me and ask me to her room, but I felt a familiar scent in the room and when I saw who was in front of us, I didn't knew what to do.

"Caroline..." I said and when was about to explaining everything she cut me off.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to see around and I don't know when I'll be back." She said with sadness in her eyes and then walked away before I could stop her.

"Who was that?" The girl asked me.

"My wife." I said and walked away, trying to see where Caroline went but when I was out of the hotel, she had already gone to someplace and all I could see was people walking around.

I walked a lot and tried to see every possible place she could be and when I was in the Eiffel Tower I start to feel her scent and started to follow it, then I found her in a garden with red and tired eyes.

"Caroline..." I said with guilt taking over me.

How could I hurt Caroline? She doesn't deserve to suffer, specially over to a person as awful as me.

"What do you want?" She asked with a few tears in her cheeks.

"What you saw..."

"Was against the contract. How are we going to solve it?" She asked coldly.

"I didn't do anything."

"Of course. It's never the guy who makes a move, we are always the ones who do it... But I don't think that she could make you to do something you didn't want to."

"There was nothing between me and her. I was about to go to the suite and she thought that I wanted to have something with her."

"I don't need lies or explications. Just try to not make people see you picking up another girl." She said and it felt like someone just dagger me with a white oak stake.

I saw she wouldn't believe my word so I hold her hand and make her see how I got drunk, how the girl tried to flirt with me, how I didn't say anything and how I told her that Caroline was my wife.

"I didn't intend to hurt you, love."

"It doesn't matter. You could tell her to go away and you could go back to the suite. You could make me not seem a complete idiot for worrying about you without a reason." She snapped at me.

"I didn't..."

"I know. You didn't intend to hurt me or to worrying me." She cut me off. "I care about you Klaus and..."

"I'm too dangerous. People around me get hurt."

"In case you don't know, I'm a surviver and I'm tougher then I seem." She said making me smirk then kissed her because what I felt was stronger then reason.

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