Klaus's Past

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Caroline's POV

I woke up in the middle of the woods, I got up and saw a little blond boy with a face of innocence and he was with some other boy a little older then the blond one.

"Do you want to try?" The older one asked.

"Father says..."

"Came on! It's just the two of us." With that the younger accept the bow and arrow. He tried to launch to the deer but missed it and the arrow ended it in a tree, the boy got disappointed, almost seemed defeated and then Mikael appeared, he could had longer hair but I knew it was Mikael.

"Don't ever give this to Niklaus again. This is meant for fighters, not for weak like your brother." Mikael said without emotion.

"But father..."

"Go away Elijah." Mikael said and Elijah left, leaving Klaus alone with Mikael.

When Elijah was far, Mikael start to beat Klaus and insult him. I yelled to make Mikael stop and for how much I run over them, I couldn't get any closer.

 I yelled to make Mikael stop and for how much I run over them, I couldn't get any closer

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I found myself in the middle of a village where Klaus and Elijah were fighting with swords but it could see it was a friendly fight and when Elijah was about to win, Klaus cut his brother's belt making him look down and with his brother distraction, he put the sword towards his heart and smirk making everyone laugh and I laugh with it. Then Mikael appeared and pushed Klaus against the ground and put a sword in Klaus's throat.

"Sometimes I asked myself how you can even be alive, boy." Mikael said and then walked away, leaving Klaus in the ground crying.

" Mikael said and then walked away, leaving Klaus in the ground crying

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I was still in the village but was now night and I saw everyone dancing and happy, even Klaus, he was now dancing with the original doppelgänger, Tatia, my mother told me about her and other things because of the vampire history and all that. Tatia was with a big smile dancing with him and I couldn't help feel jealous, then I saw Elijah and he was like me, he wasn't dancing or smiling he was just watching Tatia's every move. Klaus suddenly kissed Tatia and I felt a year coming of my eyes because even if I know he had other women, it hurt me to see it. After the kiss Elijah was about to walk away but Tatia run over to him and talk to him, saying that Elijah was the one she choose and when Klaus saw his brother kissing Tatia he left with tears in his eyes.

 After the kiss Elijah was about to walk away but Tatia run over to him and talk to him, saying that Elijah was the one she choose and when Klaus saw his brother kissing Tatia he left with tears in his eyes

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I was now in the middle of the woods and it was night, Elijah was tying up Klaus while Klaus begged him to not do what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry brother." Elijah said and with that a blond woman, that later I found it was Klaus's mother, start to make a spell that was going to hide his werewolf side.

"Father..." klaus tried.

"I'm not your father. I am no father of abominations."


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I saw all those awful things Klaus had go through (as a human and as a hybrid) and how lonely he felt for so long that I found myself crying for seeing him that hurt. He got through so much that I wondered how he could handle it and how he could be good with all the violence he grew up and with the loneliness that he found himself for centuries.

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