Talking about her friends and past

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I was now in the bedroom with Caroline, at first I saw her being fragile about her past but now she was freaking out because of her so called friends.

"Oh God! Elena must hate me. I made a promise to not say a bad thing about Damon in the day they started to date and now I said all those awful things. They all probably hate me. I probably was too harsh on them and..."

"Do you think they were right? Do you think that what we have is not going to work?" I asked with an angry voice to not show how I got hurt with what her friends said about my relationship with her.

"No, of course not. I believe in us. It's just they never got the chance to really know you and they have this image that I had before I even met you. People say that you are this guy who just wants to destroy everything arounds him but the truth is that you are a man who does everything in his power to protect the ones he cares about, even if that means do terrible things and have the reputation of the villain." She told me.

"I'm not as good as you think I am. I did things that are can't be forgiven and that is the reason why we have now this person trying to hurt us." I told her and couldn't help but feel guilt, usually I don't feel guilt for what I do but just with the thought of because of my previous actions, Caroline is in danger, I feel the guilt almost taking over me.

"Klaus, we all did bad things, we all have blood on our hands." She said.

"Not as much as I do."

"Well, that's not really fair. I don't have a thousand years old so..." she said with a small smile making me smile.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to not make me feel guilty? I should feel guilty, I'm the reason you're in danger."

"I'm used to be in danger." She said with a smile but that didn't comfort me, it actually scared me.

She was such a positive person and just now, I was seeing the bad stuff she got through, which made me ask how she can be so good to others.

"What's wrong?" She asked worried.

"I just don't like to hear that you are used to be in danger." I admitted.

"Well, if it makes you feel better now I have you and I run so the people who try to hurts us can catch you first, making me be able to run and be in safety." She said and I looked at her. "That was a joke."

"Oh..." I said more to myself because I felt my heart getting rip out off my chest when she said she would run.

"Do you really think that I was capable of leaving you?" She asked with a smile and then kissed me.

"Do you mind if I call my friend to try to talk with them? I still can't stop thinking about the scene I made. I'm sorry to talk like that, it's just I hated the way they started to talk with you and how they judge you."


"Because I love you... More then I ever loved anybody and" she was saying but I cut her off with a kiss.

"Call them. I don't want you to be mad at your friends because of me. But they have to come here. I don't want you to be in danger."

"Thanks. And did I ever told you that you are really cute when you're worried about me?" She said and gave me a quick kiss then called one of her friends to invite them over.

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