Fight Affects & Apologies

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Klaus's POV

I lay down Caroline in the couch on the small living room of the cabin. On the way here, she passed out and all I asked myself was if she and the baby were going to be okay.

'Elijah, I need you to distract everyone. Caroline felt sick and I'm now with her, trying to figure out what's wrong. - Klaus'

"Can you tell me what the bloody hell happened to my wife?" I asked upset.

"For what you told me and the retimes of the heart beatings of Caroline and the baby, I can say that she got too upset with whatever that made you two fight and the baby can feel whatever she's feeling. The baby needs a good environment and when Caroline got upset, the baby feel it and all her nervous system took the best of her body."

"And the pain was caused by a mere discussion?" I asked nervous and with guilt because I should be more careful abut how I talk to her, she's my wife and now she's pregnant.

"It might be a mere discussion to you but to get Caroline like this... Maybe she didn't felt like a simple discussion, her heart beats are still faster then they should, which means she is still nervous. The pain she felt was because Caroline almost had a miscarriage. She was almost losing her daughter thanks to the nervous system that was all messed up." The doctor said, making me feel worst about myself.

"How long will she take to wake up?"

"Not much more. She passed out because she wasn't handling her emotions and maybe that prevented the abortion." He said and I walked over to the couch and looked at her unconscious's state, while the doctor get out of the cabin.

"I'm sorry, love. This is all my fault. I didn't want to hurt you nor our baby..." I said while crying with head resting in her belly, hearing the heart beats of my daughter.

"It's okay, Nik." She said with a weak voice, making me look at her, she was more pale then usual, so i speed over to the fridge, took some blood bags B+ and speed back to her.

"Drink this. You need this." I said with a worried voice.

"What happened?" She asked me confused.

"We had a discussion and you felt a pain in your belly, so I took you here so the doctor would see you and apparently, your nervous system got all messed up and you almost had an abortion but the baby is now fine and all we have to do is be more careful. All that matters now is that you and our daughter are safe." I said and she started crying. "Please don't cry... Love, you know I can't stand seeing you crying."

"What do you expect me to do? I can't even carry a baby. I'm going to be the worst mother ever!" She said while crying.

"You are going to be an amazing mom, I am sure of that. This was all my fault, I shouldn't be so impulsive and I shouldn't fight with you. You're the mother of my baby and the love of my life. Please forgive me."

"Stop blaming yourself. Can't you see that was me the blamed one? I got all jealous when I saw you with Camille, even knowing that you just see her as a friend... I'm sorry. It's just I'm getting fat and all hormonal and I can't control my stupid emotions and I'm afraid that you see I'm not goo enough for you and eventually you leave me." She said crying.

"I will never leave you, not for Camille nor anyone. I love you and I will love you Always & Forever."

"Even when I get jealous?" She asked while cleaning the tears.

"Of course. I like when you show those girls that I am yours." I said with a smirk and she smiled then we kissed passionately.

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