Dinner & Shakespeare Argue

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

After talking with Klaus and promising that I wouldn't go anywhere without updating him about what was going on and where I was going, I went to the living room to leave Klaus alone doing God knows what in his office.

Klaus's POV

After Caroline walked away, I start to paint and after awhile, I start to realize that I'm painting Caroline. What is happening to me? I am always needy around her and I am always worried if... I just need to stop this and stop thinking about her, her body, her gold hair that shines like the sun, her beautiful blue eyes like the ocean (that sometimes are green), her soft and tempting lips and... I just need to stop thinking about her like that, I told her and myself that I wouldn't have anything with her when we got to New Orleans.

I stay there admiring the paint I made of Caroline and criticize myself because I wasn't able to put all her beauty in the painting, when suddenly someone knocks on the door, it was one of the maids saying that the dinner was ready and everyone was waiting for me in the dinning room and that Marcel would also be there.

I walked over to the dinning room and saw Marcellus trying to flirt with my sister but this time she didn't gave him much interest, which I found weird because usually just takes a few compliments to have my sister on his feet (not just with him but with every guy she ever meets). Then I saw something that made me feel angry inside but I didn't said a word and put my poker face so anyone would notice, what I saw was Caroline and my brother Elijah talking with Caroline and seeming really friendly, maybe a little too much for my taste.

"Actually my favorite work from Shakespeare is not Romeo & Juliet but it's Hamlet." Caroline said to my brother.

"Really? I met so many women and I can tell you that none of them prefers Hamlet." My brother said, while I seat and saw how friendly my brother had become to my wife and I don't like one bit.

"I'm not like most women. Actually I don't really like Romeo & Juliet..." Caroline said making me, Elijah, Marcellus and Rebekah stop eating and looked at her shocked.

"You don't like Romeo & Juliet?" I asked with a smirk because I also didn't care for it, actually I thought it was all a little too forced and it didn't felt real, but everyone, specially every woman like this work...

"It's like the most romantic story ever written in the life of romantic stories..." Rebekah defended the only work that she liked of Shakespeare.

"I just don't see it how it's such a romantic story." Caroline said making me smirk because she has the same opinion.

"They die because they can't live without each other. How could you not get that?" My sister asked.

"I just think that it's too sketchy..."

"Too sketchy?" My sister asked still not believing.

"I have to be with my sister on this. Romeo & Juliet can be many things but it's not sketchy." My brother said.

"It's the way I see it. I do not believe that two people that known for a few days love each other to the point of not be able to live with one another. They might be heart broken but it's a little extreme to kill themselves over it. One thing is if they had known each other for months or for a year, but they knew each other for days..." Caroline said.

"Wow! I think you are the only person in the world that actually agrees with Klaus." Marcellus said making Caroline look at me and I couldn't help but smirk.

AN: I'm sorry it's not a big advance to the story but I wanted to see Caroline being now a little part of family.

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