One Step Closer • Harry

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A baby.
Your lips are trembling as you stare at the positive signs from all three tests, signalling that in a little under a year, you'd have a wiggling baby that's made of both you and your husband.
With a gasp, your hand falls to your belly. In a few more months, you'd feel movement in that same area. You blink profusely, unable to believe your life.
A few more short breaths are released before you think of what to do next. Your first instinct is to call Harry, but this is definitely face-to-face news and must be told in the best way possible. Though you're stumped, what's the most fitting way to deliver the news that his shared dream with you is finally coming true?
It's all happened right before your eyes and those days you spent with Harry curled up on the couch discussing children made starting your own family a mere myth.
How should you do it? Perhaps take the cheesy route and do the whole pea dinner with saying "This is the size of our baby right now." But it doesn't seem quite right for your relationship with him. Maybe the whole pregnancy sticks in a box after a scavenger hunt? You then deny the thought, that doesn't feel right either.
You rack different ideas in your head but find yourself short of the best one. Normally at this stage of planning an event, you'd turn to your best friends. But you feel as though it is only fair that you let Harry know first, since the baby is half of his doing.
Your thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of your ringtone playing, causing you to mutter a "Shit." before you grab the phone.
It's Harry himself, and you are struck with panic.
"Fuck." You curse again, contemplating on whether or not you should answer. You're usually good on keeping important things secret, but when it came to him, you let out everything because nothing of yours that was hidden couldn't have been comforted or accepted by him.
After a several more seconds, you decide on answer. He would've only persisted in calling or texting.
"H." You let out, trying to sound as normal as you can.
"Hi, baby." His cool voice echoes through and you suck in a breath, why'd he have to use that pet name.
"I just wanted to see if you were doing okay, from earlier this morning?"
You hesitate to answer, staring at the positive pregnancy tests in front of you. They're becoming more and more daunting by the second, pressuring you to tell Harry right then and there.
"Um," You fight the urge, "yeah, I'm alright now. Like I said, I think I just ate something bad."
He hums over the phone and you picture him nodding, though with a concerned countenance. As if on schedule, he asks you once more.
"Are you sure, darling? I could come by later with some soup or something, if you'd like."
You lick your lips but deny the thought. Not yet.
"No, no, it's fine. I know you're working on your stuff so you don't need to. How's everything going there by the way?" A change of subject, good distraction.
Harry rambles on about how he knew the right word that would be perfect to finish off a verse but it couldn't for the life of him pop into his mind. Apparently, he searched for what felt like an eternity before he remembered. You chuckle, the commitment he has to things.
More words are exchanged within the next several minutes before you find yourself eyeing the three sticks, deciding to wash off the ends in case you were going to need them later on.
"Haz, um, I think I'm about to go shower, can I call you back?"
"Not unless you let me join you." He chuckles and you roll your eyes.
"The water's already running, H."
"Oh," He mumbles, slightly offended you didn't play along to his cheekiness. But in truth, you were feeling the onset nerves of having to tell him come back as you washed off the tests.
"Just this once because I'm at the studio now." He attempts to speak menacingly but you only chortle. If the pregnancy tests could talk, they'd be screaming at Harry from the background that you aren't sick, but expecting.
"I'll see you in a bit. I love you." You speak gently.
"I love you, angel."
Beeps signal that the phone has hung up and you sigh, tapping your fingers at the edge of the sink as you stare into the mirror.
That wasn't so bad. You think. But hiding your expressions over the phone is much easier than in person, so his homecoming would be the real challenge.
Just as your mind relaxes, your ears are struck with the noise of buzzing For a second, you gasp thinking it's Harry. But instead it's Gemma with a text.
Gemma To You
Hello helloo are we still on for lunch today? In the office and in desperate need of the sushi we've been talking about
Your eyes widen from remembering the previous plans you had set with your sister-in-law. Raw fish and a baby developing inside you should not be combined, this you know from other pregnant women.
Biting your lip, you decide on going forward with the plans but only eating the cooked rolls they must serve.
You To Gemma
Yes yes we are! Getting ready to leave now :)
She responds with a few sushi emojis whilst you exit the bathroom. Where to put the pregnancy sticks? You shove them inside an old handbag you hadn't used in a while, deciding on dealing with them later.
First is deciding on whether or not to tell Gemma at this lunch that you're carrying Harry's child.
Whilst tapping your fingers at the restaurant, you're on edge. The Pinterest ideas on "Pregnancy announcements to your husband" were cute but didn't quite fit. You find yourself in quite the conundrum of both happiness and frustration. You wish you could shout it from the rooftops that you've been blessed with such a thing, but you also want to wait before revealing anything.
"Y/N!" Your name is called, and you plant a smile on your face to see her.
"Hey, Gem." She grins, giving your body a squeeze.
"Sorry, I was outside catching Pokemon. Remember how I lost a Pikachu the other day? Well as I was on my way over I found one in the park across the street!"
You laugh, shaking your head, "Don't even apologise. If I had a dollar for every time I saw a group of people standing around on their phones within the last few days, we'd probably be shopping in Paris by now."
Gemma is seated across from you, all smiles as you both catch up. Lunches with her are scheduled bi-weekly, if not more depending on the business in both your lives.
"So how've you been? Anything new happen since our last get-together?" You pause at the question. So much has been shared between the two of you that it's almost as if there aren't secrets. She waits for your reply and you sigh, your stomach dropping.
"You know, adoring and enduring your brother. How're you? How's the pokemon hunting?"
She then proceeds to ramble on about how she caught one that farts poison, the few that she lost and how many calories she's burned from lapping Hyde and Holland Park to catch them all.
You smile, but the baby stays fresh on your mind.
The baby.
Oh, your baby with Harry. Subconsciously, your hand falls to your stomach. Obviously, no bump would be present for a while. Nevertheless, your love for your little one is already unconditional.
"Y/N, are you sure you're not going to order any sushi?" She looks are you facetiously and you nod.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I dunno if sushi is the best thing for my stomach at the moment, earlier today I was feeling a bit under the weather but now I'm alright."
Gemma pouts, offering to take the food to go and drive you to a safer eatery but you deny her, your self-control going off the charts.
"Don't worry about me." You reassure her before sighing inwardly from wanting to eat. But eventually after her prodding at your hunger, you decide to take in a few of the cooked items and a California roll.
"There we go." She nods after seeing you eat. You smile at one of your sister-in-law, wishing to tell her of what's happening to your body. She and her husband were also starting to try for children so if you two aligned it would be the most exciting feature.
"Gem?" She glances up at you with eager eyes, much like Harry's. You beam inwardly at the resemblance and for a second you believe you'll tell her right then and there, but something stronger holds you back.
"Really loving your hair colour, I seen you've gone back to the lighter shades."
It's killing you inside, that is one thing you are sure of.
The prospect of a baby with only you to know of it gnawed away at your nerves whilst you sit at home, waiting for Harry to arrive from the studio.
"I'll be home 'round seven, I think. Maybe earlier, I'll try to, baby." He said before kissing you passionately then exiting with an "I love you". You bite your lip at the memory, an hour before you found out you're carrying his child.
Your stomach seems to have enrolled in a tumbling class as it flips from inside you, making the anxiety much worse. You breathe out in an attempt to calm yourself, it shouldn't be causing you this much stress.
Gemma noticed your pale visage from the nerves kicking in and poked you for details. She spoke of how you're free to tell her anything but you shook her off, making an excuse about how work has been bugging you.
Harry comes home with an eager smile on his face and dinner in his grasp. He prods you about your day and you explain to him the lunch with Gemma, electing several laughs from his body. You however, are distant the entire time whilst having to mask your enthusiasm about the pregnancy until you can work out the most special way to tell him.
"You're beautiful." He applies a kiss to your lips after greeting you, and you only smile.
In Harry's mind, he notices the reluctant behaviour and reserved persona, but figures you're just not in the mood to be playful today, which he is understanding of.
Dinner is served in the kitchen where Harry assumes his role as raconteur, telling stories of studio banter after the meeting. But to your luck, the story is of how one producer's young daughter came in asking for Harry on a visit. You force a giggle whilst picking at your food, thinking of how your own daughter would follow Harry to the studio as well.
He continues on, suddenly speaking about a different incident but takes note of your unusual silence and distant thoughts. You aren't normally like this, and he knows it isn't due to your stomach illness from earlier.
Tired of your unresponsive demeanour, he decides to poke you on it.
"Something wrong, m'love?"
You pause, mouth opening in hesitation as you scramble for an excuse. You want to tell him so terribly right then and there, with his hopeful green irises and smirk playing off his lips.
"E-um, no. Just taking it easy from this morning's, you know..."
"Mm." He nods, trying to accept the response. Though with you yourself feeling unsure about the answer, it doesn't feel all too convincing.
It's hurt you, keeping such a secret from your husband. It isn't that revealing the news to him gives you any nervousness, it excited you actually. But something else besides finding a grand way to reveal the news to him kept you back. However, you yourself don't know if you can admit what it is just yet.
Nevertheless, you realise it might also be odd to want to find a special way to tell him. But this is Harry, and he only does things on a scale that never fails to bring happy tears to your eyes. Though he would be delighted either way, you feel as though this is your chance to surprise him as well.
"Yeah," He finally nods, "I was just going to ask how you were feeling because of that."

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