Simon Yells at You and He Protects/Sticks Up For You • Niall

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"Yuuuuuuuuum!" You say as you put another spoonful of pudding into your mouth as you board the plane that will be taking you to the states, "Babe, share?" Niall begs, you take a spoonful of the chocolate pudding and hold it out for him, although, you were quite clumsy and as Niall takes a bite of the pudding you manage to drop the container of chocolate pudding...on the person sitting next to where you were feeding Nialler as you stood, "Y/N!" Simon growls wiping the sticky pudding off of his pants, your jaw drops as I quick, almost not audible apology escapes your lips, "Oh Simon-" Niall begins trying to contain laughter, "You bloody annoying bitch...I can't wait until we get back to the states so we can dump you off of this tour!" Simon spits at you, you giving him an 'excuse me look' dropping the cup onto the floor raising your eyebrows feeling tears spring, "Simon, it was an accident stop being such a dick, okay?" Niall retorts, which was a first, Niall never usually goes against this was big. This was adorable.

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