Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Why Don't We Go There

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Harry: "One hour guys," Security says into the dressing room. It's rare to find all four in the same room, but there were things to talk about. "Where has (y/n) been?" Niall asks as he sits down on the couch with a box of cheese crackers in hand. "At home, I guess," Harry answers with not much more to say. "What do you mean 'you guess'?" Liam counters. "I don't really know; we haven't been talking a lot." "Since when?" Louis adds, his hand also in a box of snack food. "Since I got back into a relationship, I guess. You know she's never liked that situation." "No one likes that situation," Liam adds. Harry shrugs his shoulders. This is the first time this tour he's actually talked about you with the other guys. "Yeah, everyone here would much rather have (y/n) around," Niall confirms. "When was the last time you talked to her? Because it isn't like you to not talk to each other." Harry thinks back. "It was like two weeks ago, and I lied to her." "What!?!" The others react in unison. "What did you say to her?" Louis asks, his snacking officially ended now that Harry's story was getting deeper. "She asked me why I hadn't stayed with here while I was in LA." "And?" Liam urges. "And I told her it was because I didn't want to get in between her and Sydney." "Who's Sydney?" Niall asks, his memory has never been the best. "Her roommate." A collective groan comes from the group. "You know she knows you lied to her, right?" Liam questions. "Why do you think that?" Harry questions, interested and slightly concerned. "Mate, you used to be closer to her than any of us, and we always know when you're lying. What makes you think she doesn't?" "Well I was talking to her over the phone for one." "Doesn't matter," Louis adds, "I guarantee you she knows you lied to her which doesn't help your cause at all." Harry covers his face with his hands, immediately realizing they were stating facts now. Of course you were going to know he was lying. You had always been able to catch him. How could he be so stupid? "Can't believe you lied to her, mate," Niall comments, not making the situation any brighter. "Well I wasn't going to tell her it was because someone else didn't want me to, was I?" He questions, thinking he has good reasoning. "Probably would have been better than this. Now you've got an even bigger mess to fix." "You just keep digging, mate," Niall adds. They're right, nothing Harry has been doing has actually made the situation between the two of you any better. He's been saying a whole lot, but doing absolutely nothing to back it up. "You've got to make that right," Liam tells him, getting up from the couch to go get a drink. "Yeah, if we're missing her, you can't tell us that you definitely aren't," Niall says, knowing it's the truth. "I do miss her," Harry says, looking straight ahead. "Then do something!" Liam urges, sitting back down. "What do you suggest I do?" He genuinely wants their help now. "Getting rid of the baggage would help," Louis says honestly. Harry only glares. "I'm not ending my relationship. That's would only make things worse." Louis shrugs and Harry groans. "Harry, you can make this better. You've just got to show her," Liam assures him.
Liam: "What do you know Liam? You're in the same situation as me," Harry says, but without the harsh tone he probably meant to add. Liam pauses to think. Harry is right. He hadn't spoken to you in ages, just like Harry and his friend. "Harry," Niall says, addressing the low blow Harry had just given Liam. The frustration comes out, and Harry folds his arms on the table as he puts his head down. "No, it's alright, Niall," Liam says. Harry brings his head back up. "It's true, I haven't talked to (y/n) in weeks. I keep telling myself it's because of that fucking boyfriend she's got, but it's not her fault at all. It's all mine." "They live together now, don't they?" Niall questions, and Liam just looks at him. Another strike for not helping. Niall shrugs, and Liam continues. "I don't even know what I want from her." "I do," Louis says with a smile. "No, Tommo, I'm being serious." "So am I. You want a relationship with the girl, one as strong as your friendship used to be until you completely ruined that." "Louis," Harry scolds. The boys had agreed to move past Liam's selfish act; he was not going to allow it to be brought up in this. Liam already has enough to deal with without rehashing his past. Louis's smile fades, and Liam sighs. "I just don't know how to get her to realize that he isn't the right one." "What is making you say that?" Harry asks. This is his forte. He certainly can't fix his own relationships but he's great with everyone else's. "There's just something about him that makes me uneasy. Well, uneasy is putting it nicely. There's just something about him that really pisses me off." "Yeah, he's got your girl, and you don't know how to get rid of him." Silence falls after Louis's comment. Liam's situation was similar to Harry's in the fact that neither of them had very good verbal communication skills, but other than that they were completely different. That, of course, is not going to stop Harry from trying to help his friend. "You may just have to wait this one out. You've known her longer than anyone other than her family, so you know exactly how she is. If you don't think they're going to last, then they probably won't. But you may just have to sit back and watch instead of trying to get as involved as you are. The whole trying to get her attention through songs isn't working, so you may just want to leave it." "Yeah, something will happen, and she will see that she isn't meant to be with that dude," Louis adds. Liam does not seem very convinced with his bandmates' advice. He definitely does not like the idea of just sitting back and watching you fail, no matter how badly he doesn't want you to be in a relationship with Mark. "Give it time," Harry tells him, recognizing the look on his face. Liam shakes his head slowly, still unsure. "I don't know lads, I feel like I've missed my chance." "Well with an attitude like that, of course you have," Louis counters. He isn't about to let his friend give up on this and give up on you. Everyone around Liam right now knows the bond the two of you had, and they are convinced that it is still there. He just has to see it, and you just have to see it. That will take time. Time they know Liam isn't wanting to put in. But they're going to have his back through it all, in order to show him it is going to be worth it. Silence falls once more around the couches.
Niall: "Niall, you're awful quiet all of a sudden," Liam acknowledges, breaking the silence. Niall shrugs. "What are you thinking about?" Harry inquires. "I think (y/n) is cheating," Niall reveals. "Wait, what?" Louis questions, beating the others to the same reaction. "There's another guy, Stephen; he's a client of hers." "Okay, so he's a client. That doesn't mean she's cheating." "She's renovating his apartment," Niall reveals. "So?" "(Y/N) only does commercial renovations," Harry adds, helping Niall along. "Oh," Louis responds and waits for Niall to continue his explanation. "Yeah, she's been working with him for like a month now, and I always see pictures of them going out to dinner and going back to his place. Not to mention the fans are always telling me what both of them are doing no matter if they're together or not. I just can't stop thinking about it." Niall had just turned this conversation in a completely different direction. "Did she give you a reason why she was working with him instead of a business?" Liam asks. "She said Kati, her boss, had a ton of projects already and that he is a very important client and the only person she trusted with him was her." The boys take a moment to analyze Niall's explanation of your reasoning. "She's never given you a reason to doubt her before though, mate. The two of you have been together longer than even we have. You know how much she loves and cares about you." "She's been so distant though. This move to New York has put so much pressure on us. Things aren't the same anymore." "Don't say that," Harry insists, wanting to try and turn this around for the better. "You have to trust her. She isn't going to let anything get in the middle of your relationship." "She already has," Niall says with a low voice. "What do you mean?" Liam questions. "This job, it's taking her over completely. When I went to go visit a while back it was like I wasn't even there. All she did was work." "Niall, that was a surprise visit, what did you expect?" "Yeah, she can't just drop everything for you over there; she's got loads of responsibility." "I never did that when she surprised me at a show." "It's a completely different situation, mate. You can do that, she can't." Niall groans. "Don't jump to conclusions; she's just doing her job," Harry insists. "I'm not jumping to conclusions. I completely trusted her at the beginning of all of this. After all of the pictures, after all of the articles in the papers, that by the way she hasn't even bothered to address with me. But after seeing her leave his place after a night out, what the hell am I supposed to think?" "What was she doing staying over with him?" Louis asks and Niall only shrugs. "Where did they go?" "Some party that I told myself she got really drunk at so that's why they left together and then that's why she stayed over with him. She left in the same clothes so it wasn't like she planned to stay over." "Okay, so now you're making excuses for her," Louis counters. "No, Louis, hush," Harry begins. "She knows people are going to be taking her picture; she would not be doing all of this so out in the open if it wasn't harmless. All of us have known her long enough to know she is smarter than that." All eyes fall on Niall as he continues to think.
Louis: "Alright, well if this relationship talk is what we're doing, I guess I should go ahead and tell you all that I bought (y/n) a ring," Louis reveals and the room once again falls silent. Shock spreads over every boy's face, and Louis can only look around and laugh. "Oh, come on lads, surly you can take it better than that?" "A ring?" Liam questions, unable to take the news in without affirmation. "Yeah, a ring," Louis says, unlocking his phone to search for a picture. He turns the screen around to show the rest of the group. "Are you getting married?" Niall questions, pushing back his own relationship thoughts, unsure of why Louis hadn't mentioned this before now. "No, of course not," Louis replies with a laugh. "Okay, then why did you get her a ring?" Liam questions. "Maybe because I love her?" No one responds. Louis is coming way out of left field with this one. Everyone in this room is very aware of how impulsive Louis is, but never did they imagine he would do something like this. "Lads, come on, you're acting like this is crazy." "Maybe because it is," Liam returns. "How long have you been together?" Niall inquires. "Does that matter?" Louis questions after thinking a bit. "You don't even know!" Liam shouts in disbelief. "I do know," Louis counters. The boys wait for an answer and Louis only rolls his eyes. "Harry?" Louis says, turning to his bandmate and friend. "Surely you will be on my side," he says of Harry's positive attitude. "If you are happy then that is all that matters," Harry tells him, but still with a slightly shocked tone. "Thank you!" Louis says, throwing his hands in the air. "Now was that so hard?" "We're just concerned mate," Liam acknowledges. "Concerned about what? What is there to possibly be worried about?" "Oh, I don't know, maybe that you are rushing into something that you aren't ready for?" "Liam, don't make your issue mine too," Louis counters. This conversation was turning once again. "That's not what he was doing Louis," Harry assures. "He just wants to make sure, well we all do, that this is something you are sure about. (Y/N) is a great girl, are I think we can all agree on that. But it is kind of soon to be making steps like that, and we just want to know that you are sure about all of this." "So now you're changing your story, great, thanks mate," Louis retorts in frustration. "No," Harry begins, placing his hand that was already outstretched onto Louis shoulder. Louis allows him to leave it there as he continues to explain himself. "It is all about your happiness. If she is the one that makes you happy and she is the one that you feel deserves the ring from you, then that is great. We just want to know that you are sure about all of that. You can't be upset with us for being concerned." Louis isn't looking any of them in the eye. His mind is racing and questioning as he takes in everything Harry has just said. Anyone else he would have written off immediately. "Louis?" Liam says, snapping Louis out of his thoughts. "She's the one, she makes me happy, that's all that matters." "Alright, well that's all we wanted to hear," Harry says simply, looking around at the other boys to make sure they weren't planning on dragging on the conversation. "It's all about your happiness."

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