Oh Darling, Don't You Ever Grow Up • Niall

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Your little hands wrapped around my finger, and it's so quiet in the world tonight
The only sound in the room was the heart monitor standing next to your bed in the pale hospital room. In the bed you lay sleeping peaceful after a long day.
Across the room sat Niall in an uncomfortable hospital chair, but he didn't mind because there in his arms lay his sleeping daughter, Evelyn, not even two hours old. She was tiny, only weighing a mere five pounds, but she was beautiful. She had her mother's nose, but she had Niall's wonderous crystal blue eyes.
Niall sat there in the quiet room rocking his daughter, captivated by the moment he knew he'd only get to experience once.
You two had tried so hard for so long to have a child. Nearly three years of trying with no luck, you almost gave up. That was until you came home from a monthly doctor appointment with news that would change yours and Niall's lives forever. You guys sat on the kitchen floor for hours crying with joy in each other's arms. You couldn't believe that your souls would be coming together to create a new life.
Niall couldn't stop staring at the beautiful child in front of his exhausted eyes. A life created by him and the love of his life. His heart burst knowing that his world was whole now. Never was there a happier man, he truly believed.
During the entire pregnancy, Niall couldn't stop talking about everything he would do with his daughter during the eighteen years he had with her for sure. Teacher her how to ride a bike, play football, play guitar, scare away her boyfriends, and most importantly, watch her grow into a beautiful woman who would be loved the same way Niall loved her mother.
But in this moment, he wished it could stay this simple. He didn't mind if this moment lasted forever and she never grew up as her tiny hand curled around his pinky finger.
You're in the car on the way to the movies, and you're mortified your mama's dropping you off
"Mum, won't you please let me take the tube to the cinema?" Your fourteen year old skinny-jean-clad daughter begged.
"No Evy. I'm dropping you off, and that is the end of the discussion," You firmly replied while loading the dishwasher.
"Why are you so overprotective? I'm a teenager! I can handle things on my own! Stop acting like you want me to never grow up!" She argued back.
"Evelyn Marie Horan, I only want to protect you. There are pervy men who are always watching beautiful girls like you. Now drop it or you are not going to the movies," You say turning to the beautiful teenage girl that you swore was just learning to walk yesterday. She had beautiful light brunette hair that went to shoulder blades, freckles that accented her Irish ethnicity, but best of all, she had those piercing blue eyes that were a spitting image of Niall's, the ones you fell for nearly twenty years ago.
"Ugh you are so controlling! Sometimes I wish I was never born!" She yelled stalking out of the kitchen room brushing passed her father who had just witnessed everything from the door frame. A few short seconds late you heard stomping up the stairs and a loud slamming door.
Your face immediately dropped and you felt your eyes well with tears. You know she didn't mean it, but you couldn't help the sinking feeling in your heart when those words stabbed your ears. You and Niall had tried so long, and her birth was the best moment of your entire life. Everything you ever wanted was there in that tiny human.
Niall's face dropped and he took you in his arms. "She didn't mean it, love. She's a teenager with an attitude. You know she loves you so much and she knows she's our entire world."
You shook yourself from his grip and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. "I know. She is my world, and I could never live with myself if something happened to her on the tube. I know she's growing up, but she's my baby."
"I know, babe. I'll go talk to her," Niall replied softly before taking your face in his hands and placing a sweet kiss on your lips before leaving the kitchen.
"Evy, baby, can I come in?" Niall asked softly knocking on the door to her bedroom. Although Evelyn loved her parents fiercely, no one could deny she was a daddy's girl. She could never say no to him.
"Yes," she replied shortly.
Turning the door knob, Niall entered the room taking in the walls for a moment. He remembered nearly fifteen years ago, painting the same walls that were now recently painted beige pink with Harry and Liam as soon as you found out you were having a girl. Where did the time go? He thought to himself. He swore it was yesterday when the doctor pointed to the proof that you were carrying Evelyn.
Evelyn sat curled up in a ball facing the wall opposite the side of her father, and felt a dip in the bed and strong arms take her into them.
"You know Evy, your mum and I tried for nearly four years before you were born. Each and every time, we were more crushed than the last. We almost gave up home, but I'll never forget the day your mum came running into the flat screaming hysterically in tears. I nearly had a heart attack. I thought something was terribly wrong that is until she jumped on top of me telling me the news. You were our miracle Evelyn. When your mum was pregnant with you, she wouldn't let anyone touch her stomach besides me, and she barely left the house because she never wanted to risk losing you, and it's still that way now. You're our baby, and we only want to protect you. Of course we want you to grow up, but you'll always be our baby."
"I'm so horrible. Mum probably hates me now," she cried. Her anger had now faded into a regrettable sadness.
"Your mum could never hate you. You are her whole world. We love you so much, but you should go apologize to her."
"Of course. Thanks daddy," she said wiping her tears and hugging her father. He kissed the top of her head before watching her exit the room. He admired his beautiful baby girl who was growing up way too fast for him to handle.
Here I am in my new apartment, in a big city, they just dropped me off, it's so much colder that I thought it would be so I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
"Well that was the last of the boxes. Everything is unpacked...finally!" you said placing your hands on your hips tiredly. You and Niall couldn't believe it, but today was the day you two helped your only daughter, your whole world, move into her own apartment half way around the world. She had just graduated from the University of Manchester that spring where she soon after accepted a job in New York City at the UN Headquarters, something that had always been a dream of hers. It boggled you and Niall because both of you were never into politics, but you both were so proud of her. She grew into a beautiful and intelligent, but most importantly, a compassionate woman. "And we are right on schedule. Our flight back to London leaves in approximately two and a half hours, Ni."
Niall looked around the apartment, taking it in for a minute. It wasn't a penthouse or anything extraordinary, but it would do for now. He was so proud of his little girl for chasing her dreams and accomplishing them. He found her drive so remarkable. "Well, I guess we better get going soon then, huh?" He replied to his wife of nearly 27 years.
Evelyn would never let them know, but she secretly wanted them to stay. How was she going to live without them? Sure she had friends in the city. It wasn't her first time there, not even her hundredth time, seeing as she had been there so many times with her father for concerts, awards, promotional, but it suddenly felt brand new to her.
You took your baby girl, who was now a good few inches taller than you, into your arms one last time before heading home. "My baby girl... I'm so proud of you. I can only wait to see the amazing things that come your way. You've worked so hard for everything you've earned, and you're going to change the world. I love you so much," you said choking on your worlds before pulling away to wipe your eyes.
"I love you too, Mum. Thank you for everything," she said.
"Oh it was no big deal helping you move in my love."
"I mean for everything, Mum. For everything these past 23 years. I couldn't have done it without you. You have never given up on me."
"I would do it all over again if I had to. I wouldn't change anything," you said giving her one last smile before Niall made his way to hug his Evy one last time before letting her embark on a whole new journey.
"You were in my ams at the start of your mum and my world, and now you're in my arms at the start of your world. It feels like yesterday I was rocking you in the hospital chair, and now I have to give you to the world" Niall said more proud than anything. "I love you baby girl," He said holding back subtle tears that you and Evelyn could both sense.
"Love you too, daddy! Don't worry, I'm only an ocean away," you joked trying to lighten the mood.
And Evelyn watched her parents walk down the hallway until they were out of sight.
This was it. She was on her own now.
Evelyn rolled around in bed. The city skyscrapers lit up her room and now took place of the night light she had for the past 23 years in her room back at her childhood home. She sat up, restless. Looking out admiring the city lights for a moment, she then looked at the clock on her night stand next to her bed. 2:37am. She got out of bed and walked to the desk in the corner of the room. Opening her laptop, the bright screen blinded her for a mere second, and a ringing filled the room. Shortly after, the kitchen cabinets she had opened and closed for nearly half a century came into view on the screen.
"Evy!" You shouted in excitement. "Your father is making blueberry pancakes, and well...this is a disaster. He was never good at baking..." you said laughing covered in flour.
Evelyn couldn't help but smile. Her heart warmed at the sight. It always amazed her how you two had been together for over half of your lives, but you still acted as in love with each other as the first day you met. Every night she hoped and prayed that she would find a guy who loved her half as much as Niall loved you.
"NI, get over here! Evy is on the phone!"
"I'm coming'! Hold on. I've got flour in me eye!" Earning an eye roll from both you and Evelyn.
"HI Evy! I miss you baby girl!" Niall said waving to the phone camera, "Wait...isn't it nearly 3am in New York?
"Oh wait... yes it is. Why are you calling so late, Ev?" You asked.
Evelyn looked down at her lap as if she was almost ashamed.
"It's okay Evy, you can tell us."
Her lip trembled and her eyes watered with tears causing yours and Niall's hearts to break right in front of her.
"I miss you guys so much. I need you guys. I don't want to grow up. I wish I'd never grown up. It could still be simple and I could stay little." She pouted.
"Awh Evy, baby girl, please don't cry. You're breaking my heart..." You begged.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry, mum...I just can't help it."
"It's okay to be homesick Evy. I was homesick the first time the lads and I left for tour. But you learn that there is so much in this world to explore, and you use what you've learned at home to help you grow as a person. This world is big and beautiful and dying to be loved. You'll love it. Just remember you're stronger than you know, and we're only an ocean away. We love you so much Evy. Remember, you're our miracle. Now get some sleep before your mum and I burn these pancakes," Niall said.
He was so good with her, and that was something you always admired about him. Whatever it was, he could always reach out to her.
"We love you Evy!" You said once last time before blowing a kiss.
"Love you too mum and dad. See you soon," she said before hanging up and shutting her laptop.
She looked out the window and saw the skyscrapers and knew changing the world was her destiny. Because of her parents strength and support...she finally grew up.

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