Soundtrack Series • FOUR • Steal My Girl

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Harry: You roll your eyes as you close the laptop, pushing away from the desk. She was at it again. She being your best friend's girlfriend. Her latest scandal was all over the place, celebrity blogs, social media, proper news sites. You were annoyed. She had never been too careful with covering up her unfaithful ways, mainly because she knew Harry wasn't going anywhere. You knew it, too; everyone knew it. If after three separate cheating scandals he was still with her, it was pretty obvious he was sticking around. You had no idea why. You tried your best to convince him after the first scandal broke to leave her, but he refused. You wondered when he was going to get the hint. This was number four. When was he going to understand? You walk over to the bed to get your phone. You were just going to talk to him. You hadn't called him yet today, so you felt now was as good of a time as ever. "Stop," he says before you can get anything out. Not exactly the greeting you were expecting, but at least he knew you were aware of the story. "I just wanted to talk," you assure him, even though in the back of your mind you wanted to get through his thick, stubborn skull and get him to see the truth. While on the phone, you constantly had to remind yourself that he was living his own life. Yes, you were his best friend, but that meant that you were his support system. You had to be there for him, no matter what stupid decision he was making next. But you were finding it really hard to be a supportive friend when it came to his relationship. It was obvious to everyone, and you were sure to him as well, that she was using him. And you would never understand why he would want to subject himself to that. "You never just want to talk," he admits, and you can't help but ponder on the truth of his statement. The both of you knew what this 'talk' was going to turn into, so you just decided to get it out there and over with. "What are you going to do this time?" You question, knowing exactly what he was going to say, but praying he would wise up in the next few seconds. "The same thing I always do. I don't know why you're always so concerned." Nope. Nothing wise about that answer whatsoever. "You don't know why I'm always so concerned?" You repeat back in awe that he had just said that. "Harry we're friends, are we not?" There was a pause over the line. A pause you did not want to hear. "Yes, we're friends, but that doesn't mean that you always have to worry about my relationship." You weren't always worrying about his relationship, were you? Wait a minute! He's the one with the publically cheating girlfriend. Why wouldn't you say something about that? "I'm just trying to look out for you, even though you obviously don't want me to." It seemed like the truth. "I appreciate it, I do." Sure he does. "But like I tell you every time you call me like this, I can handle myself." "Did you hear what you just said? 'Every time you call me like this'. Harry, this conversation should have happened one time at the most. It's ridiculous that you keep her around." "You're really going to say that after giving me how many speeches on supporting one another?" You sigh deeply after thinking about his question. He was right even though you didn't want to admit it. You had given him lecture after lecture about how the two of you were each other's greatest support systems. He was beating you on this, and you weren't happy about it. However, it was his life, and no matter how much you believed his actions had an effect on you, they did not. "Fine," you finally say, caving in to your own words. "Thank you, now I've got to get to this meeting. I will call you later." You agree to talk with him later and end the call. You would just have to sit back and watch him fail, keeping your opinions to yourself.
Liam: "You're awfully quiet," he huffs as the two of you continue to make your way around West Park. "Just trying to figure out how to tell you something," you admit as you turn the corner and see the final stretch of your run. It was nice to have Liam back in town; the two of you hadn't been on a run in a while. "Like what?" He questions, not wanting to wait until you stop. "I'll tell you when we sit down," you say to him as you continue to jog, the café getting closer. You notice Liam speeding up his pace and push yourself to match him. He chuckles and turns his run into a sprint. "No fair!" You shout after him, digging your feet into the gravel to catch him. The two of you sprint down the path towards the café, gathering the attention from the people around you in the process. "Asshole," you seethe as you shove him once the two of you had stopped in front of your lunch destination. "What?" He breathes heavy, leaning on his knees as he catches his breath. You shake your head at him, teasing him with disgust. "That face," he laughs as he stands up straight and walks up the stone steps to the door. "Let's get some lunch." You walk in as he opens the door for you, smiling at the hostess that greets you. She was used to the two of you coming in here, even though it had been a while. You were thankful for her nonchalant attitude. "So what are you going to tell me?" Liam asks once your drink order had been taken and the two of you were left alone. The nerves immediately hit you. You were never nervous around Liam, you had known him for so long; it was like being around your brother. "Spill it," he instructs sensing your tension. "There's this guy...." You begin, timidly, unsure of why you were so nervous. Maybe it was because you had never actually discussed guys with him. You had never had to; they just weren't around. You were 'Liam Payne's childhood friend', the one he always came back home for, no one wanted to be a part of that. "Oh, here we go," he says during your pause. What is that supposed to mean? You roll your eyes. "No, no, I'm kidding, go ahead." You didn't want to. You didn't want to keep talking about the amazing guy you had met a little less than a month ago. The one that always sent you good night and good morning texts. The one that was at your door five minutes early to talk to your mother when the two of you were going out. He was great, the greatest you had met, and the first thing you thought of when the two of you began to get close was him meeting Liam. It was sure to happen no matter Liam's schedule, you were just nervous for it. "His name is Mark." "Oh, Mark; nice strong name. Continue." He was taking the piss and you knew it. It showed in the sarcasm in his voice. "The two of you want the usuals?" The waitress asks as she sits down your drinks; everyone that worked here knew you. You both nod, and she walks off. "Alright, well he's at the University of Durham studying engineering and works at Jigsaw as an Electronic Design Engineer," you inform him, hoping he would be as impressed as you were when you had first been told. "So he's going to school to be something that he already is?" Well that hadn't worked. "Well, yes, but not really. He got the job his second year, so he's doing both." "Okay. So why doesn't he just work then?" "Because he has to have the degree." "Well obviously not if he already has the job." This was seemingly hopeless. "Why do you need a guy around anyways when you've got me?" You stare at him blankly. "I get you about three weeks out of the year," you acknowledge, still staring at him, unamused by his statement. "Oh it's more than that. You come on the road all the time." "I wouldn't call five or six shows all of the time Liam." "That's more than most people get to go to, look at all the special treatment I give you." He had turned this conversation completely away from Mark and on to him. You were sure he would warm up to the idea of you having a guy around that was not him. It would just take a lot of coaxing.
Niall: "Babe!" You shout through the house as you sit in the office in front of the computer. "Yeah?" He answers back, and you hear footsteps coming down the hallway. "Read this," you say to him when he walks in. He comes around the desk, taking a seat on your lap as he reads the email you have pulled up on the screen. You sit back against the chair, waiting impatiently for a reaction. You were hoping for one that matched yours. He turns around in your lap, eyes wide and a bright smile. "Is this for real?" You smile wide. "And that's the Kati Curtis you've always talked about?" You nod excitedly. "Wow." That was all he could say. "What do you think?" You ask, wanting his honest opinion about the contents of the email. "What do I think about what? About the offer?" "Yeah, what do you think I should do?" This was your dream. Interior design firm in New York City of all places; it doesn't get any more major league than that. The biggest part of the whole thing was that they wanted you. Kati Curtis had emailed you personally, asking you to be the new lead designer of her hospitality and corporate department. She was aware of the work you had done here in London and praised every detailed decision you had made since getting the job with your current firm, a much smaller and residential only firm. "What do I think you should do? Babe, that isn't really a question I should be answering, is it? I mean this is your life you're talking about." You look at him as if to say, 'Try again.' "What? That's your dream, who am I to stop you?" "Niall, we've been together for almost five years, this is our life. I want your honest opinion." You would never make a decision as big as this without first consulting him about it and he knew that. "How long has she given you to make a decision?" He questions, thinking about the situation more seriously now. "A week." He clearly hadn't read the entire email or he would have known that. "Okay, well, we have a week to figure it out. Weigh the pros and cons, that's all I can tell you. If the pros win, then I guess we're sending you off to New York." New York. You couldn't even imagine it. If you took this job you would be living in New York full time, no more London, no more Niall. That would definitely be the first con. But, he wasn't really home a lot anyway. Your house in New York could be the new place he goes when he is on break. It doesn't always have to be London, does it? You are getting ahead of yourself. You haven't even thought through what all taking this job on means. Yes, a corporate interior designer was your dream, but you certainly never thought you would actually get there, especially on this scale. And definitely with the lifestyle you were living with Niall; none of it really seemed plausible. Which was fine. You were more than happy to sit back and watch him live out his dream every day. Seeing him happy made you happier than anything else. You had been his number one fan even before he had left for X-Factor. The immense pride you felt every time you saw him performing, no matter where it was, always reminded you that his dream was just as important to you as it was to him. It had been a long five years, but was it possible for you to think that it was now your turn to have a shot at your dream?
Louis: They had seen you. You weren't sure how, but they had definitely seen you. There were multiple pictures from multiple angles, and the two of you were in the center of them all. He was simply holding your hand. But no matter how simple it sounded to you, it had caused an uproar. You were now being bombarded on social media from every angle possible with no idea how to respond. Neither you nor Louis had confirmed anything about your recent decision to make things between you official, and it seemed like after today there wasn't a need to. You had been found out. You look up from your laptop to see Louis opposite you on the couch looking as relaxed as ever while he watched television. He had flown over to visit you for the weekend, France being one of his favorite places to go. He knew what he had caused, yet it didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. He was content, as if nothing was going on. You wondered how he did it. You supposed he was just used to it by now. Surely after four years of being as popular as he is you get used to people saying things about you and you get even more used to ignoring them. But this was the truth, though; the truth that you had been trying to hold onto for the longest time. "If it happens, it happens," he had said at the beginning when you both agreed to keep things low key at the start. "When people find out is when they find out; it won't be because we've said anything." You thought this idea would have lasted longer than it did. You weren't prepared for the hate at all. He had been single a while before you came along, and his fans were used to it. They didn't like the idea of someone new coming around to take him away, so they wanted you gone. That wasn't your intentions, though. If only you could say something to assure them of that. But, Louis told you to keep quiet. That it would go away, and the two of you could continue with your relationship. He was even certain that this meant he could travel over here more often, and the two of you wouldn't have to sneak around so much. You weren't so sure, though. What kind of relationship thrived with no support? He reassured you that they would eventually come around. They just needed some time to get used to the idea of you being around. It had only just begun, but you were certain he was only telling you that to try and ease your worries. It hadn't worked, and as you scroll through the numerous trends on Twitter anxiety grows. "Would you stop?" He says from across the couch. You look over the screen to see him still staring at the television. "Stop what?" "Worrying about what people are saying. You're making yourself stressed on purpose, and it will only get worse if you keep it up." He was trying to keep you away from the drama, and you appreciated that. You just weren't sure how he could be so laissez faire about it all. The people that loved him so much wanted you out of his life immediately. You didn't understand it. However, he had been around this life longer than you had. You would strive to reach that level of relaxed, but it would not be an easy road.
Zayn: You were packing. You needed to get out of here. He had just blown up on you, the alcohol assisting, about what you considered something not even worth addressing. The Tesco man always messed up your grocery order, and you always made a trip to the store after the weekly delivery to pick up what had been left out. "What the fuck is this?!" You had heard him shout only a few moments after stumbling in through the front door earlier in the night. He was talking about the line of products you had sitting on the counter; the ones that you would be returning to the store. "What?" You had questioned, big mistake. You walked into the kitchen to see him glaring back at you. "What the hell is this?" He growled, picking up the glass jar of green chili salsa. "It's salsa; the Tesco man made a mistake." You weren't sure why he was so angry, or who he had been out with that had allowed him to get this angry for that matter. "Since when do we eat this shit?" "We don't. I just said the Tesco man made a mistake." "You don't think I heard you?" "Well apparently not since you're acting like a fucking lunatic, and you're shouting for no reason." "Well, I'll give you a reason to shout," he said before slamming the jar down, causing it to shatter on the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" "See, now you're shouting, too," he countered in a sinister tone, a pleased smile on his face. You scoff in annoyance, rolling your eyes in the process. "Where are you going?" He shouts after you as you leave the kitchen. "You better get back here and clean this shit up!" The hell you were. If he was going to act like this tonight you were not going to be around to witness it. You had immediately gone upstairs and texted a friend that lived a few streets over, asking if you could stay the night. Her answer was obviously yes, so now you were packing. You hadn't heard anything out of Zayn since he last shouted for you to clean up the mess he had made. You wondered what he was doing but then again you wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible. Dealing with drunk Zayn was something you had not signed up for when agreeing to an exclusive relationship. Mainly because you were never sure which side of him you were going to get after he had consumed a few too many. You were certain he hadn't gone out with his usual group; they would never send him home in this state. They knew the monster he had the potential to be and didn't want to be around him just in case he got that way. You head out of the bedroom, a bag over your shoulder. "And where do you think you're going?" His dark voice asks. You stop by the front door and look over to see Zayn standing in the kitchen. He hadn't moved since you left him to go pack. "I'm not staying here," you inform him, taking your keys from the table by the door. He walks from behind the breakfast bar to meet you. He holds his hand out, his eyes glaring at you. "No. I'm not dealing with you like this," you counter, knowing what his open palm meant. "Give me the fucking keys," he orders slowly. You stare at him, his eyes seething. You had been in this situation before and were well aware of the outcome. You give him your keys and as soon as his hand wraps around them, his other hand opens in front of you. You sigh, he had defeated you. You take your phone out of your pocket, handing it to him as you sit your bag down by the door.

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