Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Better Than Words

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Harry: Of course you hadn't believed him. His story was way off, like he hadn't even bothered to work out the details he was spitting to you. Sydney wasn't even around when he first stopped staying with you. You still aren't sure how that hadn't clicked with him. You're in the living room now, upset with yourself that you weren't more harsh with him about getting a real answer. But more so you were upset with him for not telling you the truth in the first place. "How many times do you plan on listening to this song?" Syd asks as she walks into the room to sit down across from you. "It's helping me," you simply say. "How is Irreplaceable helping you?" She questions, putting her feet up on the ottoman, ready for your story. "Are you trying to replace him now?" She is trying to keep the mood light. "I'm just mad right now," you admit, like she couldn't see. "Yeah, I can tell that. You've been blasting Beyoncé for the last hour and a half." "There's nothing wrong with that," you counter. "Yeah, but all he's done is lie a little about not staying with you, and you're sitting here catching Bey's attitude and preparing to somehow replace him." She made the situation sound so ridiculous, but it wasn't. "He had no reason to lie to me," you tell her. "You don't know that. What you absolutely do know is that whatever his reasoning is for not telling the truth, it was one hundred percent to protect you in some way. You know that." You do not want to think about her words, you just wanted the truth from Harry. The song ends and immediately begins again. You get up from the couch. "Thank God," Syd says. "I'm not turning it off," you say as you pass the stereo and walk across to the office. "Well can we at least turn it down?" She inquires, looking over her chair at you as you take a seat in front of the computer. You look over the monitor at her and shake your head. She sighs. "Fine, do what you've got to do, I guess," she says as she gets back up from the chair she had just sat down in. "Are you going to come out and get groceries with me?" She questions as she walks into the kitchen. "No, but my wallet is on my nightstand," you say, with your voice raised so she can hear you over Beyoncé. "I'm not just going to take your card," she tells you, walking over to stand in the doorway. "You're coming with me." "I'm not going to the grocery store." "Because you just want to sit here and sulk? I'm so sick of this! You've been doing this for months! He is not a bad guy, whatever his reasoning is for lying is a good one. It is what's best for you. Why can't you see that? Who cares if he doesn't stay with you when he's here; he has other friends too. His world doesn't revolve around you. I never thought when I first met you and you told me about the situation that you believed that, but now I can see that you're just being pitiful. You have no reason to be acting like this. That boy cares about you more than you know because you're too stuck in a dream world! God, I'm sick of this!" Sydney leaves the doorway, turning the loud music off as she passes by the stereo. You sit in the office, staring out the door into the now empty living room. You try to process everything she has just said to you, but you have no idea where to begin. This is the first time she has ever blown up on you; she's always been so supportive of your situation with Harry. You aren't in a dream world, are you?
Liam: You let go of Mark's hand as the two of you go your separate ways in the shop. You love days like this, even if they now came with more attention. You scan the racks for new summer clothes. You and Mark have been making plans for a beach vacation, and the clothes in your wardrobe were not going to cut it. Your fingers file through your options; you aren't entirely sure what you are looking for but you plan on spending all day searching. "You know he sang a song for you last night." You turn around to see a girl standing behind you, a not so happy look on her face. "What?" She scoffs at you not picking up immediately on what she is saying. "Liam. He sang another song for you. Except this time it wasn't one of his. I guess you don't pay attention to him anymore." Yeah, she's definitely upset. "Okay, well first off, Hi, nice to meet you too, and second, please don't start assuming things about a situation where you don't know the details." She rolls her eyes slightly, and you have the mind to just walk away. However, you know that wouldn't turn out in your favor at all. "So what song was it?" You inquire, hoping your interest will ease her attitude slightly. "Gnarls Barkley's 'Crazy'," she reveals. "He said he's been listening to it a lot lately because it's got a great message, and that some people should really take the lyrics in and listen to them. So, of course, he meant you." Of course he did. You would have to somehow thank Liam later for starting all of this up. You know he loves his fans, but there is no need to get them all this involved in your drama. You're certain he's already planning a story time for the next show where he will sit down in an armchair in front of a fake fire and tell all fifty-plus thousand people everything that has happened between you all in the last few months. You're sure you've had that nightmare at least six times throughout all of this. "Oh, I'm sure," you respond. "He did. He does something like that every night now. He's upset you moved in with your boyfriend." You hated the media sometimes, well most of the time honestly. In no other life but this one that you have, would this random girl know specific facts about you, your boyfriend, and your somewhat-maybe-best friend. It was another thing you could thank Liam for. You have no idea how to respond. You can only nod. "I bet you haven't talked to him in a long time, that's why he's doing all of this. He's only trying to get your attention." "My attention never left," you assure her. The look she gives you is not a convincing one. "Nice chatting. I have to go though," you say with a smile before slowly walking away. "What was that all about?" Mark questions from across the store. He had been watching the exchange from the men's section. "She's just a fan of Liam's," you tell him. "Yeah, and what did she want?" He prods, knowing there was definitely more to the story. "She was just telling me about the show she went to last night," you assure him. You weren't actually sure if she had been at the show she had been telling you about or not. "Uh huh," Mark replies, looking down at you with his eyebrows raised. "She's just another fangirl wanting to say she's met someone Liam knows, and that's the truth." Mark takes your hand once more, and the two of you leave the store having bought absolutely nothing. You may have to cut this shopping trip short though; you've got a song to listen to.
Niall: Listening to music while working has always made you more efficient. But you can't help but sit back and laugh as 'Baby' plays over Spotify. "Why are you doing this to me?" You question out loud. You immediately go back to Niall's Justin Bieber phase. You had found yourself at massive house parties and meeting people you couldn't even imagine during that time. It seems like so long ago now. It was right in the middle of the chaos that is your life, but you were so happy. You were the couple of the group, the one everyone knew was going to make it; nothing was going to break you. The happy memories fade as you are now filled with thoughts of the present. Everything in front of you, work wise, is for another man, the other man. You say he's a client, but it's, of course, more than that. Stephen has been your companion for the last month or so. Stephen is here with you, which is something you cannot say about Niall. It isn't like it's his fault though, you have always been well aware of the hectic schedule he has. A knock comes on the side of your door, and you see Kati standing in front of you. "Can we talk for a minute?" She asks and you nod. "You aren't in trouble, so don't look so scared," she tells you with a smile. "I just want to tell you something, probably something I should have told you a long time ago." You have no idea what is about to come out of her mouth. She sighs before she begins. "So I know you know that Stephen is a major client here, so I obviously know him very well." You nod as she talks, trying to hide the confusion that is now coming to you. "Well I told him to be at the bar that night you and I went out. I also told him to pursue you and this reno project." Her head falls at the revelation, and you sit in front of her in absolute shock. "Why would you do that? You know I am in a relationship." "I just felt like you needed someone who could actually be around. It was harmless though, I swear." Her voice is starting to get uneasy as she isn't sure how you are actually taking this news. "So the distance growing between me and Niall, the guy I have been with for five years, is because of you?" You are officially upset now. The woman in front of you is not only your boss, but she is supposed to be your friend as well. Friends don't do this. "I had no idea the two of you were having trouble." "But you didn't think that bringing another man into my life would bring on some sort of change to my relationship, especially when we have to be around one another constantly?" Your mind is running a million miles a minute right now. "You know how hard it has been on me to not have Niall around." "Which is why I did this, I just wanted you to be able to have someone-" "I have someone!" You say, raising your voice. You aren't sure how that will affect your job, but in this moment you do not care. "I can't work with him anymore," you begin, your minding making itself up as the words come out of your mouth. "I want you to transfer him to another designer. My ideas for the space are already planned out, they just need to be executed." Kati nods in understanding and agreement, the look on her face still very sad. "I'm sorry," she tells you as she gets up from the seat in front of your desk. She walks out, and you sit back in your chair, your hands covering your face as tears begin to fall.
Louis: More sleep would have been nice, but whoever is calling thinks otherwise. You roll over, reaching for your phone. "Hello?" You answer sleepily, not recognizing the number on the screen. "Hi, Miss (Y/L/N)?" Oh, it is one of these calls. "Yes?" You answer, slowly sitting up in the bed. "This is Anchal, from Asprey, how are you this morning?" "Um, I'm doing well, I think," you say, very confused at the moment. "Great, I just wanted to let you know that we have an order here ready for pickup today." "Pickup? I didn't order anything from you all." "Well I was given this number and your name as the person to contact." "I have no idea what you are talking about." "The order is definitely for you, so if you could get down here today, we close at eight." "I don't have any way of getting to London," you tell her. "I was told you would say that. I was also told to tell you to check your post box." "What is going on?" "I would just go check the post box if I were you," she suggests. You get up from the bed, slipping shoes on. You walk outside and open the box to find train tickets to London. "Seriously, what is going on?" "I will see you soon," she says before ending the call. You roll your eyes and check the time on the tickets, you don't have long. You get back inside and quickly get yourself ready, unsure of exactly what you are heading out for. "I'm heading to London," you tell your mother, leaning into the kitchen. "For?" "I have no idea honestly. I think Louis has done something." She smiles slightly, still seemingly painfully. You drive to the station, your mind wandering all over the place, with no hope for a break while on the train. "Northern to Donny, Grand Central to Kings Cross, Kings Cross to Victoria." You're talking to yourself now; you aren't the best with remembering itinerary. The London station is a completely different atmosphere than the one you have at home. You make your way through the crowds and quickly get to the underground. You assume it is times like these that explain why Louis insists on topping up an Oyster card for you. You're thankful he chose a place that was easy to get to on your own, that is if he is actually the one behind all of this. But you don't know anyone else that would do something elaborate like this. It's been nearly four hours since Anchal hung up on you with a smirk on her face, or at least that's what you assume. You walk up to the store's entrance, a wall of glass showcasing beautiful jewelry that you could only stare at. "Welcome." You assume the woman behind the counter smiling at you is the one that woke you up this morning. "Hi." You're in awe at everything in the store as you walk past it and up to the counter. "So happy to see that you made it, give me just one moment." She disappears behind a door and you are left in the showroom alone, no one else even shopping. You hear the music over the speakers change and you begin to look around. You stop though, this music is too familiar and not at all something you would hear in a jewelry store. Anchal comes back out, the smile still on her face. "How Deep Is Your Love?" You begin as you walk back over to her. "He told you to put that on, didn't he?" She nods as she brings up a box onto the glass countertop. "Your order." "Again, I didn't order anything," you assure her as you reach over and open the small box. Upon opening it you immediately set it back down. "What is this?" You question in shock. Anchal smiles and hands you a card she has been holding behind her back. 'A reminder that I will always love you x - L' You look up at Anchal and then down at the ring in the box. "It's an Asprey cut diamond, set in platinum, 2.3 carats, with Pavé diamond savoy knots on either side." She was speaking nonsense to you at the moment, you didn't care about the detail. Louis had just given you a ring.

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