Meeting Royalty • Harry

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Doing chores for your ailing father, had become apart of your everyday routine. His deteriorating health had stopped your family's income. So as his eldest child, you were given the task of keeping his tool trade alive.
"I'll be home later father, I trust that you'll be okay until then?" You ask, placing a tray of food near his bed.
"Will the way that you and you sister have cared for me, I'll be on my feet in no time." He smiled weakly.
"I hope you're right." You confessed, before leaving to start your day.
Once you had opened your stand, you noticed an older couple across from you. The woman tugged along a horse whose back was cover with a stack of handmade quilts. Each different than the rest. While her husband, struggled to open the front of their stand. His shaky hands only made it harder. You ran over to them couple, who were grateful for your help.
"Thank you so much for you help miss, please accept one of our quilts as a gift." The old man said, handing you what looked to be the nicest quilt they had.
"Oh, no. I couldn't possibly." You said.
"We insist." His wife nodded.
"Well, uhm. Thank you." You said giving a small curtsy.
Returning to my own stand, you saw a young man. His dark brown hair was long enough to where he had been tied back into a ponytail. His jaw was strong, and his shoulders were broad, and when you came face to face with him you could see the mesmerizing shade of green that was held in his eyes. And you couldn't help but think that you had seen him somewhere before.
"Hello. Can I be of any help to you today?" You asked, carefully laying the quilt down.
"Yes. You can." He said confidently.
"Wonderful, my father is an artist when it comes to the tools he makes." You said proudly pulling a dagger from the lower shelf.
"YOUR HIGHNESS!" A man who appear to be a guard, shouted running directly up to my stand, sword in hand.
The young stranger raised a hand, and the guard came to a quick halt, "That is certainly enough of that Lyman." He scolded.
"Prince Harold! I am so sorry, I did not recognize you. I wouldn't have made such a reckless move, if I had." You said bowing, with memories of the royal family parading through town square, during last years yule festival. He had grown so much since then.
"Pay Lyman no attention, he has a...talent for spotting trouble." He smiled.
Lyman glared at you, as he lowered his sword.
"Y-yes your highness." You said more than a little nervous.
"What is your name, m'lady?" The prince asked.
"Y/N sire.." You said sheepishly.
He stared at you for a moment, before turning to his guard, "Please pay the young lady for the dagger, and see to it that she makes it to the palace tomorrow night. She will be our guest for dinner."

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