Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Midnight Memories

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Harry: "What even is this place?" Syd asks as she walks at your side, your heels clicking in unison. "Don't worry," you laugh at her curiosity, "you're going to love it." The two of you walk past the line of people waiting outside but just as soon as the bouncer gets up to open the rope for you, a loud group comes stumbling out. You take them all in, typical club hoppers. A taxi is waiting for them, and they rush to pile in. You pause at the rope to allow them their space. As your eyes bounce from one to the other they lock on a familiar one. His eyes are on you, but he continues to move with the group. What the hell is he doing here? Isn't he meant to be on tour or something? You are quickly reminded of his jet setting lifestyle and how he would always show up to your place when you least expected him. Harry continues to walk towards the taxi and his contact with you is eventually broken. "(Y/N)?" Your focus turns to Sydney and the confused look that is on her face. "Sorry, let's go in." Once inside with drinks in hand you find a booth and try your best to relax, that's what you're here for after all. You expect Syd to bring up seeing Harry, but in a more playful way like why you seemed so star struck to see Harry Styles walking out of a club. "So you know that guy?" Oh. Not the question you thought she would ask. "How did you guess?" You question, taking a sip from your drink. If you were going to talk about him you needed a lot more of these. "The way you looked at each other, I could tell there was history." History, yeah, you could call it that. "He's a friend," you simply say, taking another drink. She stares at you as she takes a drink of her own and you know she wants more than that. "He and I have known each other for a while now. My mom is a music producer, and we met through her." You had yet to tell her about your family, so it seemed like a proper time to get both of these stories out of the way since she was living with you now. "So he's in the music business?" How is it that she doesn't know who he is? She had surprised you with not knowing who you were in the slightest when you first met, but this is another level. You go along with it regardless, she will find out eventually. "Yeah, and so we met through my mom. I was dropping things off at the studio for her, and he was in there with a few others writing a song for an artist. I can't remember now which one. We've been friends ever since that day. He asked Dad if he could find him a house in LA, even though he knew he only sold commercial properties. But, of course, Dad took two days off and found him a house, even though I said it was a waste of money." "Why?" She interrupts. Your story was fascinating her. "Well he has a house in London, but when he's over here he usually stays with me." "How come I haven't seen him if he's in town?" "He hasn't stayed with me in a while," you admit, even though it was hard to. "Why?" You shrug your shoulders and take another drink. You had no answer for her. "You should talk to him. If you all have been friends for a long time and he's walking around acting ridiculous and ignoring you, you need to say something to him." "He only calls me when he's drunk," you reveal. "So, call him." She made it sound so simple.
Liam: Your closet right now is not showing you anything you want to wear tonight. You know he is going to be there; he had gotten the same invitation you did. You are certain he knows this and is planning on attending. You hadn't seen him since LA, and he hadn't seen you since everything about your friendship had disintegrated in front of you in London. This was a big deal for you both. But you had said you would go, the mutual friend between you was concerned about your attendance once she knew Liam was planning to be there. Why did he have to be on a break right now? Of all the time he has to spend on the road, this one day, he gets to be home. Sometimes life just is not fair. You don't want to see him. You want nothing to do with him right now. Mark had done everything he knew to do to get you to give him another chance, but you could not find it in your heart to let him back in. This Liam that was running around now is not the Liam you grew up with. He is not the Liam you used to tell everything to, nor the one you trusted with your feelings. You can't trust this Liam with anything. However, Mark was still subtly rooting for him, and you were not sure as to why. He doesn't even know Liam; they've never even met. You're sure they had to talk on the phone to orchestrate the flight that inevitably landed in London, but other than that you're sure they've had no contact. "Are you almost ready?" Mark asks from the living room. He had worked so hard to convince you to go tonight. He was going to be by your side the entire time, and even though he didn't want to, he was going to help you avoid Liam. "Yeah, I'm almost finished." Complete lie, you still have no idea what you are going to wear. It would be an easier decision to make if you knew Liam wasn't going to be there. But wait, why? Why are you trying to dress for Liam? You need to be dressing for yourself. You stare at your options. You knew everything in this closet, this should not be difficult. You're still in your sweatpants and tank top when you walk into the living room. "Alright, I guess you aren't as ready as you said you were," Mark teases, a smile still on his face. "I'm not going." He sighs and stands from the couch. "You're psyching yourself out over nothing, babe," he tells you but you only shake your head. He wasn't going to convince you now. "You can't just continue to ignore this guy, he's going to be around for the rest of your life. You have the same hometown; you're not going to be able to avoid him. You just have to do it, get it over with. You can't say 'no' to this." He was trying, you will give him that, but it isn't working. Yes, you had said you would be there tonight, but you were going to have to send an apology text. You just aren't ready to see him now. You don't know what he is going to try to do if you go so you would rather not test those waters. "I'm going back upstairs," you say, turning around and heading back to your room. "(Y/N), please," Mark says after you but remains in his spot among the couches. You do not respond and continue to walk. Once back in your room, you shut and lock the door knowing Mark would be in after you soon. You didn't want his lecture right now, you want to be alone. You just weren't ready to see Liam. It was simple, what was so hard to understand?
Niall: This is a Friday night; you are not meant to be inside your apartment, alone. You had spent nearly sixteen hours in the office today so it was probably best you didn't go out. You were exhausted. You sit in the floor, your back against the couch and your legs under the coffee table. A glass of wine sits in front of you and Real Housewives is playing on the television on the wall. It was well past midnight. American television had quickly captivated you, especially the scripted reality shows. You aren't sure why you enjoy watching someone else's chaotic life. Maybe because it proves to you that yours isn't so bad. Your phone buzzes on the couch beside you taking you from the drama on the screen. You hadn't heard from Niall all day. Instead of his name on the screen, it's a number. One you didn't recognize but was from New York. Who in this city would be calling you this late at night? "Hello?" You answer hesitantly. "I never got to tell you how much I like that accent of yours," the familiar voice says. You can't help but smile. "That's because you went from nice to jerk in two point five," you remind him. "Yeah, you're right, sorry about that." You can't exactly tell if he is being genuine or not. "I'm sure you are," you counter playfully thanks to the now empty glass of wine in front of you, the bottle was on its way to the same fate. You pour another glass as he continues the conversation. "So it's awful quiet where you are, not out tonight?" "No, I spent literally all day at the office, so I am at home now trying to recuperate. Wait a minute, how do you have my number?" The idea hadn't even crossed your mind until just now. You hadn't given him your number at the bar last week. How does he now magically have it? "Your friend gave it to me after you left. I told her you forgot to give it to me and so she very kindly fixed that slipup of yours." Oh, he was good. You cannot deny him that. "Oh, I forgot to, did I?" "Yes, it's alright. I quickly forgave you, once she gave it to me. I know you didn't leave without sharing on purpose." There is something about his cocky confidence that intrigues you. You've never been pursued like this. "Oh gosh, thank you so much for your forgiveness. I'm not sure how I would be able to continue if I thought you were upset with me over something I did." Playing this game was harmless. "Not many people could." You laugh at his response and he knows he's got you. "So I'm going to see you in three weeks, right?" His question brings confusion, he doesn't know anything about your schedule. "Am I?" You aren't really sure what to say. "Yes, you definitely are. I will have everything planned out, so do not worry." "Oh, I don't think worrying about the plans is what I will be doing," you reveal with a laugh. "Good, then it's set." You aren't exactly sure what is set, but it's two weeks from now. A lot can happen in three weeks. You end the call after saying your goodbyes, his a little more flirty as expected. You sit the phone back down on the couch and get back to your show. You're sure the thoughts in your head are going to turn up and tell you how wrong you are for entertaining the idea of spending time with Stephen, but you don't see the harm. Yes, he flirts, but there is nothing wrong with that as long as it is friendly. Right now it's friendly, and there is no intention of allowing it to go any further.
Louis: The sun had been down for hours, but you have no plans on sleeping until your call comes. He had been on a short break but had decided to go straight to the next venue in order to look around the new city. You understood completely, he was going to a place he had never been; you couldn't fault him for wanting to explore. So you wait now at home. You and your family had left the hospital a few days ago, your dad now able to be at home, but still in constant care of an in-home nurse. You were told he was going to recover, but the time frame of when that would happen was still very unclear. You were still not sure what had even happened to him. All you know is that you are lucky to still have him around. Your eyes are beginning to fall and your battle with sleep is slipping out of your grasp. Your eyes open back up once the loud ringing plays from your phone. You always made sure to turn the volume up on your phone on these late night calls; you always fell asleep. "Hi," you answer sleepily. "Sorry it's taken me so long to call. It's been a crazy day," he explains. "It's fine," you say, not even bothering to ask about what had made his day so eventful. He probably didn't want to talk about it anyways. "How is your dad today?" "The same, really. The nurse said if he's making progress then it's small, but she can tell he's fighting so we need to stay positive. It's like walking back into a hospital room every time I walk into their bedroom. It sucks." "You should listen to the nurse, babe. Keep your head up. She knows what she is talking about, and if she doesn't want you to give up, then you shouldn't." "I'm not giving up, it's just hard, you know?" He doesn't know, but he's going to be here to support you through this regardless. "Keep your head up," he repeats. "Where are you tonight?" You ask, changing the subject, you could only spend a short amount of time talking about your dad. "The Philippines." "Oh, I'm sure they're loving you then. 'Come to the Philippines' has been the chant for years. Even I know that," you say with a slight laugh. He was the only one to have made you smile or laugh through these last few weeks." "Yeah, it's crazy over here. We landed and had to go straight to the hotel because they said it wasn't safe for us to be out with everyone knowing we were here now." His life always fascinated you. "How many people are hanging around outside?" "When we left this morning there were probably a couple hundred." "Are you serious?" "Yeah, they are no joke over here," he laughs. You love hearing his laugh, it means he is genuinely happy. "So everything is going well over there?" You ask, hoping for a good report. "Yeah, it's going great. Had a little legal issue with some drug agency, but that's all been sorted. I'm having a great time." "Drug agency? Louis Tomlinson, you are such a bad boy," you tease, a smile spreading on your face as you imagine the one forming on his. He laughs. "Nah, not really. I guess I get where they are coming from, but they didn't have to make a big deal about it." "You're in the biggest boy band in the world. Everyone is always going to make a big deal about everything." You're getting better at this work talk with him. "The main thing is that you are having a great time, and it makes me so happy to hear that." You had wondered how he was going to hold up after leaving him at the airport back in LA, but to your surprise and also relief he seems to be doing just fine.

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