Drinking • Harry

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You were numb. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. After nearly seven glasses of Jack and Coke, why wouldn't you ? You knew that your 'light weight' frame would never forgive you for tonight. You knew that the toilet would be calling your name and that you were going to stock up on aspirin, and greasy foods, but for now you enjoyed it.
"Y/N, slow down! You've had more to drink that I have!" Harry slurred.
The shot glasses on the coffee table were pulling the two of you closer. You grabbed Harry's and your own, the two of you clanked the glasses and pour the burning liquor down your throat.
"I think we've both had more than enough to drink for tonight." He said attempting to put them away.
Still wanting more you tugged at his arm, sending the remainder of the jack into your lap.
"UGH! Harry!" You whined, freezing up.
He smiled, and stumbled towards you. You watched as Harry pulled himself out of his thin cotton tee shirt, and onto the couch.
"Let me help you." He said grabbing at your own shirt, and pulling it off over your head.
You lips were against his in seconds. Pulling away Harry began kissing your neck.You let out a slight moan, letting him know that he was hitting all of the right places. As you struggled out of your shorts, Harry made his way down your body.
"Stop teasing Harry." You moaned.
He slid his large hand underneath the waist of your pantie line, and began thrusting his fingers into you. Which only made you moan, and tremble more. You grabbed a fist full of Harry's curls and gently pulled.
"Ha-Harry, I-I'm gonna." You stammered.
He pull his fingers out from you, and licked them seductively.
"Not yet, baby...I'm just getting started." He said with a raspy voice.

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