How You Sleep

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Harry: You spoon. He's the big spoon, your the little spoon. His arm draped over your body. Your feet intertwined. His face nestled behind you. You can feel his soft breathing on your neck
Liam: He sleeps on his back with you upper body on his bare chest. Both his strong arms wrapped around you. His chin rests on the top of your head. He like to feel your heart against his. Holding you tight, keeping away all the nightmares.
Niall: You face each other, each of you on your sides. One of his arms under your head. Your feet intertwined. The top of your head under his chin. His hand on the small of your back. His steady heart beat helps you fall asleep at night.
Louis: Your the big spoon. He likes it when you hold him. You wrap your tiny arms around him. He holds your arms close to him and you rest your face against his back. Your legs and feet intertwined.
Zayn: He lays on his back, your head resting on his chest. One arm under your body and the other resting on your back. His head fallen toward you. His breathing steadies as he slowly traces your spine with his long fingers.

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