Earned It • Harry

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"Is there something wrong baby?" You ask smoothly sliding your hands over his chest. His skin is glowing, flushed and sticky like it gets after a run. He's still slightly sweaty from the previous hours activities. You can feel your bare chest pressed to his back. Across the room his face is visible in an elongated mirror cream colored mirror.
"Its nothing Y/N." He's trying to convince you, except... He's a bad liar. He turns his cheek to press his lips to your hand.
Lately Harry has been getting into these funks, especially after sex. Which really doesn't make sense because you guys have really good sex. If anything it gets better, like something newer and more exciting each time. But whenever you get together, he ends up waltzing the around the flat like he regrets it.
"Fine" you huff letting go of him, and furiously making your way to the side of the mammoth mattress. A pile of down comforters is your only obstacle. "There's obviously something wrong with me?" You mumble. Apparently loud enough for him to hear. Because before you can step out of bed he reaches out to grab you.
"y/n it's not you it!s," he starts. It's all to much at once and you freak out.
"What? It's not you its me?" You pull your arm free, " Let go of me Harry!" Your voice sounds like scream, not very loud, but it seems like it after all the hushed pillow talk. Tears are starting to burn at your eyes as you search around the room frantically, for anything to put on.
The weight of what was saying sets in, and you feel like your heart's fallen into your stomach. 'It's not me its you..' No one says that unless they're going to break up with you. You stop in the middle of your search, both hands full of clothes and lookup at him.
He's standing at the end of the bed, the entire left side of his body illuminated by the moon. The long wall length curtains are wide open, the way they usually stay. Even when you fuck, he keeps them open, like he doesn't care who sees. It also allows for the moon light to flood in. You rarely have lights on when it's full.
He's watching you curiously, as if he didn't know if you'd freak out again. "Are you breaking up with me?" You can't even keep eye contact. And let your eyes fall to the black ink across his chest.
He take two long strides and he's at your side. "No, y/n no. I love you, why would you think that?"
"Because your acting so strange lately. You won't talk to me, you shut down, and act like your repulsed. I don't know what to think.
"I don't want to lie to you anymore. But I don't want to loose you either." The confession was startling, what has he been lying about?
"Harry? What are you talking about?" You ask slowly and take a step back. The clothes you had picked up in a hurry are still hanging lifelessly in your clutch.
There's something about me I want to tell you. Honestly I don't know how I've kept it hidden." Is he joking? what's going on? You throw your hands up in confusion while he takes a deep breath.
"I'm a dominant." He confesses, shutting you up immediately.
"You're a dominant?" You echo, as if you don't know what a dominant is. But I mean who hasn't read or heard of 50 shades of gray. For gods sake, HE read a few chapters to you, during a FaceTime call while he was away. You realize the silence must have been unsettling when you saw the concerned look on his face.
"Y/n, say something please."

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