Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Don't Forget Where You Belong

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Harry: She's been knocking for the last three hours. Every so often she will walk by and ask if you're awake. Of course you are, but you don't respond. You know she wants you to come out with her. You just can't seem to find the motivation to get out of bed. Ever since that phone call with Harry, you've been down. So much so that now you've got Sydney worried. She isn't going to make you talk to her, you've learned that over the last few weeks while living with her. She lets you come to her, and you do eventually, with most things. She knows this is about Harry, but she only knows a small amount of the story between you and him. "Hey, I know you're awake, and you just don't want to talk, but I wanted to know if I could come in and maybe we could watch some TV together." She wasn't doing anything wrong, yet you were treating her like she was. "Yeah, come in," you call out, and she immediately opens the door. She's under the covers with you, remote in hand, before you even have time to roll over. "What do you want to watch?" You know that getting in here to watch television is not her ultimate goal, but she knows this is step one. "Whatever you want to; I don't care." You sit up in the bed, bringing your pillows against the headboard for more cushioning. As she flips through the channels a familiar face pops up on the screen. You hope she goes past him, but unfortunately she can only stare. "Isn't that him?" You were wondering when you were going to have to tell her the story of who he actually is and who you actually are to him, guess that's now. "Yeah," you answer, wanting to crawl back under the covers. "He's the guy from that boy band?!" You can hardly comprehend her astonishment. How is it that there are still people in the world that do not know who Harry Styles is? Well she had told you that she had grown up very poor in the middle of a very rural part of the country, so that could possibly explain it. She had only been in LA a short time when you had asked her to move in. "So you know a famous person, that's kind of cool." She's talking to herself now. "So, wait, does that make you famous? I mean I was kind of caught off guard how nice this apartment was but I just thought it was because your parents have nice jobs." You know she's trying to be playful and you give her credit she's taking it better than a lot of people would. You only look at her and her eyes grow wide. "So you really are, like, proper famous?" "I'm not famous," you admit, you never liked to think of yourself as that. As soon as the words leave your mouth your picture flashes on the screen in front of you. The story was your relationship with Harry and how everyone can tell that it is being strained. "Sources are telling us he hasn't even been staying with (Y/N) while in LA and that she's even got a new roommate. What is going on with these two? They used to be inseparable and now we're being told they barely even speak to one another." Well this couldn't get any worse. "During a recent run-in in LA the pair were said to have made eye contact but nothing more. Harry left in a cab with friends and (Y/N) entered the club with the girl we now know to be her roommate." "This is highly unordinary behavior for these two. We know them to be so loving and energetic towards one another. Maybe they've just forgotten they are meant to be together." Okay, you were wrong, it could get worse.
Liam: You aren't sure why you're watching his tour videos. This seems like the last thing a person in your situation would be wanting to do. But you missed the atmosphere of the shows and watching fan videos is the only way to semi get that sensation back. The one that is loading now is from last night; it's one of your favorite songs of his. The screams in the crowd immediately take you to the stadium. You enlarge the video and sit back. "Before you introduce this song, Niall, I want to say something about it," Liam begins. This isn't his usual place to speak, and you lean into the computer as if you are going to be able to hear him better. "This song is one of my favorites, and I'm so glad you wrote it Niall. It takes me back home every time we sing it, which I guess is what it's meant to do. But it also brings back the people from home. I always see them when we do this song, even though most of the time they aren't here. This song brings back the best memories for me and pushes the bad ones aside. I hope it does the same for you all." Liam turns around and extends his hand to Niall, letting him know he was finished. "Alright, well, I hope you caught all of that," he says directly into the camera that was pointed on him, showing up on the screen where the girl who was recording this video was focusing on. "I don't really think I have to introduce this song anymore. You know it's a special one for all of us, in our own ways." The music begins to play, and you immediately exit out of the video. You weren't going to be able to handle watching him sing that song after everything he had just said. He knows this is one of your favorite songs for the exact reasons he had said on stage. No one else knew those were the reasons you had given for liking the song so much, no one except Liam and now. you are assuming, the rest of the boys. You aren't sure what brought this on, maybe Liam's talk with Mark. You still hadn't gotten any more information about that exchange and you still weren't letting that go. You close your laptop and push it to the other side of the bed. You should have never even started watching those stupid videos. You know what an emotional rollercoaster it has been with him. Why the hell would you willingly bring that back into your life? And through YouTube videos of all things. You can't even remember the last time you talked to him over the phone, yet you're trying to bring him back. You don't want to think about this any longer. You get up from the bed and move into the living room. The house was always so quiet when Mark wasn't over. A testament to your living style you suppose. You sit down on the couch and try to refocus your thoughts with the help of the television. You flip through channel after channel with absolutely nothing catching your eye as if flashes by you. As you continue not making up your mind, music beings to play in your head. Liam's voice singing the opening lines. You shut your eyes trying so hard to make it stop. You had turned the video off so that this song wouldn't be stuck in your head. It turns out it you don't need to hear the song in order for it to be there, just having been reminded of its significance brings it back. You sit the remote down, there's no need to try anymore. You had lost this battle. You sit on the couch, the song still continuing to play in your mind. You hear every note change and every solo. You feel the tears forming in your eyes even though they remain closed. You allow the song to finish, but you remain on the couch. You will never get him out of your mind. You are empty and defeated.
Niall: You had never thought about needing to set a reminder for your relationship. Why would you have needed to? You've always known where you and Niall stand together, and most everyone around you did as well. You are the 'it' couple of the band, the one that's been going strong since before the beginning. That's a feat you have spent your entire relationship being proud of. But lately things have been noticeably strained. Niall showing up was a huge shock, especially after his spiel about needing to keep the distance between you so you both could get used to it. Sending him back on the road wasn't as difficult as you had suspected though. He had left the day before the Washington Square Hotel was meant to reopen so you hardly had time to even feel any emotions at the airport. You know that sounds horrible to admit but it was the truth. He never had the best timing, and his trip to New York reiterated that. He had showed up at the worst possible time, your busiest time. You barely had time to talk with him the first day he was there. He just sat on your couch while you worked, both of you silent. That doesn't seem like a relationship, but he didn't look like he minded to watch you work. He's been gone for three days, and these thoughts are just now having time to hit you. You sit in the floor of your living room, wine on the coffee table and a rerun of Real Housewives playing in front of you. It was turning into your go to show. You couldn't really pay attention to the drama happening on the screen because of all of the drama you were allowing your mind to think up. Niall had been right in front of you for an entire weekend, and you can't even recall a single conversation you had had with him. He had slept beside you for three nights, yet you can't remember ever reaching over to hold him. There was no early morning cooking during his stay here, nor did either of you go out into the city for drinks and dinner. You just didn't have time. You had brought home everything on your desk that Friday night, and had continued working well after Niall had gone to bed. When he woke up, you were back to work. Sitting exactly where you are right now, with piles of papers still surrounding you. It's like you had accomplished nothing while he had slept. His disappointment was noticeable. Now that you have time to think about it, you're certain he had wanted to get out into the city while he was here. You just didn't have the time to spare. Instant regret swarms over you as you let these thoughts sink in. Niall never let his work get in the way of your relationship. You were around him constantly when he was busy, yet he made time for you. He always made sure you were in the room for interviews so he could talk to you in those two or three minutes in between filming. He never went on stage without knowing you had found your place for the show, or that you had everything you needed if you were going to watch it on the monitors backstage. He had called you constantly when you couldn't be with him, and he never allowed you to go to sleep until he had told you how much you meant to him. The ball is in your court now, and you haven't been doing any of that. None of that had been happening since you moved out here. You wanted to credit it to your busy schedule, but no one's schedule was as busy as his. You were meant to be the strongest out of the group. You are the ones that are going to last. So why does it just seem like this relationship has turned into a friendship?
Louis: Seeing his face will be a change, and you are beaming with anticipation. He hadn't had time to sit down and actually Skype with you since you had come back home, but now it was finally happening. You wait for the lines to connect and his pixelated face pops up and you can feel your smile stretching from ear to ear. "Hey!" He says excitedly as the picture begins to clear. It was so nice to see him. "Hi," you say in a more calm tone, you were still taking him in. "How's Dad?" He asks right away. You shrug, you hadn't really been keeping up with everything the in-home nurse was telling you about his condition. Call it being a bad daughter, but it was just too hard. "He's awake now so that's progress. They're saying he's less tired and is remaining alert more." "That's great to hear babe, but please keep your head up okay? Break is coming soon and I will be by your side. I haven't forgotten about you, I promise." What a silly thing to say. You can't help but think that as you smile at the screen. Of course he hadn't forgotten about you. You had received so many messages from him over the last few weeks reminding you how much he loves you and wishes he could be with you through all of this. How could he possibly need to remind you that you haven't been forgotten? "I know you haven't," you say simply. "How is everything over there?" You inquire, wanting to change the subject quickly. "It's great over here; you would have loved it. The weather is perfect, and everyone we've been around has been so nice." Of course they have. Who wants to be on the wrong side of the biggest boy band in the world? "The family is loving it." You wish you could be there. You would have loved to meet his family while spending time in paradise with him. That's just not how the cards were handed to you though, so you will settle for a Skype date from halfway across the world. "That's so great to hear. I bet everyone is so happy to see you again," you say with a genuine smile, but wish you could have been included in that group. "Yeah, it's so nice to be able to spend time with them in such an incredible place. We're going to stay here for a bit, but then I'm coming home to you." He is adamant about making sure you know he is coming back to spend time with you during his time off. "Well you know I want you to spend all the time you can with them. They're your family, Lou," you say to him, not wanting to sound too serious but wanting him to know that you do not want him rushing his family vacation. "You need to see me too," he counters lightly. "They are with me here and you aren't. They know how much I don't like that, and how much I am wanting to get back up there to you." You know he is acting out of pure compassion for everyone around him. You aren't sure how he does it sometimes, dividing his life up like he does. No one feels unloved though, and that is all that matters. You are one lucky girl. "I love you," he says in the silence you had created by not responding to him. You come back to the conversation and smile. "And I love you," you respond, meaning every word with all of your heart. "I miss you like crazy," he tells you, running his hands through his already messy hair. You cover your smile, as you can only stare at him. You miss him too. You miss everything about him now that he hasn't been around constantly. "Don't start that," you scold playfully. "Tell me a story," you insist, steering the conversation away from unwanted emotions. "A story about what?" He questions with slight laughter. "Tell me about the show tonight." "That's not really a story, though." "Okay, well then tell me a story about a handsome prince named Louis," you tease with a wide grin. "Oh you're in for it now," he responds as he gathers his thoughts together to meet your request.

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