Soundtrack Series • FOUR • Fool's Gold

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Harry: Answer it. You have to. He hasn't called in a week, and you know he needs you. No matter what sort of falling out you think you had before he left, you have to answer his call. "Hello?" You answer, as if you didn't know who was calling. "You were right." You let his opening words fill you. You had been waiting so long for him to finally realize what he was doing to himself. "Talk to me," you request of him, immediately setting aside the anger you had felt for him all week. "We had another fight, and she left. But this time for good. I told her to get out." You close your eyes and send up a silent 'thank you' as a weight is lifted from your shoulders. "When was this?" "Yesterday. Her brother and some of his friends came by today and packed up her things." "So she's gone for good?" You weren't believing this. "Yeah, she isn't coming back." Those words. You have been waiting so long to hear those words. "How are you doing?" You ask, knowing this situation was not centered around you. "I'm going to make it. It's hard when something blows up in your face that you've been working so hard to protect. But sometimes that's just how life goes, I guess." You weren't sure that's how you would describe the situation, but as long as he wasn't in a deep depression, that's all that matters. "Can I ask you something?" You say, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you. "Yeah." He was sure he knew what was coming. "What finally made you realize it? Realize what she was doing to you." He sighs deeply, and you know he doesn't want to answer. "I don't know. I guess I just kept remembering in the back of my mind what last week was like with you. How peaceful it was, and how enjoyable it was to be around someone that wasn't always craving drama and attention." "But you've been around me so many more times before then," you remind him. "I was just distracted then. I hadn't had proper time to clear my head like I did last week." "But you went back to her." He sighs again, knowing you were trying to make sense of his decisions. "Again, I was distracted. Even up until then. She made me want to come home. She made me want to see if I could fix things. That's how it's always been. I know it sounds stupid, but I just got lost in her. I don't have any other way of explaining it." You were starting to piece things together now. In his completely one sided relationship, he was feeling the emotions for her in addition to himself, and he had his blinders on to everyone else. She made him love her so hard that he lost himself. She had definitely distracted him, and he had fallen for her every move. You weren't sure how she had done it though. He has always been a very good judge of character. And yet, he let all of this happen. It was on him. He knew it was on him. "I get it," you say softly. You had questioned his entire relationship up until this point, but you understand now. Harry has always been one to go above and beyond what is required of him in every situation. His relationships are no exception. He doesn't see the negative, that's just not the kind of person he is. In this relationship, Harry focused on everything he loved about this girl and never stopped. No matter what was looming over him in the way of bad press, or another cheating scandal, he kept it out; only focusing on the good, like he did with everyone. You feel so ridiculous right now. It was so easy to see. If you could have just seen the situation from his perspective, you wouldn't have constantly been so angry with him. "You get it?" You had surprised him with your statement. "Yeah, and I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you all of the time over it. You were just being you, and I see that now. I'm so sorry I was so critical." You had no idea what else to do other than apologize. "No, no. You don't need to say sorry. I should have listened to you. Maybe I would have gotten out sooner." "It's not even that. I shouldn't have ever been saying those things. I should have trusted you. You and I have known each other for what, four years now? I should know you better than that. I do know you better than that. I should have-" "Please don't beat yourself up about this. It's over and that's all that matters." He's right, it was over. It's time to leave it alone. "You're right. Discussion officially closed."
Liam: "Have you noticed anything different about the way Liam's been acting?" You ask your sister as the two of you sit in on soundcheck for tonight's show. "You mean the way he's been glaring at you every time he catches you smiling at your phone? Or the look he gave me on the flight over here when I mentioned that you and Mark would make a cute couple? Yeah, I've noticed." You hadn't noticed any of that. You were only aware of how moody he had been acting these last couple of weeks, and it was not like him. "Really? I was just thinking about how short-tempered he's been. I don't know what's going on with him." She shrugs her shoulders, even though it was quite obvious what was going on. She wasn't going to let you in on it though; this was something you needed to figure out yourself. Your conversation about Liam ends there, and once soundcheck is over the two of you rejoin him and the rest of the boys backstage. Once in the dressing room, you take a seat on the leather couch, getting your phone out to see the missed messages you had, most from Mark. You smile as you read his words, telling you he misses you but that he hopes you are having a great time. You get a nudge on your arm and you look over at your sister who directs you towards Liam. He rolls his eyes and leaves the room. "What is going on with him?" You whisper to her. "Someone's a little jealous," she answers, not wanting to give Liam away too much. "Jealous? Of what?" She looks down at your phone and then back up to you. "No!" You respond. There's no way, they haven't even met yet, how on earth could Liam be jealous? Why would he be? She shrugs her shoulders yet again and you sigh, getting up off of the couch to go track him down. You step out into the hall only to find it empty. You had watched him take a hard left out of the room so you begin in that direction hoping that since the arena circled around you would eventually run into him. You asked several people along the way if they had seen him, but their answer was always the same; apparently he had disappeared. You walk past a row of metal doors leading outside, a familiar voice coming from the other side drawing your attention. You open the door closest to you slowly, not knowing what you were going to find on the other side. You hold your hand above your eyes to block the sun to see Liam sitting with a large group of fans in front of him. Their eyes move from him to you as you slowly step outside. "Hey (y/n)!" One of them says as you come over to join him. He stares at you as you sit down beside him, the look in his eyes catching you off guard. Your heart felt instantly sad as he turns back to the fans to continue their conversation. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't talk with him about everything when he was out here with the fans. But you couldn't ask him to leave them either. He rarely gets these moments with them and it would not be ideal to ruin that. Your sister's voice replays in your head. "Someone's a little jealous." You just can't understand how he can be jealous of someone he's never met, yet every signal he's been giving you points in that direction. And now he isn't his usual self. He came out here to get away, to get away from you for sure. Yet, here you are making it worse. You just want to know what is going through his mind. What is he thinking in his moment? His body is present in the conversation with these fans, but you can tell his mind is wandering. You desperately want to get in there and fix it, to make it better. There's no need for him to be jealous of Mark, yet he looks so sad. What if he's blaming himself for feeling this way? What does he think of you now? You've been prancing around here, smiling and giggling with your phone always in tow, not paying an ounce of attention to him. You close your eyes at this realization. You didn't want to be in his thoughts anymore. As you stand to your feet, everyone's focus is on you yet again. He looks up at you with the same sadness he had greeted you with. 'I'm sorry,' you mouth, as you head back inside.
Niall: "Hello!!" You hear, bringing you out of your daydream, as papers are waving in front of your face. You look up to see Kati standing on the other side of your desk, a concerned look on her face. "What's going on?" She asks, taking a seat in the arm chain across from you. "Nothing, I'm just trying to decide on the hardware for the Hudson remodel." She isn't convinced. "Try again," she tells you. You sigh in defeat. There was no use in trying to hide anything from her. She had become one of your closest friends these last couple of weeks; it was just a bonus now to have such a great relationship with your boss. "It's really stupid-" It wasn't stupid at all, you felt strongly about what had been breaking your attention. "Tell me anyways," Kati urges, wanting to know what had you so distracted. You sigh, yet again, looking over at the picture you had on your desk of you and Niall. "You miss him, don't you?" She inquires as she follows your stare. "So much," you admit, looking back at her, the slightest of tears hinting in your eyes. "No, no, no," she begins as she comes around the desk, motioning for you to get up from your chair for a hug. You can't crack in front of her. You have been doing so well, pushing aside your emotions to focus on your renovation jobs. But maybe this was your breaking point. You try your best to hold it in though, to be as professional as possible. You were at work after all. "Listen to me," she says, pulling back from you and leaning up against your desk as you sit back down. "It is perfectly fine to miss him. You moved halfway across the world from him, it's normal to feel this way. Hell, my husband lives in LA. Granted it isn't as far away, but distance is still a part of our relationship." You didn't know this about her. You wondered how long the two of them had been living apart. "How do you do it?" You question, wanting every bit of advice you could get. "You can't let the distance distract you. If you do then you're letting it control you and your relationship. You are still in the exact same relationship you were in when you left London. Nothing has changed. The people, you two, are the same, and the feelings are the same. You've only added a factor in, and to be honest, I'm not quite sure why it's affecting you like this. Distance has always been a big part of your relationship, hasn't it?" You must seem like such an idiot right now. You had been living this life for so long, why was it just now catching up to you? "Yes, and I don't know why this is any different. I guess it's just because I know he isn't coming home any time soon. There's nothing in the apartment that is his, besides some of his clothes I wear. But those feel like mine now. I just feel like he's gone." "Tell him, next time he's in, to leave more things with you. Not clothes, because like you said, those feel like your's now. Get him to leave his cologne in the bathroom, and get him to leave a pair or two of his tennis shoes by the door. Go to the store and buy food he likes and stick it in the fridge. It sounds stupid, but sometimes it's the only way to make it through until the next visit." You needed this talk right now. Every ounce of your being had told you to get on that plane with him when he left a couple of days ago, but that would be quitting and you never did that. You had to keep reminding yourself through this of how strong you were, and you were better than quitting. You slowly nod as you take in her advice. She is married to someone who lives across the country, someone who she probably sees a whole lot less of than you do of Niall, yet she makes it work. "How long have you two been living apart?" You inquire, needing every bit of confidence you could get. "It will be twenty-one years in April." Twenty-one years. She had been living this life for twenty-one years, while you were cracking less than a month in. "But don't you dare think I haven't had my breakdowns and wanted to give everything up to go and be with him, because I certainly have. I just have learned over our relationship and marriage that yes, we love each other and yes, we are together, but we just live in separate places for now while we continue to do what is important to us. We won't live apart forever, and neither will you and Niall. Trust me you two love each other enough to make this work. I can see it." If she can see it, why can't you?
Louis: It was so nice to be outside for once. Classes had kept you inside, buried in homework for weeks. The drama had kept you in as well, even from classes a lot of the times. You had been asking to submit your work via email just so you didn't have to face your classmates. Things were starting to brush over now and you had returned to campus at the beginning of the week. Yes, it was awkward at first, but what else did you expect? Today felt nice though, really nice. Louis was by your side, still, and his suggestion of actually going out for the afternoon had turned out to be a great idea. He had suggested going to Croisette to shop. He loved spending his money, and this strip of shops had surely done a great job of taking it from him. He walks beside you, bags on either side of him. He had gone to work today, on his bank account, that is. "In here?" You question, stopping on front of Lancel. He nods and you open the door for him to walk in. You are immediately greeted with stares, just as you had been when walking into all of the other stores; you were used to it now. "I love the smell of leather," he says as he walks further into the store. "Are you going to get a new bag?" "Maybe a shoulder bag, something small. I don't usually carry around a big purse." Even in the little time the two of you have been together, he never stops trying to spoil you. "Get whatever you want, love." You smile at him and walk ahead, combing over everything the store had to offer you. Louis heads off to the men's section; surely he could find something here to buy as well. "You're (y/n), right?" You quietly hear behind you. You turn around, reminding yourself to smile, as you are greeted by one of the store clerks. Her accent was thick, but you had gotten used to the French/English blend. You smile and nod. "Oh my goodness," she says softly with excitement, trying her best to not attract attention. "I love the two of you. I was hoping that one day you all would eventually make it in here since this area is so popular. Wow, I just can't believe you're actually here." If she couldn't believe you were here, then you couldn't believe the words she was saying about you. You had never come across someone who had such nice things to say about you, well since being with Louis. You feel a hand on your back as Louis comes to your side. You watch the girl's eyes light up now that the two of you were in front of her. "Hi," he greets her politely and you can see her chest rising and falling more quickly now that he had added himself into the conversation. "Hi," she says breathlessly. "Did you find anything that you liked?" He asks you with a smile. You nod and point to the shaded maroon shoulder bag. "That one please," he says, addressing the clerk that was still trying to catch her breath. It must be very interesting for him now that people his age, who like his band, have jobs in places like these. She removes the bag from the shelf and takes it over to the counter. The two of you follow and Louis sets the bags down on the floor before reaching for his wallet. "She was so nice," you tell him once you were back out on the street. He nods with a smile and the two of you head back to the taxi he had waiting for you. Once back at your flat, you unpack everything he had purchased today while he sits on the bed, laptop resting on his legs. "They walked in and immediately went their separate ways. Louis to the men's section, and (y/n) to the bags. I walked over to ask her if she needed any help finding anything, since that's my job, and she completely ignored me. I asked her once again, thinking she may not have heard me the first time (I did lower my voice so I wouldn't bring any attention to her). She turned around to me with the most annoyed look on her face and told me 'no'. Louis walked over then, I guess to see what was going on. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He's such a sweetheart. He asked her if she had found anything she liked and she said 'I want that one' and pointed to a shoulder bag on the shelf like a spoiled brat. Louis was already carrying a lot of bags, but apparently she didn't think that was enough. She's clearly using him and he's too blind to see it." He stops reading from the screen and looks up at you. "That was the girl from the store." "What?!" You were at a loss for words. Nothing she had said in that statement was remotely true. He nods slowly, turning the screen around for you to see. "Everyone is going to believe her," you say hopelessly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I don't," he says as he reaches up to grab your hand to pull you over to him.
Zayn: "He said that?" Your friend questions, appalled at what you had just told her. You nod, practically ashamed to admit to her the kind of relationship you were in. You hadn't seen her in while. You had been keeping to yourself these days, and she hadn't been happy about that. But she had convinced you to come out to lunch today to catch up, and it had all come out. You had told her everything. The fight and him taking your keys. Him asking why you didn't want to be with him. You not going to the airport to see him off. The song he sent you, and the drama that followed with that. You had just told her about him telling you that you weren't special enough to have someone sing a song like that to you and she was not pleased. "Babe, why are you even with him?" It was a valid question, one you had revisited many times. You weren't sure you had the answer though. All you know is that you love him, and love is a strong emotion. One that has kept you with him through all of this. You couldn't give up on him now. "I love him, Gwen," you answer, knowing that wasn't going to be a good enough answer for her. "Yeah, but is love enough? I mean he's been so nasty to you lately." You knew she was judging you for staying with him. But you couldn't blame her, could you? You would be doing the exact same thing if the roles were reversed. "But see, lately is the key. He hasn't always been like this, even you know that." "So you're just going to hang onto the chance that things will go back to the way they were? Didn't you think that when he sent you that song?" You were letting the thought of old Zayn get to you as your eyes gloss over. "Babe, don't. It isn't worth it." "But it is worth it, you just don't understand it. The memories are worth it." "They're just memories! You can't move forward in a relationship that is based on memories." She was hurting you now, not meaning to, but hurting you nonetheless. She didn't understand, but who would? Who was going to understand why a person would stay with someone who has been nothing but aggressive and hurtful for months now? Saying you loved him was not going to change anyone's mind. "They're my memories though," you counter softly, not wanting to raise your voice to her. Gwen sighs, knowing she isn't going to break you. You were in too deep with this, and she wasn't going to change your mind about him. "I don't know how you do it," she begins, and you look up from the food you had been staring at for the last few moments. "Do what?" "Live this life. Not just with him acting like this, but just with him in general. I've never known how you've handled him being gone all of the time, all of the attention, all of the negativity." "It isn't always negative. There have been a lot more positives, that's why I'm still here." She nods as she pushes the straw around in her ice water. "Can I ask you a question, though?" Her tone was serious, more so than it had been and this worried you. "I guess, yeah, go ahead." You weren't sure what was coming next. She takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly. "How long do you think the two of you will be together? Honestly, how long do you think you can last?" You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't thought about this at least a handful of times. With all the drama circling you lately, how could it not cross your mind? It's true, you miss the Zayn you once knew, the Zayn you said 'yes' to all that time ago. You didn't want to believe he was gone though, no matter how much his actions proved that wrong, but you couldn't give up on him yet. "I don't know," you answer honestly. Your life with him isn't consistent, and you are fully aware of that. However, you have no regrets when it comes to your relationship with him. You know who he truly is, you always have. He just needs time, you're sure of it. Whatever he is going through will pass. You aren't done with him yet, you can't be.

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