Leave Your Lover • Zayn

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"Y/N, wait!" Zayn as the dressing room door slams shut with a loud click behind you. You couldn't stop not after what you'd just seen. Zayn wasn't expecting you to arrive a day early, he wasn't expecting you to walk in on him and Perrie making out, but he also didn't expect to care so much that you walked away. Especially now that you and Harry are "exclusive".
Expect when you told him that, you couldn't even convince yourself. The bottom line is that you fell in love with Zayn. It wasn't meant to happen like this. You never in a million years wanted to hurt Harry, you love him. But it doesn't compare to what you feel for Zayn. After his break up he came to you. You'd sit for hours on hotel beds and just talk. Sometimes he wouldn't say anything, just sit there to be near you. He would let you embrace your wild side and smoke pot every now and then unlike Harry. But being with him came naturally. All this time you ignored it, pushing it to the back of your mind.
However when you saw Perrie all over him something snapped. You can hear his heavy footsteps following you down the arena hall.
"Y/N please, let's talk. Yeah?" He says still following as you tired to find your way out. You only made it a few more steps before he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"Leave me alone Zayn."
"What's wrong?" He questions finally able to make eye contact with you. I love you! I'm fucking in love with you. And I just walked in on you making out with your ex. Is what you wanted to say.
"After everything she put you through your going back to her?" The emotion must be clear in your eyes, because you can feel the tears forming.
"That wasn't what it looked like. She threw herself at me, there is nothing in this world that would make me go back to her." He tries to explain himself. He slightly cocks his head to the side and furrows his eyebrows. "That's not what's wrong is it?"
Damn his ability to see right through you. "Do you know how hard it is to see you with her?" You ask not thinking about how hypocritical your own words are. A small chuckle escapes his lips before he speaks again.
"Everyday I watch my best friend fall more and more in love with the women I'm already head over heels for. Every night I think about how luck he is to wake up next to the most beautiful girl in the world." His sudden confession had you in shock. "I love you Y/N," he whispers and hangs his head before leaning back onto the wall behind him.
And then he was there in your face, his brown eyes flocking between the two of yours. His red bitten lips move expertly with every word he says. "It's ok if you don't want to admit it, but I know you feel the same. And when you're ready..say the word and I'm yours." And as quickly as he came he was gone.
"ZAYN!," You yell down the hallway, stopping him before he turns the corner. "I'm ready." He didn't say anything else just rushed back to you with a that smile that makes his eyes crinkle.

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