Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Summer Love

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Harry: "I can't believe you are actually doing this," Sydney says as she pulls clothes from your closet. "He really wants me over there for the last bit of their tour," you explain to her, like you already have two or three times. At least she's helping you pack, though. "But after everything you have said about not being able to get close to him, not being in a relationship with him, now you're going across the ocean to be with him. And let's be real, who knows when you're coming back." You turn from your suitcase to look at her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're going, I really am. Isn't this going to make your situation worse, though?" Of course it is; it is going to be nearly impossible for you to not hurt the entire time you are over there. "He wants me over there," you simply say, folding the sweater in your hands and packing it tightly with the rest of your outfits. You don't need reminding that this is going to be hard. "Where all are you going to be going?" She asks, knowing you don't want to focus on your emotions right now. "Newcastle and Sheffield." "Never been to either of those," she laughs as she brings over more clothes for you. "Well they aren't London, but they're nice places to explore," you inform her. "Of course you've already been to them," she teases. "And I bet you went with Harry." "You're right, I did," you say honestly. The only reason you have ever traveled to the UK is because of him. "You two really are the dream, aren't you?" She says, stopping in front of you and smiling gently. "We used to be," you correct her as you take the clothes from her hands. "You still are. Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position with him? I mean you basically have free reign with him. You call him, he answers no matter what. You sleep in the same bed when he's here. The boy tells you he loves you for goodness sakes." You know you're very lucky to have his friendship and have never once consciously taken it for granted. You have nothing to say back to her. You simply shrug your shoulders and finish packing. You watch as she walks out of the room now that you no longer need her help. "Your car is here!" She calls out as she looks down at your phone to confirm your driver was here to take you to the airport. "Okay!" You shout back and speed the process up. You still had a few more things to get together. Even though you were only going to about a week's worth of shows, you weren't sure when you were going to be back; Sydney had been right about that one. Harry always likes you to spend a little bit of time at his place since he's always the one coming to yours. You zip your suitcase together and drag it from the bed. "Got everything?" Sydney inquires once you eventually make it to the living room with your things. "If not, I'll just get whatever I'm forgetting while I'm over there," you explain and she nods, just wanting to make sure you were going to be taken care of. But of course you are, look who you're going to see. No one has ever treated you as well as Harry Styles, and that's a simple fact. You bring your arms around her, pulling her into you. "Don't go and move on me, or if you do, just let me know ahead of time." You laugh as you continue to hug her. "Let me know, somehow, that you've made it over there safely. And please remember-," she begins, pulling back from you to look you in the eyes. "He loves you, and you love him." You nod, but say nothing. She smiles and opens the door for you. LAX to Heathrow, it is time.
Liam: You couldn't help but clean when you didn't have anything to do. Liam was in the living room, but you just couldn't lay there for hours like him. You are in the office; Liam had turned it into a disaster area, and he had only been home for a day. You're sorting through the built-ins at the moment. He had things stuffed in every corner he could. How on earth is it possible to make a room this messy in twenty-four hours? The bottom cabinets have it the worst, though. You take a seat in the floor and open the first pair up. "Jesus, Liam," you say to yourself as you begin to pull everything out, ready to organize. You pull papers, envelopes, and even a few unopened packages from the cabinet. You sort through the papers first, important and unimportant. The packages get set off to the side for him to open, and you are left with the large yellow envelopes. You undo the clasp on the back of the first one and open to see what is inside. You look down into the envelope and smile. You reach in and pull out the contents. They were pictures, childhood pictures. You weren't sure how Liam had gotten these away from his mother, but you're certain she doesn't know he has them. As you begin to look through the memories, you come across a picture of you. You're with Liam, of course. When were you not back then? You sit it aside as you continue to reminisce. When you come across more pictures of the two of you, you sit them aside. Once through all of the envelopes, and a rather large stack of pictures remaining in the floor, you neatly put everything back in the cabinets. You take the stack of pictures and walk to the living room. "Where have you been?" Liam questions as you walk around the couch, the pictures behind your back. "What did you find?" He inquires with a smile. You smile back and lay down beside him on the couch, right in the crook of his arm. "I found these," you say as you hold up the first picture of the two of you. Liam sits up slightly, to get a better look, but you remain below him. "What exactly are you doing to me?" He asks with a laugh as he takes in the first photo. "I think that's one of the many times I thought that dressing you up in my clothes was a good idea," you explain, looking up at him. "Oh, yeah, I remember those times. I look good though," he responds, thinking back. "Of course you do. You were the best looking girl out of all of us," you assure him, adding his sisters and yours into the mix. "Yeah, it was a rough life around you all." You bring up the next one. "Wow," he says immediately, taking the photo from you. You smile; it was a special one. You remember that day clearer than any other. It was the day he auditioned; the day he got through. You had gone with him and stood in line, that never-ending line. This is the moment after he had come off stage. Your arms are wrapped around his waist tightly. Neither of you are looking at the camera; that's the next photo. You're looking at each other in this one. You're sure you have never had a more proud look on your face than in this picture. Getting through was all Liam ever wanted to do, and in this photo he had just done that. You look up at his as he remembers that moment as well. "Still just as proud of you," you tell him. He looks down at you and smiles. "Wouldn't have been able to do it without you."
Niall: You haven't left your apartment in a week. You haven't slept, and eating has been the very last thing on your list of things to do. You've only just stopped crying for the day; you're sure your body just doesn't have the energy to cry any longer. He had left so quickly. He had stood up and walked out the door. You have relived that moment over and over. It seemed so simple for him. You don't want to think about him knowing about you and Stephen beforehand. Because that only means he was just waiting for confirmation. There was no trust. But of course there wasn't. You had gone against him. You went in search of something you had no business going after, another guy. You already had the perfect one, yet you were selfish. You wanted one always by you. How could you be so ignorant? You've done everything you know to do to in order to get ahold of him. He wants nothing to do with you. You've called, left voice mails, texts, private social media messages. You've even called the boys. And even though a couple of them answered the phone, they couldn't help you. They could only turn you away. You haven't gotten up the nerve to turn the television back on since he turned it off a week ago. You had gone online to see if there was any way of getting ahold of him that way, and everything was incredibly nasty. The resilient relationship you had spent so long building with the fans had only taken you one horrible mistake to completely destroy. They despised every ounce of you. They had trusted you with Niall, just as you had trusted them with Niall. You had broken your end of the bargain. You had gotten off easy with being with him before the band came along. You were a part of the family from the beginning. They accepted you; they enjoyed seeing you. Not a day went by, back in London, when you went to and from work that you weren't stopped by someone that loved you just as much as they loved him. You had accounts dedicated to every single thing about you. His fans were going to defend you until the end. Well the end is now here, and the love has turned into hate. It always caught you off guard to read a negative message from someone. And, of course, as soon as everyone else read the message they were quick to take action and fight for you. You are never going to see that again. They were never going to stop sending hate. Your life is in pieces. You haven't moved from the living room floor in hours. You had every intention of at least making it to the couch before your breakdown, but that didn't happen. You know you aren't going to be able to leave this place for a long time. Everyone in the city knows you live in this building. You don't even want to think about how many calls the front desk has gotten. It's been a week, and you want to think things have died down, but you know nothing in this life ever dies down. It just gets pushed aside until it's time to bring it up again. Nothing like this has ever happened with any of the boys before. Scandals, sure, but nothing with this much proof and this much at stake. You reach for the remote, but stop once you spot his sunglasses sitting on the coffee table. In the week you had spent in this flat nonstop, you hadn't even noticed his sunglasses staring back at you every day. You had known better than to go back to the bedroom, he had left everything he had packed back there. There was no way you could look at his things. It all just hurt so much.
Louis: Spending time in his house was still different for you. You had been here, of course, but only a handful of times. Being here reminds you of all the times he spent at your place in Cannes. Those were incredible times; you have never been happier. Sitting on your couch with Louis, while you ran your fingers through his hair and he told you about what was going on with him, was some of the best memories you have with him. You're in a completely different country, on his couch now. He isn't lying in your lap. He's in his office. You can see him through the French doors. He's been on that desktop for nearly three hours now. He's always working. You wonder how he got away with not doing a thing while he was with you. But now that he's home, he's in the office every chance he gets, on the computer, on the phone, working on his empire. "Do you want lunch?" You inquire, sitting up from the couch and looking in his direction. "What?" He replies, looking around the giant Mac screen. "Do you want lunch?" You repeat. You had made him tea before he had stowed away in there, but that's all he's had since waking up. "Sure, whatever you want to fix," he answers, disappearing behind the screen once again. Okay, then. You get up from the couch with that less than helpful information and go to the kitchen. It was his day off, he needs something special. You look through the cabinets, pulling your best options and set them all out on the countertop. "Right, chicken and rice it is," you tell yourself as you look over the scarce options. As the kitchen begins to fill up with the aroma of spices you hear Louis clear his throat behind you. "Smells good," he says as he walks into the kitchen. "Thank you. Thought you needed something more than a sandwich today." He brings his hands to your shoulders, and runs them down the lengths of your arms. You know what he wants. But he's going to have to hold off. You fight a tear as he lips meet your neck. He used to do this all of the time back when you cooked at you place while at school. The mixed signals of him repeating his actions, even after telling you it was all a lie, hurts so much. He thinks you can handle it though. You have given him no explanation as to why he cannot act like this so he is going to continue. "Are you going to let me finish?" You joke, fighting away your true emotions. "Only if I get you when you're finished," he seductively remarks into your ear. How can he possibly think it is okay to act like this now? It's the attention you crave from him, though. The two of you haven't had a real conversation with one another since you got home last night from the show. Granted, this is pretty one sided, but he's got his arms around you and his mouth to your neck. You shouldn't be complaining. "The food is going to get cold," you remark with a laugh. "That's what the oven is for," he counters, settling any argument you thought you had. He lets go of you and your heart immediately races wanting it back. "Hurry it up," he urges as he leaves your ear and walks back to the office. Once he is out of sight you let the tears fall. You still love him so much. It pains you to ignore your feelings. How is this ever going to work out?

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