You Break A Bone

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Harry: "Y/N, sit down." You heard Harry shout from the other end of the dressing room. "You're going to hurt yourself sweetheart." All you wanted to do was take a look out the window, without being a nuisance. You slump back onto the couch. "How am i supposed to have any fun, on tour with you guys if i cant even walk?" You groaned, nudging the wheelchair with your good foot. A few weeks ago when you were helping your friend move into her new flat, you may have accidentally dropped a TV stand on your foot. So for the next 3 weeks your foot will be covered in a plaster cast, now littered in random doodles, thanks to Louis and Zayn. Harry pulled his shirt over his head, while walking toward you. The dark scarf that he ties his hair back with, trapped tightly between his teeth. He mumbled something you couldn't understand, before he took the fabric and tied in into his hair. "What?" You barely got the word out before he was scooping you off the couch and putting you in chair. "I said, because you get to roll around in this cool thing the whole time." He pushed the chair into the hall and started running. The wheels sliding across the floor. You couldn't contain the excitement inside, shrieking and laughing when ever he made a sharp turn. You got the a dead end and he stopped leaning against the wall to catch his breath. "And, you have the worlds greatest driver."
Liam: "It hurts like crazy" you groan while twisting trying to find a comfortable spot on the couch. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to...sorry." You sighed "I know, I know ". You didn't have the heart to blame Liam, he was too adorable, for accidentally breaking your leg. You were riding your bike next to him, it was a beautiful day. Liam wanted to take a morning stroll, the sun was shining and you were happy. You had everything you wanted next to you. You thought nothing could happen, that is until Liam managed to swerve his bike into yours and made you go spiraling out of control into you crashed down a hill. You didn't feel the pain until Liam helped you up. The doctor identified it as broken and put a horrifying blue cast on it. You were a little mad when you got home, but seeing him taking care of you made your heart warm." Y/N, is there anything else I can do?" you smiled and tapped your chin " hmm , well..." he stood at the foot of the couch , twiddling his thumbs " how about you watch a movie with me " he smiled "Ok , but don't move so much you'll hurt yourself more. I don't want you to fall off the sofa" you laughed and sat up "But it's so uncomfortable, I also hate this cast color. Didn't they have white or something?" He came around the corner with a handful of movies. He put one in and gently squeezed next to you. He kissed your forehead "it brings out the color in your eyes." You rolled them but snuggled close to him none the less. "I'm sorry again" you smiled and kissed his cheek" it's ok, now let's watch the movie".
Niall: "Yep it's definitely broken." you watched as the doctor examined your arm. "I'll go and get the things to deal with it right now." you nodded and sighed. "Its ok Y/N, you're tough "you smiled and looked at Niall. He was coming down from visiting his family when he arrived home, to find you missing. You called him up and explained that you had broken your arm. You had always been clumsy, bumping into things and whatnot. You were hurrying up the stairs, from the cold and fell backwards because your neighbor's cats had stepped in front of you. Scaring you half to death but making you tumble down as well. Said neighbor heard your screams and brought you to the hospital. "Yea I know, it hurts so bad!" The doctor came back a few minutes later and tended to your arm. You got some pain meds and Niall helped you to the car. "Don't worry you'll rest soon and feel better. I got ya "you giggled "thanks babe."
Louis:"I wouldn't climb that tree Y/N, it's too high" you groaned "where's your sense of adventure. Your inside spirit animal "you heard him laugh "well I don't want my spirit animal to be a monkey that's for sure." you chuckled "oh Lou, come on look its easy" you climbed upon a steady branch and made monkey noises. You looked down at your too small to see boyfriend. He was sitting in a lawn chair. You had had enough of his non adventurous spirit and called out to him. "Lou im lonely come up here with me "he made no attempt to move. "No thanks. I have a plan why don't you come down and we can go back home and watch TV. ""Louis! Look at the trees and oh! Look look, there's a bird nest!" you grinned and pointed to a branch a few feet away. "No Y/N just come down love. We can do something else. You'll hurt yourself." you shrugged and moved toward the nest." Just one sec." you say stepping and maneuvering your way to the small thing. You giggled as you heard him call up" Y/N. im serious you'll get hurt ""no I won't "you say as you suddenly step on a loose branch and fall. You screamed as you fell on your left hand, and cried out in horrible pain. Louis ran up to you, helping you up and cradling you. "Don't you dare say it Lou." You peeked at him, he frowned "I'm..." You glared at him "take me to the hospital. Its broken I think" he nodded as you cried. He put you in the car, reassuring everything's ok til' you got to your destination.
Zayn: "Oh my," You groan from the floor . Zayn sat practically motionless on the couch. Concentrating on the sketch in front of him. The cast you have wrapped around your hand and wrist, is making it a great deal harder to paint your toes than it should be. In your third attempt, you managed to get nail polish everywhere except your nail. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked from above you, his hazel eyes peaking over the top of his sketch book. "I cant even paint my own nails with this stupid thing on." You growled and push away the large bin of nail polishes. Zayn pushed his sketch book, and lowered himself onto the floor next to you. His dark hair flat and mess today. "Can i do it?" He questioned with a smirk. "Please?" You responded, lifting your leg and setting it in his lap. The concentration was visible on his face, as he hunched over your foot. His bottom lip trapped between his brilliant white teeth. After a few minutes of quite, he twists on the top tightly. "Done," He says with a smile. Each of your toes painted a different color. "Thank you." You smiled, pulling him close to you with your good hand.

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