Leave Your Lover • Niall

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But if I can't have you I'll walk this life alone
Spare you the rising storms and let the rivers flow.
The cabin air is cool despite how warm it is outside the plane. This isn't like every plane you've ever been on. This is a private jet, way smaller than your everyday plane, and exclusively for One Direction. Instead of the rigid seats that would without a doubt make you some kind of uncomfortable, they had bunks to sleep in, forward facing seats, and a section with couches down either side of the isle. Across from you Niall is sitting on a couch. His head leaning against the cabin wall nearest him, eyes closed, legs extended across the isle in your lap where your lightly running your fingers over his surgery scar.
You'd gotten to go and spend time with Niall when they preformed in Amsterdam, but now it was time to go home. The entire cabin is dark, except for the glow of the runway lights. From where you are sitting you can see Liam and Zayn giggling at the laptop resting on Zayn's lap. But besides that everyone is sleeping. And though his eyes are closed, you know Niall's awake, he's just "resting his eyes." In your head you're thinking of every way to end the inevitable loneliness , and lurking fear that he would find something, or someone else, that comes along with the plane landing.
"Do you have to leave right away." You ask quietly and cross the isle to sit next to him. He opened his eyes, and looked over to you. The sadness was apparent on his face.
"I'm sorry princess," he sighs and pulls you into his chest. You inhale him deeply, fully understanding that this could be the last chance you have to do this until, the next time he's got a break. "I'll only be gone for a few weeks ok?" He promised, planting a kiss on your shoulder.
"I know, it's just I'm going to miss you, and I—" you stopped your self before you could confess how you felt about him and other girls. But when you didn't finish it concerned him.
"and you what?" You were wracking your brain, trying to find a way out of this conversation. "And you what?" He asks again.
"I'm scared you'll find someone better." You say in the quietest you could, and before you could breathe he hand each of his hands on either side of your face.
"Never think that," he says blue eyes glowering into yours. isn one person in this world i want more than you. not would rather spend the rest on my life with. ok his gaze switches between your eyes. love you."

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