First Date

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You met him at one of his concerts you were just an ordinary girl out in the crowd but for some reason you had caught his eye. Now he was about to pick you up for your very first date together. He was taking you out for the day to walk around London and see the sites and you couldn't be more excited. You've been ready for hours and now that he's about to get here at any moment you're more nervous then you have ever been in your whole life. You look out the window to see his black range rover coming down the street this is it you are about to go out with Harry Styles. You hear a knock at the door and open it to find Harry standing there in his black skinny jeans, white V-neck, ray bans, and a fedora. "Ready" he asks in that husky voice of his "ready" you say as you grab your jacket and run out the door. "So what are the plans for the day" you ask as you get in the car. "I thought we'd just play it by ear" he says "want to stop at Starbucks and walk around for awhile". "Sounds amazing, I can always go for an iced caramel macchiato". The two of you spend the rest of the day sipping coffee and walking aimlessly about London, it was the best date you have ever been on and you can't wait to see him again.
When Liam found out how much you loved to dance he insisted on taking you to a street dance, so you could show him all your killer moves. You were excited but nervous at the same time; this would be your first date with him. You wore a short flowy dress that was sure to move around with you while dancing. The street dance was amazing and so was Liam. You spent the night being twirled under the lights by him, laughing at how horrible of a dancer he was but not caring at all because he was there with you and only you.
If there was one thing Niall loved more than one direction it was food and so you were not surprised the least bit when Niall wanted to take you out for dinner on your first date. As long as you promise not to take me to Nandos you say jokingly to him through the phone he chuckles and says "I promise, be ready by eight, I'll come and get you" "Wait where are we going" you say "It's a surprise" he says before hanging up the phone. You look at your watch to check the time its already 6 p.m. only two more hours until he comes to get you. Excited and nervous you run to the bathroom to get ready really fast but because Niall wouldn't say where the two of you were going, you had no clue what to wear. You decided on a casual maxi dress with wedges that was sure to go well at almost any restaurant. You hear a knock at the door that must be him you open the door to see Niall looking as good as ever in jeans and a leather jacket. "You look absolutely breath taking" he says with out thinking and blushes a bit "thank you, now where are we off too?" you ask with a smirk on your face. "You'll see" he says with a chuckle. He takes you to the most amazing restaurant and the two of you dine on the rooftop completely alone. It's the most romantic date you've ever been on, the stars are shining above you, the foods amazing, and at the end of the night Niall plays Little Things for you on his guitar.
Louis was a complete goof ball and that's what attracted you to him so much, so when he asked where you wanted to go on the first date you knew it shouldn't be conventional by any standards so you decided on the zoo. You knew the zoo would be a perfect place for the two of you to mess around and really get to know each other. So on Saturday morning that's exactly what you did. Taking silly pictures next to the animals trying to imitate them, throwing popcorn at each other, and playing hide and seek. It was the perfect date with the perfect guy and you knew by the end of it that you wanted to spend the rest of your life goofing off with Louis by your side.
Zayn preferred to stay in and away from people giving the both of you a better opportunity to be yourselves. So for your first date the two of you decided to stay in and cook a meal together. You went together to do the grocery shopping getting all of the ingredients for spaghetti. It was your favorite meal and also pretty simple so the two of you couldn't mess it up. You spent the whole night laughing and dancing around the kitchen singing into your spoon and dripping sauce all over the place. Zayn couldn't help but think about how adorable you were in that apron cooking and dancing not having a care in the world and before he could stop himself he grabbed you around the waist and gave you a kiss. Blushing as he pulled away but you just smiled kissed him on the cheek and went back to singing.

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